Rafinha Alcantara


Active member
This hurts. I'm a big fan of his and hoped he'd become a starter soon. But I agree with a lot of posts on here. It just seems like he is probably going to be a squad player rather than a star. But he is young so I'll give him time. Who knows, maybe he'll start shining once he hits 24 or 25.


New member
There are not many players who are world class at his age. The perfect scenario for him is to keep improving ,work hard and remain injury free. He has all the tools. I have noticed that people focus much on his mistakes but they forget how much he runs,tracks back and even makes last-ditch challenges, for instance. Its been two years since a started following this forum and Im fed up how some of you guys like to play the role of Nostradamus.


Senior Member
There are not many players who are world class at his age. The perfect scenario for him is to keep improving ,work hard and remain injury free. He has all the tools. I have noticed that people focus much on his mistakes but they forget how much he runs,tracks back and even makes last-ditch challenges, for instance. Its been two years since a started following this forum and Im fed up how some of you guys like to play the role of Nostradamus.

Welcome to the forum ,though it is weird to say that when you are saying you are fed up with us in your second post :cheers:


Senior Member
Im fed up how some of you guys like to play the role of Nostradamus.

You need to play Nostradamus.
Clubs, directors and coaches need to do that.

They need to decide:
1. which player has the highest potential to turn into a good player for our team based on his skills, potential and based on other players whom we have on that position
2. then they need to decide how many chances he will get, and how often
3. plus, they need to decide whether he is good enough in some moment to become a starter, or he needs more chances.
Or eventually, if he is not good enough and he doesn't deserve more chances

Now, you see, all of these things are somewhat Nostradamus-esque things (except if you are 2 levels better than everyone, like Messi, or two classes weaker than everyone, in those cases everyone will see that you are just good enough or just poor).
In all other cases, those people need to decide and play Nostradamus about whom will they pick, who will get chances, how many chances, how often, and until when this test period will last.

If we weren't playing a Nostradamus, or if the board and coaches wouldn't do the same, then all young players would get the same amount of chances, and we would be wasting time.
Football and young player's development is a one big gamble and one big gambling/predicting/Nostradamus game.
Teams who are best in that game will get the highest number of good predictions, and they will waste the lowest amount of time on wrong judgements/players.

Teams who are bad in the guessing game will lose years and years (and lots of points and trophies) while waiting/having faith/giving too many chances to wrong players.

You just can't give chances to everyone.
And you can't give an unlimited amount of chances to everyone.
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New member
Only with some of the guys here. It is my second post but I have been a regular follower of this forum for 2 years or more . Thankyou for wishing me welcome.


New member
Nostradamus also made wrong predictions...but that is another thing. My point was that people here are attacking him for his lack of vision by comparing him with some of the game's greatest. I love Iniesta but if it were for some of you guys criticizing Rafinha he would not be here. There is a reason why he became a starter only with Pep. He was patient and blossomed at the right moment,right place.
Saying that Rafinha can only be a Barca squad player because he does not see things only Xavi and Iniesta could see is stupid. Vision comes with experience, knowing teamates movement better,settling etc. All in all I believe Rafinha has that X-factor and that he is gonna become a real star in the future. Wether here or somewhere else depends on Lucho or the next coach succedding him.


New member
I rather not make predictions and sweeping indictments like "X player will never be good for us" especially if it isn't to do with actually quality and more to do with learned things like positional awareness and passing the ball sooner. With this sort of thing all you can have his hope and wait and see who pans out. The only thing I can say is whether or not a player looks like he has the X factor. Rafinha has it, Deulofeu has it,Adama has it, Samper has it, Halilovic has it. The problem thereafter becomes whether or not they can compound that X factor in order to allow them to translate their talent to the top level at Barca.

BTW: Yes I do think Deulofeu has it, he shows sparks of it all the time he just hasnt been able to translate that into consistent quality. Doesn't mean he'll make it here, thats up to him and how hard he works.


He just posted this:


Messi and Rafa looking great, but the others... :lol:

Nice choice of colors from Adriano, though.


Senior Member
Haha Rafinha joking about display of '12' at start of game.

Tw Rafinha: "And what can I say about the tribute... Thanks, but there was no need to... ����������������������" [@rafinha]



New member
He just posted this:


Messi and Rafa looking great, but the others... :lol:

Nice choice of colors from Adriano, though.

Not exactly an Italian locker room that's for sure.:lol:

Rafinha is the only acceptable one out of those 6.

LOL, at Douglas in the background.:lol:


New member
Tw Rafinha: "And what can I say about the tribute... Thanks, but there was no need to... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂" [@rafinha]


:lol: So funny.

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