

Super Pippo

Not really, the whole team played poorly, apart from his spot kick he had no opportunity to turn the game.


New member
Nothing good from Dinho today, had one chance to score and he didn't hit the back of the net. The whole team played bad today not only Dinho, maybe Dida was the best out of the whole team because he blocked so many chances for Inter.


Hussein Said know your role
He was just shocking. He had some oppotunities to run at the defence but didn't do it, he lacked invention, he moaned most of the game tbh. It was hurting me seeing him so just not ronnie. A prime example. He was one on one with Maicon inside the box. He should of used some classic ronnie skill. That was a good oppotunity to do something, but no, he just tries to move to one side and the ball was blocked and went out for a corner, a total waste. He was like that for most of the game, he seemed so unconfident.


Senior member
I miss Ronaldinho.
I mean, I miss the glorious Ronaldinho, our saviour, the one who enjoyed his football and loved every minute he spent on the football pitch.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
for some reason lately it feels like ronnie never even played for us i guess that is what happens as time flies by and we are doing so well without him


Hussein Said know your role
I will always remember the days with Ronnie and co. it was the base of what we have now, where it all started. Well arguably anyway..


The old one yes but I'm a realist, he'll never reach that form again so I'm happy the way things turned out after we shipped him out.

Super Pippo

Except Barca sold him too cheap because it turned out he did get back in shape and improve.

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