Sergi Roberto


New member
Roberto did his crybaby by threatening to quit the club if he don't get enough playing time, he took full advantage of being the people's hero after the return leg against paris.
Better get used to seeing him as RB even if Semedo is way better.

Hope that this rotation with Semedo will not cost us.

The Catalan press made it look like their Catalan hero scored all 6 goals in that game, while he didn't really do more than being a lucky man in the right place at the right time.
They say he is versatile and can play in different positions, but he doesn't really play well at any of them and he is worst at RB!
I think he is the slowest player in the whole team not even Pique or Rakitic are slower than him, yet they find it a good idea to play a slow midfielder who cant defend at a position that requires speed!


New member
Don't thik it's about playing time, were it only about minutes, I'd prefer him playing on the wing rather than a RB position, but it makes sense that it's connected with Semedo's transfer and the money we are supposed to pay after his every 50th match. Hardly does it make sense, though, Roberto playing away matches which are tougher.

Roberto can't play on the wing because he is slow and weak in 1 vs 1.


Staff member
At least find some unlikable player to hate or one that doesn't fight for this shirt.

Reading the hate towards home-grown, squad/backup player that has been loyal, patient, hard-working, sacrificed himself for the team while earning peanuts in comparison to others makes me sad.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
The Catalan press made it look like their Catalan hero scored all 6 goals in that game, while he didn't really do more than being a lucky man in the right place at the right time.
They say he is versatile and can play in different positions, but he doesn't really play well at any of them and he is worst at RB!
I think he is the slowest player in the whole team not even Pique or Rakitic are slower than him, yet they find it a good idea to play a slow midfielder who cant defend at a position that requires speed!

:facepalm: :facepalm: i'm butthurt from your posts


Senior Member
Roberto is a quality player as he proved in the Eibar game, when he subbed Iniesta. He's just not a RB, especially when there is an out of form RCB next to him.


Senior Member
Just when Roberto finally thought "I'm free from the RB spot" he's back playing as a RB. I think personally he's happy he's playing but frustrated that he's playing back in the RB spot again knowing he will struggle there no matter how hard he plays.

I hope we aren't taking him for granted. in his interviews he said he wanted to go back into the Midfield again.


New member
The Catalan press made it look like their Catalan hero scored all 6 goals in that game, while he didn't really do more than being a lucky man in the right place at the right time.
They say he is versatile and can play in different positions, but he doesn't really play well at any of them and he is worst at RB!
I think he is the slowest player in the whole team not even Pique or Rakitic are slower than him, yet they find it a good idea to play a slow midfielder who cant defend at a position that requires speed!

What the fuck did I just read? Rakitic would not outrun a 80 year old granny :lol: Busquets while as skillful and intelligent as he is, he is one of the slowest players ever. Have you watched Busquets turning and starting to run? Years go past when he is doing that.


New member
I really like him but if he's struggling to make it into the first team unless rightback position then he wont have a place.

In an ideal world he would be great to have him as our 8th sub when a starter gets injured we put a direct sub into that position and sergi roberto is available for in the bench (considering he can play almost every role he'd get some decent minutes)

If sergi roberto, rakitic, and turan were finally sold we'd be able to find more typical barca midfielders like dribblers / creative / playmakers
but sergi roberto really gives it his all which is something rare to find

It only makes sense he wants to be a starter and he probably wont get that here..


Senior Member
Some people defend him to death, some people hate on him.

But still, imo, we should remember a golden rule: if a player can't get a starter spot with several different coaches in a row, it is way more likely that a player is not good enough than that coaches are just stupid and blind.

Roberto couldn't get a midfield spot last season and he can't get it this year again.
He played last season either as a Rb or as a hybrid RB-RM in Lucho's 343 in a spring.

We can like him or not, we can like his passion and everything, but at the end of a day:
1. 2 coaches in a row think that he is very low in a pecking order for CM spots (even though we are far from a world class in midfield)
2. if Roberto is not good enough for midfield, the only option is to play him at a RB, to keep him happy.
And he sucks at RB and that is hurting a team.

Again, no player is bigger than the team, and we can like Roberto and his passion, but his "situation" is currently hurting our team.
It seems that he will leave unless if he gets playing time.
Since Valverde don't rate him too highly as a midfielder, he is forced to play Roberto as a RB to give him minutes and keep him happy.

And then, when Roberto plays as a RB, we will have 10s of matches like against Getafe.

If he will play 50% of our matches as a RB, we will be in big troubles.
Not to mention that we will make Semedo sad, we will slow down Semedo's integration, chemistry etc.

People will say: play him as a CM.
Well again, it seems that coaches who see him every day on trainings don't rate him too high as a CM.


New member
Some people defend him to death, some people hate on him.

But still, imo, we should remember a golden rule: if a player can't get a starter spot with several different coaches in a row, it is way more likely that a player is not good enough than that coaches are just stupid and blind.

Roberto couldn't get a midfield spot last season and he can't get it this year again.
He played last season either as a Rb or as a hybrid RB-RM in Lucho's 343 in a spring.

We can like him or not, we can like his passion and everything, but at the end of a day:
1. 2 coaches in a row think that he is very low in a pecking order for CM spots (even though we are far from a world class in midfield)
2. if Roberto is not good enough for midfield, the only option is to play him at a RB, to keep him happy.
And he sucks at RB and that is hurting a team.

Again, no player is bigger than the team, and we can like Roberto and his passion, but his "situation" is currently hurting our team.
It seems that he will leave unless if he gets playing time.
Since Valverde don't rate him too highly as a midfielder, he is forced to play Roberto as a RB to give him minutes and keep him happy.

And then, when Roberto plays as a RB, we will have 10s of matches like against Getafe.

If he will play 50% of our matches as a RB, we will be in big troubles.
Not to mention that we will make Semedo sad, we will slow down Semedo's integration, chemistry etc.

People will say: play him as a CM.
Well again, it seems that coaches who see him every day on trainings don't rate him too high as a CM.

I agree.
He doesn't seem to improve despite being given more than enough chances.
I can't remember another underperforming player being given so many chances in different position. They are pushing him onto the team at the expense of his team mates.
I don't know how Valverde explains it to Semedo, the guy did so well in every game he played so far and then sees himself dropped out of the squad for no apparent reason. He can't explain it through rotation because other players played way more minutes than him and they have better suited substitutes.

Let him go and promote Alena to the first team.


If it was about forcing Roberto in, it would be in midfield or even RW. Those are the positions which are open for grabs.

It makes not sense that we are benching the best performing RB in Europe.


2. if Roberto is not good enough for midfield, the only option is to play him at a RB, to keep him happy.
Rather play Roberto in midfield instead of Rakitic (or even RW instead of Deulofeu) than RB instead of Semedo, if it's purely about giving him minutes.

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