@FCBarca: I'm glad man.. I'm not sure many will agree with us and support some other candidate..Unless Pep himself endorses one, which he won't, I see Rossel winning by a landslide.
Cruyff is a super intelligent guy and the only one who Laporta always respected and listened to. Reading his statements to the press or columns in La Vanguardia, makes me think he always knows how to analyise the situation perfectly, he really understand football and mentality of the club. And he is basically never wrong...
I'm sure you all watched the Godfather.. He is like Tom Hagen to Laporta, who is always blasting some extremadura president or other

Always the reasonable voice. I don't want to lose that, that's all...
Rossel is even more of a control freak in my opinion.. He may start the mandate with promises of a good relationship (not sure he has any) with cruyff, but I don't think he can end it .. I'm sure all of you guys saw the documentary Barca the inside story; see Rossel acting like sulking little baby when things weren't made the way he wanted.. I just don't trust him that's all.. I may be completely wrong though.