Sandro Rosell


Well, I actually liked Rosell, especially for his quasi-snobbish nature. I don't owe him nor laporta any loyalty, so I will stay out of their issue.


Jesus Christ, he resigned because of death threats to his family. Get a damn grip. What the hell is wrong with people on this forum.


In the past he didn't have much trouble collaborating with people throwing death threats at then president of FC Barcelona.


Senior Member
Rosell: I was voted president by thousands of socis, a great example of democracy.

Then goes on to appoint his friend new president :lol:

Is it not in the constitution that the vice president takes over if President resigns? I would guess it is and it is not on the whim of the out going president to decide.


Jesus Christ, he resigned because of death threats to his family. Get a damn grip. What the hell is wrong with people on this forum.

That's not why he resigned. Can't believe you actually think this was the reason. Might have influenced, but the trial about Neymar's signing is the biggest reason.


New member
I only have a problem with Bartomeu being president till 2016. Surely a vote in the summer is a more practical way of running the club?


New member

In the past he didn't have much trouble collaborating with people throwing death threats at then president of FC Barcelona.

He said that Laporta didn't received any threats and that he was why should we believe him now?


New member
It's ironic how we were talking about the possibility of Bartomeu being forced to resign after what he said about Messi, and now he is succeeding Rosell as president.

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