Sandro Rosell


New member
What a load of bollocks.

Almost everything you named has no basis on fact. When that is pointed out to you you just ignore it and carry on.

IF he has done wrong here then that is fair to criticise him on but the rest of your points were largely rubbish.

There is no facts either way except that he is resigning and that Pep left and Valdes is leaving and that Cruyff was kicked out! Oh and Abi was promised a contract if he played one game and was booted out. Coincidences? I think not.


Senior Member
So? The fact that he did not say that does not mean that it is not the, or one of the, reasons he left. Pep blasted Rosell used Tito's illness against him and he did not honour his word. If that does not tell you their relationship was and is bad than I do not know what does. Pep wouldn't say this to the media if there were no problems.

No evidence from anywhere Pep left because of Rosell and Peps stayed true to his words from day one about how long he would stay.

Their relationship being bad after Pep left means nothing really it happens all the time in football when people go their separate ways.

It was a bit suspect that Pep only brought this up on the day he was signing a Barcelona player though. Why did Pep even bring it public?


Active member
It's an elected postion, which is a different setup than in most organizations.

But if the board asked him to resign, as a practical matter it would have to be impossible for him to continue. If the board lost confidence in him, or there was even a whiff of illegality, the board would need to ask for his resignation.

But of course, the president can also just decide to resign on his own, without even stating his reasons.


Senior Member
There is no facts either way except that he is resigning and that Pep left and Valdes is leaving and that Cruyff was kicked out! Oh and Abi was promised a contract if he played one game and was booted out. Coincidences? I think not.

Jesus do you even read the posts.

As soon as Rosell is elected CRUYFF HAD TO LEAVE. He can be a massive point of friction if he disagrees with people in a club.

Pep left after serving much longer than the average Barcelona manager and Valdes has never mentioned it being to do with Rosell. Untill that changes you have to take those individuals at face value and believe the reasons they give for leaving.


New member
Jesus do you even read the posts.

As soon as Rosell is elected CRUYFF HAD TO LEAVE. He can be a massive point of friction if he disagrees with people in a club.

Pep left after serving much longer than the average Barcelona manager and Valdes has never mentioned it being to do with Rosell. Untill that changes you have to take those individuals at face value and believe the reasons they give for leaving.

Ok whatever, it's still one too many coincidences for my liking. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Are you not happy with Sandro out?

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