Varane really is talented,unfortunately he plays for Madrid

But at least we are trying to get a quality CB this year to replace Puyol in the long run.
Pique has officially had his worst season EVER lets hope next season things change.
I lost hope for the liga this year but the next will be very different for both us and Madrid.
We will probably win the liga next year but this year I want the point difference to be below 4 or 5.

<-----------this will be ours as long as the referees don't cheat us as badly as this year although arguebly madrid deserved to be top.
I also feel as if the attack and midfield transfer sessions should just stop.Sometimes I think Barca just buy players for the fun of it.And now should just focus on buying good RB's LB's and CB's
Dream signings are:Van der Wiel (if Dani leaves of course)Thiago Silva/Hummels and Jordi Alba.
Getting off topic :stv004:
Anyway Varane is quality and I could very well see him as one of Madrid's biggest players in the long run so long as he plays now,even if he doesn't play full games the bit by bit experience will help him improve greatly.