Sandro Rosell


Mike the Knife
Rosell is evil but he's likely to keep the club in the black...until he fully demolishes all the work Laporta helped create during the Pep era...Circus days are just around the corner


Senior Member
Rosell announced today he will run for reelection, in 2016.

Wasn't elections used to be every 4 years?why are they every 6 now?

Rosell is a good president. I wouldn't like Laporta back again, his reputation nowadays is awful. We constantly grew financialy last years with Rosell, he cut down the losses and we are a powerhouse now in the Europe. Rosell - Zubi combination is great, better than Laporta-Begiristain, no doubt about it.

lol ,It is funny that Rossel was able to sell many of the fans this myth ,Barcelona was just in a much worse financial situation b4 laporta ,he actually cut our loses ,built a gr8 team out of almost nothing but good academy
It seems easy to forget how bad this club was 10 years ago b4 Laporta era
Most elite clubs in Europe were in just much worse financial situation when Laporta left
And Zubi ? this guy has small budget and he still wasting it ,buying a players that doesn't fit the team like Alexis/Afellay/Song? the Barca B is one of the highest buyers in 2nd division and many of his signings are flops too
And what reputation do Laporta have? the only thing I would say that affects his reputation is the fact he has dated a younger hot adult model ,and honestly I would care less how he is living his life
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New member
Well, well, well if yesterday the director of Sport was telling us that Pep and Mou are just as bad, today we found out that Tito is better than Pep at everything(even as a human being):
Freixa: "Tito está ganando todas las comparaciones con Pep..incluso en la faceta humana".
So not only that Rosell&Zubi are better than Laporta&Txiki, this team is better than the one that won the CL in Rome and London(at least that's what Pique said), but also Tito is better than Pep. At this point I suppose that only the referees can stop us from winning the CL.
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Well, well, well if yesterday the director of Sport was telling us that Pep and Mou are just as bad, today we found out that Tito is better than Pep at everything(even as a human being):
Freixa: "Tito está ganando todas las comparaciones con Pep..incluso en la faceta humana".
So not only that Rosell&Zubi are better than Laporta&Txiki, this team is better than the one that won the CL in Rome and London(at least that's what Pique said), but also Tito is better than Pep. At this point I suppose that only the referees can stop us from winning the CL.

This is so wrong :shakeshead:
Unbelievable they're saying this about Pep already.


New member
This is so wrong :shakeshead:
Unbelievable they're saying this about Pep already.
Ah come on, No one said anything bad about pep, Maria just likes to take things out of context and try to force her views, ideologies or conspiracy theories, That everything about this administration is evil and bad, Even the janitors that came post 2010.


Ah come on, No one said anything bad about pep, Maria just likes to take things out of context and try to force her views, ideologies or conspiracy theories, That everything about this administration is evil and bad, Even the janitors that came post 2010.

There's no way to distort this sentence: "Tito está ganando todas las comparaciones con Pep..incluso en la faceta humana".

It is not a nice thing to say.


That tito is winning the comparisons with pep?
I honestly can't see where is the 'Not nice' part.
Yes. "Winning all comparisons, including his human side". It's not nice to compare, especially after all Pep did for Barça. And this has already made some problems to roura today, and he tried to smooth things over during his press conference. I doubt Tito liked this too.
Some things should be avoided, and Freixa would never say that without Rosell's approval(or instructions). It's the kind of politics I don't like seeing.


New member
Yes. "Winning all comparisons, including his human side". It's not nice to compare, especially after all Pep did for Barça. And this has already made some problems to roura today, and he tried to smooth things over during his press conference. I doubt Tito liked this too.
Some things should be avoided, and Freixa would never say that without Rosell's approval(or instructions). It's the kind of politics I don't like seeing.
Weather Freixa over exaggerated with his statements or overblown by the ones who quoted him, Why there always has to be some 'hidden hands', Or a 'conspiracy' just around the corner.


Weather Freixa over exaggerated with his statements or overblown by the ones who quoted him, Why there always has to be some 'hidden hands', Or a 'conspiracy' just around the corner.

Who said anything about conspiracy? But this is politics, that's how it works. The club spokeperson would never say anything without the president's approval and knowledge. That's his job description, to speak on behalf of the president. The quote wasn't overblown. It was a bad thing to do, whatever were their intentions.


Mike the Knife
This is so wrong :shakeshead:
Unbelievable they're saying this about Pep already.

Didn't take long but I'm certain this was the plan all along...Many of us recall quite clearly how Rosell was failing to give credit even during the time he was waiting to succeed Laporta

I still believe Sandy will eventually destroy everything Pep &Laporta built


Senior Member
Everyone knows rosell is a you know what, everything barca is today is as a result of the great Joan laporta


Rosell is a self serving asshole but speaking of Laporta as great is shocking.

Laporta built the club up but did some shady dealings of his own with criminals.

Like Jay said, "I wanna pretend I'm different but we're all the same, god forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change"

Laporta was just better at hiding his business, rosell is not so clever.

The statement above is of course disgraceful no doubt about that but all this bring back the savior Laporta is shortsided especially for someone that speaks of ethics because those need to apply to not just how the club is run on be inside but also how it relates to the global community.

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