Sandro Ramirez



I'm sure he would've killed the keeper if that was him instead of Suarez after that Xavi throughball...


Senior Member
Right off the bat, from pre season I thought he was our best young prospect, when everyone was lauding Munir. I just don't understand what

people see in him..People can be so fickle, and while they flame others for falling for Ronaldos stat padding, so many on BF thought Munir was

our next big thing, just cause he got a couple of goals in quick succession.

For me, Sandro should clearly be above Munir and i honestly think he can be quite useful as an impact player. He is the only guy I've seen in a

long time who brings a sort of direct and physical approach, always threatening goal, something we all expected Suarez to do, but hasn't

managed to thus far.


President of FC Barcelona
I don't know guys...I mean.... a 19 year old player who has not even had a full season with Barca B is brought to the A team. Played a few times in the beginning then benched most of the time afterwards. I mean.....How could he have a lack of confidence or be rusty after warming the bench most of the time :eusa_think:

The way Munir's playing time have been handled is pathetic. Should have been sent to the B team a long time ago and then if needed in a game brought back again, but mostly kept him to the B team so that he could atleast play, even though it would be under Eusebio....
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Chief Of Footballing Matters
Indeed. Both should have (and should be) left to play with the B team for the majority of the time and called up as and when we need them. At this stage they need games to progress.


Senior Member
I think Sandro is the one who is actually improving with the 1st team ,he plays better with better players while with B team he is actually bad
Munir seems the opposite ,after very good start he isn't performing while he was brilliant with B team last year ,would like to see them switching places for a while


New member
I think a problem has to do with how Lucho treats them, Munir has to replace Messi/Suarez/Neymar in the starting line up and is basically told that he's on a level to start at Barca while Sandro is brought on as a sub even in CdR games. Two vastly different ways to handle youth and Munir seems to be cracking under the pressure of being "The one".


Senior Member
Munir seems to be cracking under the pressure of being "The one".

Munir is cracking because he is still just a kid and he isn't mentally too strong (yet).
But also, honestly, even though he has a potential, he isn't good enough yet, and unless he improves a lot in the future, he also won't make it in Barca.

Further, imo, I think that young players are realizing slowly that you won't get too many chances at Barca.
They have seen what happened with much more hyped players like Gio dos Santos and Deulo.

So, imo, Munir probably thinks: "They had even more potential than me and they were hyped even more, but looked what happened with their Barca's career."

So, imo again, he has a huge burden on his shoulder each time when he plays for A-team.
He knows that he won't get too many chances.
And that if he won't score/play extremely good right away, he won't get too many new chances.

Honestly, in this moment neither Munir nor Sandro are good enough for Barca.
They should have played in Barca B and then we would see how they would develop.

So, the board and coaches (Lucho) were somewhat wrong in these two stories.
But even if they played in B-team this whole year, again, every youth Barcelona B player, no matter how good he is, how hyped he is, and how much potential he has, always have around 80% chances for not making it in Barca, and only around 20% chances to somehow succeed if everything clicks perfectly (his potential, his mental strength, no injuries, not too quality competitors in A-team, coaches giving him chances in A-team at a right moment of his development)

So, Sandro and Munir are much less blessed with potential than Deulo and Gio dos Santos, plus some things have already gone horribly wrong in their development this Season.

Luckily, next Season we will have a transfer ban and they will get one more (and the last one) chance.
If they won't show some huge improvement next Season, that is probably the end of their Barca's career.

But again, in the next Season, quite a few of our young forwards will "finish" their Barca's career.
We will have:
-- Messi, Neymar, Suarez
-- Pedro
-- Deulofeu, Munir, Sandro, Adama
-- and maybe Halilovic as some kind of a winger?

There won't be enough of playing time for all of them.
Plus, Munir and Sandro already "wasted" some chances and 1 year in A-team.

I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but objectively, after next Season, ONLY ONE out of this 4 guys:
-- Deulo, Munir, Sandro, Adama=will probably stay and play more and more with A-team
-- if we will be lucky, one more guy out of those 4 will stay in Barca (again, big IF)
-- two or even three of them will probably be loaned/sold forever after next Season

Especially, since in a year or two, again, we will have new 1-2-3 gems on forward's positions (as always) who will get chances in A team (Lee, for example).
-- so, in 2 Seasons, if we would keep all these players, we would have:
-- Messi, Neymar, Suarez
-- Pedro
-- Deulofeu, Munir, Sandro, Adama
-- Lee + some new gems from La Masia

So, be prepared that, as always, some of these guys will in a year or two, turn out to be a new Tello, Cuenca etc.
It happens always.
Not only because the board was "bad", but because you need EVERY little factor to fit perfectly, for you to make it in Barca.


