Soooo, despite Zapatero being President of Spain, having the popularity of Catalans behind him and the outward and unabashed friendship for club & Laporta you point out how Spain is less inclined towards Catalunya

Uhh, how does this translate to Laporta being bad for Spain let alone that having anything to do with the image of the club or his success with it?
It has as much to do with that as the fact that Zapatero is a Barça fan and has shown support for Laporta, a point you made. Keep up.
As I said before, Laporta being a clearly devout Culé, you think he knowingly hid a Franco supporter on his staff?...Sounds ridiculous...Sounds more like he hired his brother in law, sounds like a family favor.
The evidence is out there to show that he lied about his brother in law's membership of the FFF.
Their solvency is relevant...If you're gonna take a shot, then know that Laporta was part of a board that turned things incredibly around, period....Rosell, on the other hand, was directly involved with the Brasilian transactions and Nike posturing to load up on those players at Barca...No Rosell, probably no Ronaldinho as he was going to go to ManYoo...And rather than sit and revel in the success of the club from afar, he was making constant trouble outside of it.
No Rosell, no Ronaldinho, no league in 2005, no double in 2006. And the solvency issue is NOT relevant to the point we are debating. We know where Laporta has been successful, I don't deny those facts, what is up for debate is his personality, his money hingry actions and the shady side of him which you choose to casually dismiss whilst criticising Sandro Rosell when he has done little or nothing of note.
Absolutely a basis...Of course there were differences that led to departures/resignations...I didn't contest that, just that the implication is that it was the members disgust with Laporta rather than perhaps Laporta's disgust with the members...Consider that?...Making my analogy to the military and political resignations apropos....And the implication that these members who left were so successful at what they did somehow negates the success the club had without them...How does that work, exactly?...Were they surplus to needs?...Or are you giving them more credit than they deserve?
I didn't say that their departure negates the subsequent success but last season is down to their hard work as well as Laporta's. Soriano, Ingla et al did all the hard work ahead of the treble season, the fact that they weren't there is irrelevant but once again you're veering off topic. The point in question is that these people left, not because they were surplus to requirements, not because Laporta wanted them to go, but because they couldn't work with the president's dictatorial nature any longer. Your analogy to political and military resignations is pie in the sky fantasy and has no relation to the events that unfolded at Can Barça, as anybody with the most basic knowledge would realise.
The tragedy might just be that you can't really find a way to be happy perhaps...Despite everything, Laporta will go out the greatest president ever - controversies and all...You may perseverate over it but most fans will not...The golden era like this one may never be repeated
He will leave as the most succesful. Period. The greatest? Up for debate. The most popular? Certainly not. I don't know what the word "perseverate" means but I can tell you that my mind is made up about Laporta and despite being somebody that supported him since 2003 (as others on here will testify I was staunchly in his favour) I believe that his actions have severely tainted his legacy.
I continue to say that Rosell played the role of hater from the sidelines...He had the agenda and couldn't be happy in the success, not much of a Culé, if you ask me.
Laporta is a lawyer who clearly bled blaugrana colors...Rosell is a businessman who's got his feet deep in Nike and his time in Brasil taught him about the dirty game of player sales...The same man who openly called for the no confidence vote recently...The man who was vocally upset when Laporta was selling Ronnie when it was clear to everyone he was 'done' as a player....Same person who slammed Laporta's absurd pursuit of a little known player from the Euros, Arshavin....And I don't recall Cruyff knocking Laporta and Johan has to figure into this, as well.
It can be argued that Rosell's success or popularity is in no small part due to the revolutionary election campaign he was a part of with Laporta...Taking credit, however, for what happened after he left (BEFORE the successes) is ridiculous...Even more so to take swipes from a far...THAT, sounds like a man with an ego problem
Barcelona is full of culés who "swipe from afar", there's a myriad of high profile socis who make it their business to critique what's going on at the club and it's part of the democratic process.
So he openly called for the moció de censura? You said yourself that you supported it at the time, I actually didn't and again there are people on here who will testify to that. I believed it would set a dangerous precedent and despite Laporta's faults he didn't deserve to be sacked after two barren seasons. I don't recall Rosell speaking out against the pursuit of Arshavin, but then again I tend to ignore transfer talk until it's all but confirmed. As for Cruyff well he's never criticised Laporta because he's got a president in charge that he can bend to his will.
To describe Laporta as somebody who "bleeds blaugrana" and reduce Rosell to "a businessman" is testament to your obvious personal bias. Try reading up on the Elefant Blau movement, see how involved Sandro was in their efforts to improve Barça, to bring the club closer to the fans once more. You are nobody to say that Sandro Rosell is not a true culé.
The fact is that your allegation of Rosell being shady or money hungry is nothing more than conjecture or a hunch that you have. Rosell and Laporta both came to Barça championing the same set of principles and only the current president has failed to uphold them.