Sandro Rosell


Mike the Knife
I doubt you'll find too many people defending Laporta from shady dealings but his true aspiration was for the club to win and to ensure the staff & players were respected...He is a true culé whereas Rosell is transparent as the corporate whore...If Laporta were in charge, Pep & Valdes would still be at the club and Eusebio would be bagging groceries at the local grocer...We won't see the ideal President until Pep returns






New member
There's no way to distort this sentence: "Tito está ganando todas las comparaciones con Pep..incluso en la faceta humana".
Doesn't he simply mean that Tito has faced challenges on the human side (cancer), that Pep never had to face? So in that way, Tito "excells" Pep in the human facet?

I doubt that he meant that Tito was a better person than Pep, but then again, I haven't seen the full interview, so I'm not sure.


Doesn't he simply mean that Tito has faced challenges on the human side (cancer), that Pep never had to face? So in that way, Tito "excells" Pep in the human facet?

I doubt that he meant that Tito was a better person than Pep, but then again, I haven't seen the full interview, so I'm not sure.
He said Tito is a better person and a better coach. I don't see where cancer might fit on freixa's quote. I think it's clear it was just to undermine Pep's work.


New member
Doesn't he simply mean that Tito has faced challenges on the human side (cancer), that Pep never had to face? So in that way, Tito "excells" Pep in the human facet?

I doubt that he meant that Tito was a better person than Pep, but then again, I haven't seen the full interview, so I'm not sure.

No that's just reaching. If he wanted to say that he would have. They just resent Guardiola for leaving their well run ship *ironic mode*


Senior Member
I doubt you'll find too many people defending Laporta from shady dealings but his true aspiration was for the club to win and to ensure the staff & players were respected...He is a true culé whereas Rosell is transparent as the corporate whore...If Laporta were in charge, Pep & Valdes would still be at the club and Eusebio would be bagging groceries at the local grocer...We won't see the ideal President until Pep returns





Especially the Eusebio part that's the worst thing rosell has done to the club


Laporta turned this club back into a powerhouse after numerous years where we won fuck all.. heck when he signed Guardiola he arguably made it the best team ever. And there's still Barça fans who diss him? Okay.

I'm not saying Laporta was God and didn't make mistakes, but please...


Cardenal de Catalunya
I'd take Laporta back in the blink of an eye over Sandro.

Let's put it this way: Laporta, after Gaspart's disastrous reign, built a Barça team many aspired to. That team not only won three CLs and a number of other trophies, but also created a solid foundation with all the right personnel in place in order to strengthen the team. In addition to that, Laporta paid enormous attention to other Barça teams including its in-door football team, Barça-basket and a bunch of others. Rosell is destroying all that simply for his personal political reasons.


Wild Man of Borneo
Unlike Rosell, Laporta really had his priorities straight and while he wasn't a perfect or error-free character, he ensured that the club prospered and gained success. Rosell however has his own business desires and constantly fails to recognize the sporting aspect.


New member
Unlike Rosell, Laporta really had his priorities straight and while he wasn't a perfect or error-free character, he ensured that the club prospered and gained success. Rosell however has his own business desires and constantly fails to recognize the sporting aspect.

It's impossible to be perfect running a huge club like FC Barcelona. As you said Laporta had his priorities straight. Sandro is hell bent on spending our entire transfer budget on without any real merit. Why? To sell shirts?


Staff member

Indeed. I don't like people making a cult out of Pep but Freixa really failed big time here.

Everyone knows rosell is a you know what, everything barca is today is as a result of the great Joan laporta

Wish it was that simple.
Signing Ronaldinho was the most defining moment of turning the club around and it happened almost by accident as Laporta failed on his presidential promise of signing Beckham. Sandro then snapped Ronaldinho who was about to sign for ManUtd.
Laporta was a good president but was also involved in several shady dealings which were basically money laundering.

Rosell is no saint himself but I'd wait the end of his term before fully assessing his mandate.


New member
Not to mention the fact he left the club with the highest debt in it's history, In the same time spain was having it's worse recession since god knows when.
Weather people like it or not, Rosell is the right president, At the right time, His business mentality is what the club needs at the moment.


Staff member
Hm. I wouldn't trust the current board's financial statements to the letter.
As with any politics, present administrations are always going to try to make their predecessors look worse and embellish their own achievements.

You could be right though about Rosell being the right man for these precarious times.

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