Nando you're thinking is right on with the RM long-term project.
yes, but obviously the club thinks otherwise.
It's done with Jose
and now we are raiding Benfica for Luiz, Di Maria & Di Coentrão based on Jose request ...
nice, there goes my last bid of hope for further spanish flavor and giving the club its spanish identity back. with di maria most likely ruling out david silva and i can't see canales being used at all, probably loaned out or sold...instead the special one will bring us portugese/sout american flavor, probably mixed up and strechted with some EPL retirement flavor consisting of players like drogba, lampard, gerrard & carvalho - depending on availability and price.
not to meantion bye bye this seasons entertaining football and welcome boring 1:0 results getting football. probable line up
ramos----pepe-----carvalho-----david luiz
-----lass---m. dirra---gago---new DM----
makes you wanna throw up.
i seriously hate the direction the club is taking - IF this scenario is about to become reality...might as well all be no more than paper talk regarding the players. but for now, future looks dark to me.
sorry, but the frustration had to get out