Ronald Koeman


Senior Member
Messi isn't a winger, not a real one or false one.
He needs to play centrally, and it is time for everyone sake to accept that and not "pretend"otherwise.
Whether he is 9, false 9, SS, AM whatever the game plan is, it will be better than him as winger.


Senior Member
Koeman is paid millions to find a way to accommodate Messi, with all his weaknesses in these last years. I doubt people on Barca forum can find the right way to do it..
Messi said it himself that the team needs new blood and new ideas.

El Gato

Y'all are a bunch of pelicans. So gullible about every bit of news. Give it time until you seem the on the pitch in a serious game.


Senior Member
Yea, wingers needs to play wide in build-up to stretch the game, and go narrow once the action becomes dangerous, to exploit the spaces that are created due to staying wide in the first phase of the action.

Messi needs to play false 9, or real winger. No other option. But yea, doubt you can make him a winger again, and doubt he even has the legs and the speed to do it, so the only thing that remains is false 9.

Same thoughts.
Messi as a CAM is a scenario that can work out in easy LaLiga games against deep blocks.
Messi as a false 9 is the only case where his non-contribution defensively will cost the least (but it will still cost...)
What is so puzzling is that Koeman is after Depay, who plays CF for the Netherlands, apparently to use him in the same position? What does this mean about Messi and about Griezman?


Active member
Y'all are a bunch of pelicans. So gullible about every bit of news. Give it time until you seem the on the pitch in a serious game.

This time i agree with you.Some people here literally live on twitter and take every bit of ''information'' as a fact.I suppose that s how it is when you don't really use your brain too much.Too much social media does worse things than things than alcohol on a brain.


Same thoughts.
Messi as a CAM is a scenario that can work out in easy LaLiga games against deep blocks.
Messi as a false 9 is the only case where his non-contribution defensively will cost the least (but it will still cost...)
What is so puzzling is that Koeman is after Depay, who plays CF for the Netherlands, apparently to use him in the same position? What does this mean about Messi and about Griezman?

It probably means that koeman isnt a very tactically astute coach. We will see what he comes up with, wouldn't be surprised if ends up him being valverde v3.0


Well-known member
Tip: Never trust Marca or AS when it comes to bad news regarding Barca. Not as a primary source.

That's not even the conclusion of this article. I had to laugh when it said that the higher work rate is felt, "especially by the older ones".

I lost it at
If training starts at 9:30, Koeman wants his players out on the training pitches at 9:30 on the dot. In previous years, the start time of training sessions would often be delayed - and not by just a few minutes - as players hung around, for example, playing basketball.

Now we can say "it's Marca, don't trust them when it comes to bad news". Well, the article is written pretty unagitated and I never had a single thought during reading it that something is a lie. It showed on the pitch in recent years. Everybody remembers Spaletti's words: "If we prepared for games like that, we'd lose 18-0." Even De Jong was surprised at the low intensity in training when he joined. No wonder Dembele got injured all the time. Sprinting in games, walking around in training. And of course I'm exaggerating a bit here. ;) At this point Marca and AS are probably more reliable than Barto's toilet papers EMD and Sport.

It brings me to tears that the best paid footballers in the world come home with sore muscles after training. Honeymoon-phase is over. Players should have known that when Koeman turned up in that dope, statesmanlike Bentley Continental GT.



Senior Member
'10 orders of Koeman' [sport]:
1. Meritocracy
2. Physical preparation
3. Strategy
4. High pressure
5. Youth
6. A tied down dressing room
7. Professionalism
8. Game system
9. Personality
10. Messi

Even if only 1-4 get implemented, that would mean progress

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