he hanst' got a buy-out clause in his contract so what does he have to pay to bayern? his salary for one year?b) matter of fact his contract expires in 2011. since he is only 1 year away from that next summer, he's got the right to buy himself out of that contract a move on. you can imagine that this buyout is not figured around the 80m € mark!!!
a fact he also told bayern..."if i have to stay, i'll move next summer for free"
although nothing RM do/did surprises me Beast, i'm sure that the person who signed off on a contract that entitles adidas to none of the money from shirt sales, as well as what they pay you to be allowed to make the shirts must either be this guy or he's been fired.
are you sure that's true my friend? a link to said facts would be greatly appreciated, and i'm not asking in a 'want to prove you wrong' way either.
just intrigued as to how you've swung this 'special' arangement. :hmmm:
unless you mean spanish only sales, cos i don't know how you'd expect to get all the money from a jjb in edinburgh for example, or why adidas might pay you in advance of possible sales, or, as i said, why they'd give you all the money they get from shirt sales worldwide, after having forked out millions for the right to make your kit.
The last we heard Adidas were having none of it and actually wanted to negotiate DOWN the current agreement because of falling sales in sports apparel. Florentino subsequently threw a tantrum and threatened to rip up the contract and move to Nike but we haven't heard anything since, unless you can provide us with something more concrete?
i'm not squeezing.
and i've had it actually with the recession talks. Most of the people don't even feel the recession.
I didn't say none of the money Heath.. i said we don't get fraction as u suggested ... much like any club the shirt sale generate a good revenue which don't suggest anything near the "Fraction " of sales u suggested .
You get paid to sign for Nike/Adidas..etc cause it's part of their marketing campaign, cause they need your brand name , cause they need to have X or Y player wearing their shirt and buying it.. cause they do need to sell and lets no kid ourselves the cost of the shirt (the original one ) is hardly the 60/70 Euro u pay .. more like 10 Euro (mass production and that's a real generous figure cause as well know China do it at all ) the rest of the price you pay is for both the club and the manufacturer ,as for the money u get you are not paid as some sort of advance payment from your shirt sales but for wearing that brand (may it be Puma,Adidas,Umbro or Nike..etc )
i guess many cule's and Madridistas here came across their clubs official figure and know that the amount is usually in Millions which suggest the income from the shirt sales is
1- much more then the fraction
2- counts towards the club revenue
as a proof u can just take what Sala Martin (Barca official ) said about Real that we need to sell X amount of shirts to recoup the figures paid for players
you don't have similar public records in Man U regarding your merchandise ?
Adidas will want to negotiate the deal cause Adidas sales last year is down to a ridiculous figure .. so what you said is so far right.. how this ends is still not known apart from what the Catalan press reported that Perez will negotiate the deal with both Adidas and Mediapro .
regarding the transfers in short (from what members posted )
Ribery is not worth 80 Mil.. 40-45 is fair price.. they want more they can keep him .. had enough of will he /won't he.. same applies for Rafa demands (although i feel Xabi is very likely mid July )
plenty of options available and i do feel Lass technical skill beside an enforcer like Diarra is more then enough
Ribery ..get Granero back .. Santi isn't a bad option and would go in line with the spanish flavor but he is too damn short
we need to sell some players first
best of luck for Hunter.. def. not happy of him leaving after i craved his arrival for 2 years.. but he deserve to be a starter into a big club.. i do hope he chose Man U .. he will flourish there and be a big star ...
85 € a shirt: 60% go to madrid if they sell the shirt in their own store (fanshop). in foreign stores it's 25%. the rest is splitted as followed...35% for the respective foreign shop, 25% adidas & 15% manufacture.
as per my research
i'm a bit sad myself, however...as we pointed out several times, if the hunter doesn't leave, negredo has to leave. i prefer negredo as a madrid grown youth product. he can do a similar job to what the hunter could have offered IMO.
at the end of the day, it's good to see the club shows faith in its youth by sending someone of hunters caliber away in order to keep a castilla player and give him a chance. :beer2: to that.
andif i'm wrong and negredo does also leave in the end