New member
Munir is cracking because he is still just a kid and he isn't mentally too strong (yet).
But also, honestly, even though he has a potential, he isn't good enough yet, and unless he improves a lot in the future, he also won't make it in Barca.

Further, imo, I think that young players are realizing slowly that you won't get too many chances at Barca.
They have seen what happened with much more hyped players like Gio dos Santos and Deulo.

So, imo, Munir probably thinks: "They had even more potential than me and they were hyped even more, but looked what happened with their Barca's career."

So, imo again, he has a huge burden on his shoulder each time when he plays for A-team.
He knows that he won't get too many chances.
And that if he won't score/play extremely good right away, he won't get too many new chances.

Honestly, in this moment neither Munir nor Sandro are good enough for Barca.
They should have played in Barca B and then we would see how they would develop.

So, the board and coaches (Lucho) were somewhat wrong in these two stories.
But even if they played in B-team this whole year, again, every youth Barcelona B player, no matter how good he is, how hyped he is, and how much potential he has, always have around 80% chances for not making it in Barca, and only around 20% chances to somehow succeed if everything clicks perfectly (his potential, his mental strength, no injuries, not too quality competitors in A-team, coaches giving him chances in A-team at a right moment of his development)

So, Sandro and Munir are much less blessed with potential than Deulo and Gio dos Santos, plus some things have already gone horribly wrong in their development this Season.

Luckily, next Season we will have a transfer ban and they will get one more (and the last one) chance.
If they won't show some huge improvement next Season, that is probably the end of their Barca's career.

But again, in the next Season, quite a few of our young forwards will "finish" their Barca's career.
We will have:
-- Messi, Neymar, Suarez
-- Pedro
-- Deulofeu, Munir, Sandro, Adama
-- and maybe Halilovic as some kind of a winger?

There won't be enough of playing time for all of them.
Plus, Munir and Sandro already "wasted" some chances and 1 year in A-team.

I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but objectively, after next Season, ONLY ONE out of this 4 guys:
-- Deulo, Munir, Sandro, Adama=will probably stay and play more and more with A-team
-- if we will be lucky, one more guy out of those 4 will stay in Barca (again, big IF)
-- two or even three of them will probably be loaned/sold forever after next Season

Especially, since in a year or two, again, we will have new 1-2-3 gems on forward's positions (as always) who will get chances in A team (Lee, for example).
-- so, in 2 Seasons, if we would keep all these players, we would have:
-- Messi, Neymar, Suarez
-- Pedro
-- Deulofeu, Munir, Sandro, Adama
-- Lee + some new gems from La Masia

So, be prepared that, as always, some of these guys will in a year or two, turn out to be a new Tello, Cuenca etc.
It happens always.
Not only because the board was "bad", but because you need EVERY little factor to fit perfectly, for you to make it in Barca.

Honestly Deulofeu got fucked over with this last loan to a team that was too good to hand out starts to him. So I don't think he's in the discussion especially with Adama being younger and showing more promise even with the age gap. Munir still has a shot but if Sandro keeps scoring Sandro will get the nod over him next season imo as he should. Lee is lucky in that by the time he's ready to make the jump Suarez will be gone/on his way out probably same with Pedro since they'll be around 30 at the time. Idk who will make it between Sandro and Adama, Sandro doesn't really pop but he scores and thats what matters.


Senior Member
Deulofeu got fucked over because of him being Deulofeu.


Plus, this part is not fair:
Honestly Deulofeu got fucked over with this last loan to a team that was too good to hand out starts to him. So I don't think he's in the discussion especially with Adama being younger and showing more promise even with the age gap.

Imo, Deulofeu had much more potential Adama.
Deulo was hailed as the brightest prospect since Messi.

While Adama is just another random prospect.

Also, people always react in this pattern:
1. when we had Bojan
= people were saying that he will be the next Messi
-- but he failed
2. then came Deulofeu
= people were again saying that he will be the next Messi
-- some others were saying: "He will fail the same as Bojan."
= first group would reply: "No, he won't. Bojan case was unique. This time it will be a different story."
-- in the end Deulofeu fails
3. then a new guy, like Adama, comes:
= some people again say: "This guy will surely make it!"
-- some others again reply: "Much better prospects failed, plus Adama doesn't look that good at all."
-- first group would reply: "No, he will make it. Bojan and Deulo failed, but they were unique cases. Adama is much different than them, plus he is even more talented."
-- and then, let's say that he also fails
4. then some random, XX new guy, comes, and always the same story:
= "This guy will surely make it!", plus, my "favorite" part: "He is SO MUCH different than all those guys who failed in the past!" (Lol)

