Sandro Rosell


Senior Member
On the other hand, this could end in his stepping down as Barca's president.

Edit: This link has just been posted on Bleacherreport:

I wouldn't get my hopes up. With all due respect to Brazils' new crusade against corruption, but the m.o. is borderline laughable. Ailanto had a contract with CBF so theres' a legal foundation for payments; the only thing the prosecution can base an accusal on is that there was no legitimate call for proposals. How they are going to proof that Ailanto took part in such a scheme, initiated such a scheme or profited from it with malice aforethought is beyond me; yet according to AP news agency a police investigation turned up exactly nothing. I doubt that the prosecution is doing themselves a favour by building their accusal on sand like this.
The same goes for Uptrend. I doubt that those guys were dumb enough to not construct a proforma legal foundation for these payments. So let's wait and see what sticks.

It's a no-brainer that everyone involved in the Havelange-Texeira-Blatter connection has a few skeletons in the closet, but accusals like this leave a bitter taste of aimless activism.
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From the game today


New member
Did he ever give a press conference about the allegations? What about socios, or other Barca involved people, nobody asking for clarification when the president of their football club is alleged to be involved in corruption in football terms? Is something like tis bearable for FC Barca?


Did he ever give a press conference about the allegations? What about socios, or other Barca involved people, nobody asking for clarification when the president of their football club is alleged to be involved in corruption in football terms? Is something like tis bearable for FC Barca?
Seems he'll give one this week, about the brazil scandal.


Senior Member
There's just way too much politics ever since he became the Barca president.

I really don't like the direction this club is heading.

The particular thing that really annoys me is the fact that players are not played due to their abilities and performance. Tello, S.Roberto, Dongou, and other youngsters had an excellent preseason but have yet to really compete for any of the spots on the lineup.

Tello in particular, who should really be more recognized, doesn't even sniff 30 minutes for any of the past matches combined.

Some might ask why I'm posting this here and not in the Tata thread, but I really think the barca higher ups have something to do with this. Also, the way barca treated Abidal, Villa, and Guardiola has me very suspicious. Just today I saw Abidal playing a full 90 mins while Zubi said that he was left to go due to his health.

Lastly, there can be no way in hell that both Tito and Tata are blind to the crazy amount of talent in our bench and B team. It's probably good for publicity for Pedro and Alexis to play every week, Xavi to play on painkillers 3 months into a season, and Alves have an automatic spot in the first 11.

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