Sergi Roberto


Senior Member
MD reported Roberto was one of the players Barca considered important so they are going to give him a Renewal. I hope they raise his buyout fee, some of the stuff I read only mentions is giving him a better salary but no mentions of a higher buyout clause.

His clause will probably be raised with new contract but similar as I said in Neymar's thread, until he's happy here his clause really isn't that important. Sergi loves the club, Lucho likes him and gives him a lot of minutes and he can compete for trophies every year. No reason for him to leave even if some club would be willing to pay his clause, which I really doubt. He's not that proven yet, he doesn't have a clear position right now and his versatility is more useful for us than it would have been for another club.


Hasn't been getting nearly as many minutes as he deserves lately.

I think Lucho felt he played enough this season, and wanted to give more minutes to Rafinha instead since he came back.

But awesome season from Roberto overall. The most improved player - Almost none of us thought he could have broken through the way he did.

Jamie Cal

I think Lucho felt he played enough this season, and wanted to give more minutes to Rafinha instead since he came back.

But awesome season from Roberto overall. The most improved player - Almost none of us thought he could have broken through the way he did.

"Almost" ;)

I am DELIGHTED by this. I was so disappointed when I heard he was seen as a fringe player a few months back. I thought the games he played last year, though, not glamorous, showed all the right things I want to see from a guy in his position.

But that aside, it is wild to think of how his season has turned out. At worst we should have a good backup for years to come.


Senior Member
He deserves renewal of his contract.. We need universal players like him who can play on 2-3 different positions..


Senior Member
Actually disagree quite strongly with the consensus on here that he doesn't take responsibility when on the ball. I think he's evolved greatly in that area. He's a pretty good dribbler and has had a pretty big offensive impact relative to how little he's played and without any consistency in his minutes . How fucking confident was he at Bernabeu. He literally lit the spark to the 4-0. I would definitely like to see more of him at the expense of Rakitic who needs to take a step back and gain some perspective on when he's an asset / liability on the field.


He did quite well when he played in RB this season, in my opinion.

If Dani Alves leaves, we should think carefully about spending silly money on someone who might not even be better. Plus there is also Vidal who was decent, and will only get better.


Senior Member
No matter who we bring in no one could replace Alves.

Alves has such a incredible skill set and theirs no one currently out there that could remotely come close to replicating it. I mean all this talk about spending a lot of money on Bellerin, why don't we at least give Roberto/Vidal a shot first at it?

Roberto he's great Defensively, all though he needs to work on attacking more. I do think if Lucho made him a starter he could improve going forward himself and fully adapt to being a RB. Like I said no one can replace Alves, but Roberto I would love for him to get a shot at being a starter in the RB spot full time.


President of FC Barcelona
Don't think he'll ever be a starter at RB. He's done reasonably well there, but to play regularly, especially when the competitions heats up would be very difficult for him as he lacks some important attributes like pace and the defensive positioning which the best players would exploit rather easily.

If he was fast, then he could have used that until he got better, but lacking that too, it would be difficult for him. As a short-term option he'd be decent, but can't see him being our long-term RB.

Unless Lucho finds some love for Vidal again, and the latter keep improving defensively, he could fill that role, or else we'd have to sign someone.


Senior Member
Roberto isn't fast?I can't help but to disagree with that.
It was actually said that his pace was what convinced Lucho to use him in that position,he doesn't look to lack pace at all for me.
He is prone to error defensively,mainly positional errors but for a player who is playing a new position it is usually like that and it can be corrected with playing time.Mascherano & Alba used to have those too when moved to defense.
But he lacks offensive creativity,he surely can cross but other than that it is the same old Sergi game.a simple pass to the nearest teammate.He need to be more creative and be more able to take his man or play some through balls etc.

If Alves leaves,it might actually mean we need to decide what is Roberto stance with the he a future RB?CM? or a versatile bench player?
If we think he can improve as a RB then he might take Alves spot and see how he works in it.if he improved his offense he can be very good one,physically he is fast,strong and even has quit decent length for the position.his man on man defense is good so there is an actual chance that he might master the position.

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