Sergi Samper


Haruko The Goon

With Chavy probably going..... will Samper take his place?


New member
There won't ever be a double pivot in our system. If Samper plays alongside Busi, he will take Xavi's role.


New member
the roles aren't defined, But made according to the players skills and traits. So there will never be a xavi role ever in this club again.


New member
Well if you say it like that, no human being is exactly like another so every player will always have a different role.

What I meant was that he would be a CM and play as high up the pitch as Xavi does now and not as a pivot. Call it what you want, in the end it's just names.


New member
If samper were to really play with Busquets I dont see how it won't be a double pivot, I can't see Samper running all over the pitch ending up in the CF role like xavi-prime did.

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