Ronald Koeman


Active member
Depay is about 7 years younger, and is a hard worker and would listen to the manager 100%. As many have said, Messi is not 26 anymore, and we need to move on. I don't see why that is so hard to understand.

But, hey, don't believe me. Your idol also said Barca needs something new and that his cycle is over. Believe him.

I agree with him.My idol in Barcelona is actually the one you have in the avatar.He re-put Barca on the map.Maybe Messi's cylce is over,but Barca needs better players than Depay.Lol.He listens to his manager.Well,i m sure 99,99% of this forum would do that and earning millions of euro per year.That mean we should play in Barcelona?You want Depay,a United reject, and whose level is maximum Lyon?Lol,i know you hate Messi,but you are taking this too far.Do you watch football?You really think Depay or Martinez,the rumoured options that would replace Suarez and Messi,are good enough for this team?We all want rebuild,but not with the bums you mentioned.


Senior Member
Im not a big fan of Depay but how is that a bad buy for 25m , if he doesnt work you you sell him for a profit after a season.

We rarely sell failures for profit at that age. May be of the player is 24 or younger when we sell him we get profit. If he fails then he is another player for next board to worry about.
My main problem is how we plan our squad. Depay is ST/SS, we will likely play a 433 or 4231 so we have 2 spots for central attackers.
We have Griezmann, Messi can't play anywhere but for those 2 spots, people here have been arguing that Coutinho is AM so he should be playing at one of those spots. In addition to Fati/Braithwate can also play the 9.
For me, the biggest concern is that we find another game plan that we force Messi being a false-RW. Depay deal makes me feel it will be this way again.
That isn't a knock on Depay, he is a good player and a bargain.


Senior Member
We rarely sell failures for profit at that age. May be of the player is 24 or younger when we sell him we get profit. If he fails then he is another player for next board to worry about.
My main problem is how we plan our squad. Depay is ST/SS, we will likely play a 433 or 4231 so we have 2 spots for central attackers.
We have Griezmann, Messi can't play anywhere but for those 2 spots, people here have been arguing that Coutinho is AM so he should be playing at one of those spots. In addition to Fati/Braithwate can also play the 9.
For me, the biggest concern is that we find another game plan that we force Messi being a false-RW. Depay deal makes me feel it will be this way again.
That isn't a knock on Depay, he is a good player and a bargain.

In terms of the accounts selling at a profit is not all that difficult for players at that cost and at that age once amortized down.


Senior Member
Thiago would be great for a season or two. But given our contract policy, he would get 5+ years on astronomical wages.


Senior Member
We rarely sell failures for profit at that age. May be of the player is 24 or younger when we sell him we get profit. If he fails then he is another player for next board to worry about.
My main problem is how we plan our squad. Depay is ST/SS, we will likely play a 433 or 4231 so we have 2 spots for central attackers.
We have Griezmann, Messi can't play anywhere but for those 2 spots, people here have been arguing that Coutinho is AM so he should be playing at one of those spots. In addition to Fati/Braithwate can also play the 9.
For me, the biggest concern is that we find another game plan that we force Messi being a false-RW. Depay deal makes me feel it will be this way again.
That isn't a knock on Depay, he is a good player and a bargain.

I have the same concern.
Depay is probably going to play upfront, exactly as he does for Netherlands.
But with Messi staying and Koeman having said already Griezman is not going to be used as a winger anymore, things look bleak...
Unless Koeman plays either one of Messi Griezman each time and not both, which seems unlikely


Active member
Im not a big fan of Depay but how is that a bad buy for 25m , if he doesnt work you you sell him for a profit after a season.

Didn't knew he was in his last year of contract.Anyway.Maybe for that money is worth a punt,but i don t think he has the quality to play for Barca.Also,he hasn't the best of attitude, i found him cringe with his music videos.
BTW,we are crying for speed,and Depay it's nlot exactly speedy,i always read United forums in the past and he was accused of lack of speed.


Senior Member
Just get him depay and winaldum and be done with it, i dont believe he is gonna change anything here, he wasted shit ton of money at Everton and still get them into relegation zone so future looks bleak until the next board come


New member
Just get him depay and winaldum and be done with it, i dont believe he is gonna change anything here, he wasted shit ton of money at Everton and still get them into relegation zone so future looks bleak until the next board come

Got the wrong dutch coach, he has been a consistent failure on club level and plays very defensive football while ten Hag is a modern attacking coach (but lacks charisma).

The one big positive is that he atleast play Frenkie the way he should be played as a deep lying playmaker.


Senior Member
One thing I'd like to see is play faster. While besides Dembele we don't really have any speedster I do believe without Suarez and Busi in the lineup we can and should play much faster and with a better movement upfront.

I think we could use two formations.



4-3-3 (4-3-1-2) at home against most league teams except RM/AM, maybe Sevilla. Similar to what we've played vs Villarreal. Could also turn into 3-4-3/3-5-2 during the games with FDJ dropping back as a 3rd CB and pushing both FBs higher. We could also use this system away against teams expected to sit back as Cou/Puig could add more creativity in midfield to easier break them down.

Depay/Fati and Griezmann playing as inside forwards with Messi dropping back but he shouldn't go all the way to mid line anymore with (hopefully) better service provided by midfield. Ideally he should stay as close to goal as possible as he's still the best finisher in this team.

I know width is a problem here as we don't have true wingers (besides Dembele who can't be counted on much) and FBs are far from great but I think both Fati and Depay could be good in that inside forward role on the left. And in small samples last season Griezmann also looked better playing on the right with a freedom to move more central when Messi drops deeper. Trincao could also play well in that role I think.



4-2-3-1 for tougher home games (RM/AM) and away games against teams who could hurt us in counters. I'd like to play with a lower backline (15-20m inside our half instead of having 10 players in their half when we can't even defend with offside line anymore) so Pique's and Lenglet's lack of speed won't be as exposed on open field. Shorten the playing field around the half line and if (by some coincidence) Dembele will be available for important games (at least from the bench) use his speed to get behind opponents defenses. He's not as useful against parked busses so we should help creating space for him when he's playing. And while Depay, Fati and Griezmann are not as fast as Dembele they could also still cause troubles with a good off the ball movement waiting for Messi's through balls. But most important in those games is to surround Messi with mobile players so we won't struggle defensively as much and at the same time also create more passing options for him offensively.

I've included Memphis and Gini because I believe we'll get them. I didn't include Lautaro as I (thankfully) don't see us having enough money to buy him and he'd also cause us more problems than solutions anyway. And I also didn't include new players in defense as I don't expect many changes there. At least not important ones which would allow us to play much differently (so a faster CB instead of Pique and a big improvement on one or both FB positions). Maybe Cancelo will come instead of Semedo and E.Garcia for Todibo but this won't change much in grand scheme so I was mostly focused on midfield and attack. But those are also very important for a whole defensive structure so if we'll improve there I believe defense will also look better.

Also, sadly I just don't see a spot for Pedri in the lineup next season with Coutinho staying and possible signings (Gini, Depay) both also (in)directly influencing his playing time so unless Koeman sees things differently and can provide him enough minutes I think we should loan him. Gladbach would be a great loan destination if they're still interested.
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