Sergi Roberto


Senior Member
He was getting quite a lot of game time recently and now he will be our LCM for like a month if we can't register Arda.

Good for Him though he's certainly deserves the Minutes. Before this season he wasn't getting much game time heck even at times he was left out of the squad it all changed for him finally as he's getting Minutes and impressing everyone with his performances at RB and Today when he came on and Helped change the game.


Besides being a wonderful footballer, Sergi is also an excellent student. Both him and Marc Muniesa are usually seen travelling together for college, by bus, with books under their arms.

El Profesor :roberto:


Active member
I told you he would do great at midfield.It was only the confidence issue which got fixed after his RB performances.


New member
It's great to see him play like this. I know I was one of them who criticised him heavily, but he makes me change my opinion completely. Definitely our MVP of the season so far. Hope he continues like this.


New member
Apart from his excellent football intelligence, awareness and technique one of the things I really admire about him is his level headed mentality and how he never gets bound up in frustration. There were a lot of negativity spreading on the pitch yesterday, but he just came on and focused on what he could control - namely himself, his own workrate and focus. You can always count on Roberto to deliver a no nonsense, hard working and cool headed performance.

Really great to see him bring a midfield performance of the same level as his recent RB performances. His versatility is fantastic, and gives Lucho some much needed options now with all the injuries.
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New member
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. He is a RB and DM for us, and we shouldn't have any illusion that he will start being fantastic for us as a CM as well. He will probably play there anyway now that we have no choice, but our expectations should be lowered.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. He is a RB and DM for us, and we shouldn't have any illusion that he will start being fantastic for us as a CM as well. He will probably play there anyway now that we have no choice, but our expectations should be lowered.

Yes, Lucas Lima would surely do better :pep:


Wild Man of Borneo
He's just 1-2 starts away from having his record-total for minutes in a season, in October :lol:. Roberto's breakout has easily been the nicest surprise of this early season struggle.

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