My points about Laporta simply reflect the hypocrisy when you make claims about Rosell that can't be backed up. Your comments suggest that you think Laporta walks on water, you dismiss serious issues as non-events because it suits your thesis that he's whiter than white. Pathetic.
Whiter than white?

You are obsessed, son...You have an agenda with Laporta and I understand that...I have friends in Barcelona and some seem to really have a problem with the political side of him more than anything else....But, it indeed sounds personal and I've never suggested Laporta should have a statue but considering the success of the club both on & off the pitch AND the fact that it occurred after one of the deepest/darkest times for the club, is remarkable...Nothing short of implausible...Could you imagine Gaspart's era ascending to the current heights of the club?
The political issues are serious ones, despite not being Spanish or Catalan myself...Being a Culé, I wanted to learn more about the history etc. and it's not unlike many minorities around the globe...There are prejudices against Catalans...There are real biases against the club, both in La Liga and among refereeing...Being a Barca fan, that much is obvious...One may not like it and I certainly would like it more if he included politics less but let's not discount the reality that Barca has always been a representation/symbol of Catalan pride just as Bilbao is for the Basque...Plus, President Zapatero never hides his love of Laporta or Barca so you can't say that Spain is entirely down on him.
I asked for what the serious issues were...Your initial claims were that he hired his brother in law who was subsequently fired in 2005...THAT is a serious issue?...The spygate issue cannot be used as a basis for much when there is little to be learned of who did what and for what extent/purpose...Everything that has since been revealed, revealed nothing insidious let alone incendiary.
Yet within Spain our popularity is the lowest it's ever been thanks to Laporta's politicking.
So, yeah, it sounds personal...You think Catalunya have been made a joke in Spain...I get that...I also happen to have friends in Madrid who I saw this summer and while they love Barcelona the city and the football that is played, they go nuts about Independence talk...That, however, is separate from what he has done as President...And let's not forget this key point here, he's not up for re-election...You want to demonize him for political leanings, that's your business...But as for the club, it's stature in the world is arguably at it's peak...In a global economic meltdown felt all over the world (Not just Spain), Barca is solvent and immensely successful on the pitch...It's easy to say well 'Rosell could've done it too' but let's face it, it's a Cinderella story that anyone would want written for them...It just so happens that credit will largely, fairly or not, fall to Laporta...And again, he's out so a walk around the Ramblas to blow off steam might be in order.
I think his pros do outweigh the cons but what annoys me is people who think that he has made no significant errors
I'm sure he's made errors...He was a lawyer coming into the situation and even in that Barca vid they had from the BBC that documented his beginnings with the club revealed many of them...Let's also not forget how much this man has also been vilified...He got rid of those nutters, the Boixos Noix and faced routine death threats even far before any of the controversies etc. came out...You saw how gutted he'd get when they lost, you saw how excited he was when they won...The guy is a Culé, no matter how you slice it...He can't even hold in his grin when he sees Messi score a beauty of a goal while most Presidents sit up there in the box like they're royalty or something.
I don't know where you get your info from but if you'd done your research properly you'd know that he didn't rid the club of anybody, individuals chose to resign because they had lost confidence in a president who has continually alienated people throughout his time at the club, up to a point where a vote of no confidence drew a 60% result against Laporta
We get resignations in the US military and politics all the time and rarely is it their 'own' decision so it matters little who resigned or who was fired...A board fails, it fails...The success however, remained despite those losses so to somehow point to those losses as evidence as failures on Laporta's part seems to conveniently sidestep the obvious overall successes....And let's not mix history if we're going to stick to facts...The no confidence vote occurred when?...AFTER the debacle of the 07-08 season when the Ronnie issues etc. were seeing the club falter after the CL win before...Everyone was disgusted and frankly I would've been ready to see him go then too...You glad he remained or would you have rather him left, hired Mourinho and watched us play some negative football for 2 seasons?
Something else you don't know? We played a behind closed doors friendly against that Uzbeki side (Odonkor?).
I don't know anything about this other than it was played and it brought in 5 million USD to the club...There is some sort of cooperation pact between the two clubs even evidenced by the similarities in the crests.
Looked pretty damn cold
If I thought you were clueless before, now I know you are. Go away and read Mundo Deportivo/Sport in relation to the recent spying episode as you clearly know sod all about what has happened. The current spying on VPs of the club is in no way related to the bugs Laporta CLAIMS were found in the boardroom upon his arrival, which he presumably had removed in 2003.
Doesn't play well with others, that should be your sig
I know about the spygate, I read the reports that were translated from Catalan...The reference to the '03 spying/bugs was that this seemed to be the M.O. for clubs, particularly clubs that had gotten very 'fat' and corrupt...There's no two ways about it, Barca was a mess when Laporta entered into it...Corrupt, contracts were a mess, playing conditions and facilities were a mess etc...Now, he leaves with a helluva legacy...Anyway you slice it, Laporta will go down in Barca's history as one of the greatest Presidents :flagvl8: