Sergio Busquets


New member
I love segi but seriously why the face holding and going down as if he has been shot by a sniper. He doesn't need to do it, it tarnishes his image and credability.


his response to madrid kicking recently, dive on son... as long as it's a dirty team we're playing against i don't mind

Madrid played more dirty than Almería, Zaragoza or Hercules. Three games long they've been kicking our players so I really don't mind that Sergi milks it.


Staff member
One of his playacting almost hurt us last night. Some sloppy passing and late tackles as well. Masch does a better job as CD and I think he would have been a better option for DM as well if he wasn't that much needed at the back.
Pep can't bench Sergi though, not with our current lack of options, so best is to hope he picks up his form.


New member
I felt like he gave the ball away quite a bit last night, and his passing was a bit off at times. But, he did open up space very well. His tackling was very good, too. This makes me think it may have been the Bernabeu jungle grass that the team had to play in that was causing him some problems. Hopefully in the return leg we see the Sergio from the manita classico, dude was a boss in that game.

As far as the diving goes, I don't really have a problem with it. He just needs to be a bit smarter with it sometimes. Usually he will win a free kick with his antics, but every now and then he chooses a bad time to dive and gives the ball away. He will master this as he gets older.


New member
The diving needs to stop, he is embarrassing himself and the club also.

He is a great player for Barca's system but doesnt need to play act


Great player. But please stop feigning injury.

I read an interview with him where he said as a youth he wasn't afraid to play in the barrios because he's from there, and seemed quite proud to be seen as tough, yet he goes down feigning near death every time the wind blows. He really needs to cut that crap out of his game. He doesn't need to do it and Barca don't have to resort to it.


New member
After his bullshit antics actually got Motta thrown off last year against Inter, I'd be surprised if he ever stopped.

Aside from the fact that he's a fully grown adult and all (physically at least), the antics are especially annoying because its all any non-Barca fan is willing to talk about..


New member
We all want to see him cut off the bullshit, but sadly it's never going to happen. We'll have to watch him doing it 10+ years, I guess.


It's in some players blood it seems, to make a clown out of themsevles. Same as Materazzi. They just can't help it I guess.


Mr. Japes
Tbh I find his playacting hilarious. I'm amazed that some referees still buy it, too :lol:

It ain't pretty but it's so over the top I can only find it amusing.

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