I hope you see my point?
I am seeing this crap for the last 15 years in Barcelona.
Each new Season, we have 1-2 players who are "the next big thing".
-- and whenever someone says: But they look the same as all other prospects who failed
-- and people always reply: "No. These guys are different."
-- and then they just throw 1000 random explanations why guys from the past didn't make it, and why the current guys WILL make it, like:
1. Bojan was ruined by coaches and hype. Plus, he wasn't mentally too strong
2. Gio Santos just wasn't as good enough as expected (New Ronaldinho)
3. Gai Assulin, oh, a strange story, but he wasn't the next Messi, as people expected
4. Cuenca? He was just unlucky with injuries
5. Muniesa? He should have been the next Puyol, but he was just unlucky with injuries
6. Tello? Nah, he wasn't as good as Adama and Sandro. The new guys are much different stories and with much more potential, lol
7. Deulofeu? Mental issues, lazy, loans ruined him. The new guys will be a much different story

If you get my point.
Again, I can assure you, even if all current prospects fail (Deulofeu, Munir, Sandro, Adama), then in a year or two, people will just find 3-4-5 new prospects, and guess what they will say:
= these guys will surely make it

Then someone will again ask: "But haven't you learned anything with Deulo's, Munir's, Sandro's and Adama's case?"
People will reply: "Nooo. Those were unique cases.
-- Deulo was ruined by poor loans
-- Munior was ruined because he was pushed too soon into A-team, and he lost the key years of development in a B-team
-- Sandro, well, he turned out that he isn't good enough for our style, he didn't fit into our system
-- Adama, well, he was slightly too one-dimensional for our team

=> But, these new guys are a totally different story.
They have even more potential than the last generation (lol, every "new" generation seems to have "even more" potential than a previous one. The same old story.)

Just sayin'
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New member

Plus, this part is not fair:

Imo, Deulofeu had much more potential Adama.
Deulo was hailed as the brightest prospect since Messi.

While Adama is just another random prospect.

Also, people always react in this pattern:
1. when we had Bojan
= people were saying that he will be the next Messi
-- but he failed
2. then came Deulofeu
= people were again saying that he will be the next Messi
-- some others were saying: "He will fail the same as Bojan."
= first group would reply: "No, he won't. Bojan case was unique. This time it will be a different story."
-- in the end Deulofeu fails
3. then a new guy, like Adama, comes:
= some people again say: "This guy will surely make it!"
-- some others again reply: "Much better prospects failed, plus Adama doesn't look that good at all."
-- first group would reply: "No, he will make it. Bojan and Deulo failed, but they were unique cases. Adama is much different than them, plus he is even more talented."
-- and then, let's say that he also fails
4. then some random, XX new guy, comes, and always the same story:
= "This guy will surely make it!", plus, my "favorite" part: "He is SO MUCH different than all those guys who failed in the past!" (Lol)

I hope you see my point?
I am seeing this crap for the last 15 years in Barcelona.
Each new Season, we have 1-2 players who are "the next big thing".
-- and whenever someone says: But they look the same as all other prospects who failed
-- and people always reply: "No. These guys are different."
-- and then they just throw 1000 random explanations why guys from the past didn't make it, and why the current guys WILL make it, like:
1. Bojan was ruined by coaches and hype. Plus, he wasn't mentally too strong
2. Gio Santos just wasn't as good enough as expected (New Ronaldinho)
3. Gai Assulin, oh, a strange story, but he wasn't the next Messi, as people expected
4. Cuenca? He was just unlucky with injuries
5. Muniesa? He should have been the next Puyol, but he was just unlucky with injuries
6. Tello? Nah, he wasn't as good as Adama and Sandro. The new guys are much different stories and with much more potential, lol
7. Deulofeu? Mental issues, lazy, loans ruined him. The new guys will be a much different story

If you get my point.
Again, I can assure you, even if all current prospects fail (Deulofeu, Munir, Sandro, Adama), then in a year or two, people will just find 3-4-5 new prospects, and guess what they will say:
= these guys will surely make it

Then someone will again ask: "But haven't you learned anything with Deulo's, Munir's, Sandro's and Adama's case?"
People will reply: "Nooo. Those were unique cases.
-- Deulo was ruined by poor loans
-- Munior was ruined because he was pushed too soon into A-team, and he lost the key years of development in a B-team
-- Sandro, well, he turned out that he isn't good enough for our style, he didn't fit into our system
-- Adama, well, he was slightly too one-dimensional for our team

=> But, these new guys are a totally different story.
They have even more potential than the last generation (lol, every "new" generation seems to have "even more" potential than a previous one. The same old story.)

Just sayin'

Deu has more hype and played better in the b team but Adama has played better with the first team in his appearances than deu.


To be fair, Deu would play well against a 3rd division side like Huesca with the senior squad as well.

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