Beast we didn't pay 70M, we paid 50M and gave them Eto'o for free. But if you insist that we paid 70M then you have to accept the fact that we received 20M in return for Eto'o (which is wrong but it works according to your method). Gnegs chart is accurate, look at it twice not once
.. u paid 49 + Eto'o for Zlatan right ?
so how come you want to consider Inter paid 20 for Eto'o , if you already give it to them and received NO money in return ?
in the Barca account books they will have Eto'o for a value say the 20 Million
for them (and your auditors ) Zlatan equals the money paid which is 49 + 20(Eto'o)
what Kevin want to play with is that Inter paid money for Eto'o value .. which is not only a failed attempt for humor but intelligently comedy gold
in Inter books
Zlatan received value is 70 (well 69 )Million , in the form of 49 Million + Eto'o (equivalent to 20 Million )
if Kevin comedy gold attempt was true it mean in Inter accounting books they will not only have the above but also payment for Barca in 20 Million .
so the question which ends this failed attempt of Kevin , did you receive a Euro for Eto'o?
You know the answer for that . that's why Kevin first 2 tables are ridiculously incorrect
@ Lemmi finance 101 , anything has a value .. a value in the market , a value in your wealth, assets, if you paid for a house 50 Million plus your car it means your car = money not for free cause you already have it ..
Jesus you lot are really bad in this and the only one who understand it fully due to his job is CA but he is having fun and laughing at all this