Sergio Busquets


New member
IF ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE and Busquets plays tomorrow, I really don't care if a Madrid Player snaps him in half! And I will be disappointed in Pep and FC Barcelona not taking a stronger moral stance!

Congratulations on being Mourinhoed! This is the type of nonsense that piece of shit eventually provokes and is making a mockery out of the best rivalry in sports. Doing SOMETHING stupid does not make u a stupid person, just like saying SOMETHING racist does not make you a racist, Busquests is no Joy Barton. That's what I have to say about Busquets calling Marcello a monkey, which by the way, the only "evidence" that he did, is some video in which he also looks like he says Bobo, tonto, and all the other two syllable words with o's in them you want to comp up with.

I'm actually kind of scared for some Barca players tomorrow as I could easily see Madrid going out to hurt people seeing as they have no chance to advance.


Yusuf Islam

So becuase you just want insult someone, and use a Racial Slur to do it, it does not mean you have just commited an act of racism and that you are not a racist?

And Busquets is an adult! Not a child!

So if you walk up to someone in the street and insult them with a slur relating to their race, and you get arrested for a hate crime. Your excuse/defence in court is that you are not racist, and that you only racially abused that person to insult them?

If you racially abuse someone, it is RACISM! And you are being Racist!

u my friend are deluded....busquets trains with abidal, kieta and alves and they dont seem to hate him or are ridiculing him for being the heat of the moment in sports sometimes u trash talk and race is always a topic in trash talking....if u played any sport u would know this and just because in the heat of the moment someone calles u nigger or some other racist slur does not make the person racist...sure some are racists and i dont agree with racial slurs but it happens in sport and stop being such a cry baby about it.


Improvin' Perfection!!
He's 21 years old, stop making a mess off it... As Pep said, if he did make the particular remark, it's a mistake. Jus that a mistake! More so because we ourselves have few Black players and few Brazilians so if Busi indeed was a racist there never would have been such good harmony in the dressing room!! May be the kid just got overwhelmed and lost his cool, or he might not be very quickwitted to hurl insults left and right & possibly had to resort to that. He'll be past it, believe me. From the experience, Pep won't tolerate such stuff in the dressing room and he'd address the issue asap


Cardenal de Catalunya
This thread is officially as annoying as Ibra's.

It sincerely does my head in, how on bloody earth people can go on ranting about something there's no VALID or SOUND proof of. Subjective interpretation after another, without a single piece of evidence. You see, it would be completely fine if some of you would understand that things do happen in the heat of the moment (questionable whether it ever happened) and people talk shit just to piss the other one off.

That's the unfortunate side of human nature for you. Especially when we're talking about boys in their early 20s. And don't start pulling that "they're seasoned professionals" crap - they're still boys in their early 20s with a point to prove.

Moreover, calling people racist for a single outburst (still remains questionable, see supra) is just sheer stupidity. No offense to those who do it, but unfortunately snipe remarks do not make you a racist. There has to be a clear, deliberate intention backed by some sort of hatred towards the other race / ethnicity to make it racist.

Racism is a term, which has fully lost its meaning due to it being applied loosely these days, or it also might that there is a common misconception among people what racism really is. Apartheid - that's what racism is. The segregation during the early part of the 20th Century in the US - that's racism for you. Denying people of their rights based on their ethnicity or race - that's racism. Calling person a monkey with a clear intent to show his or her hatred towards his or her origin - that's racism.

Seriously, think before you post. If you're into posting something utterly nonsensical - then just don't post. End of. And please, do get a grip. I'm tired of reading the same repetitive shit.
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This thread is officially as annoying as Ibra's.

It sincerely does my head in, how on bloody earth people can go on ranting about something there's no VALID or SOUND proof of. Subjective interpretation after another, without a single piece of evidence. You see, it would be completely fine if some of you would understand that things do happen in the heat of the moment (questionable whether it ever happened) and people talk shit just to piss the other one off.

That's the unfortunate side of human nature for you. Especially when we're talking about boys in their early 20s. And don't start pulling that "they're seasoned professionals" crap - they're still boys in their early 20s with a point to prove.

Moreover, calling people racist for a single outburst (still remains questionable, see supra) is just sheer stupidity. No offense to those who do it, but unfortunately snipe remarks do not make you a racist. There has to be a clear, deliberate intention backed by some sort of hatred towards the other race / ethnicity to make it racist.

Racism is a term, which has fully lost its meaning due to it being applied loosely these days, or it also might that there is a common misconception among people what racism really is. Apartheid - that's what racism is. The segregation during the early part of the 20th Century - that's racism for you. Denying people of their rights based on their ethnicity or race - that's racism. Calling person a monkey with a clear intent to show his or her hatred towards his origin - that's racism.

Seriously, think before you post. If you're into posting something utterly nonsensical - then just don't post. End of.

Though I'm no big fan of Busquets and some of his actions, I totally agree with your post. This debate is really getting boring and annoying. At least wait till tonight match is over and more evidences is found about this case.


Active member
agree.... people just love love love the racist card and use it whenever, wherever. think before you call people racist because that shit is old and it's getting fucking annoying. remember when pep was accused of being racist because all the lip readers decided he said "fucking nigger" after eto'o missed a penalty? :lol: look at yourselves for fucks sake
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immaculately conceived
I do not understand why, in this case, Busquets should be banned for racism. Does that mean everyone who has ever called Scholes a ginger fucker without a soul should be banned as well? Or anyone referring to Messi's hormone deficit as being a dwarph? Catala's birthmark or what it may be?

Why does there always have to be a massive soap around racism when there isn't even a case of discrimination here? The whole world turns mad instantly.

This is a simple case of picking a remarkable thing and using it to provoke. I would call Pepe a bloody monkey as well, and he isn't even black. He just looks like a monkey. We tease beast with his French-Italian connection, just because we know he is French-Italian. But noooooooo, a black dude is involved, let's get nuts. Busquets didn't say: "I don't like you cause you're black"

The ones applying discrimination are the moral knights here. It's a bloody football match. Trash talk is trash talk.

And after all, it is provoked by Marcelo. He does look like a damn monkey, even if you don't want to be racist. So Madrid should sue him cause he provoked something, just like Barcelona's players did.

Edit: booooo, didn't refresh and Plip was earlier. :(


Cardenal de Catalunya
Kev: I'm faster, bolder, rougher and tougher - in other words sucker, there is no other :lol:

But yeah, in all seriousness - that "racism" point really has been beaten down to the point its just numb and extremely irksome.
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New member
This thread is officially as annoying as Ibra's.

It sincerely does my head in, how on bloody earth people can go on ranting about something there's no VALID or SOUND proof of. Subjective interpretation after another, without a single piece of evidence. You see, it would be completely fine if some of you would understand that things do happen in the heat of the moment (questionable whether it ever happened) and people talk shit just to piss the other one off.

That's the unfortunate side of human nature for you. Especially when we're talking about boys in their early 20s. And don't start pulling that "they're seasoned professionals" crap - they're still boys in their early 20s with a point to prove.

Moreover, calling people racist for a single outburst (still remains questionable, see supra) is just sheer stupidity. No offense to those who do it, but unfortunately snipe remarks do not make you a racist. There has to be a clear, deliberate intention backed by some sort of hatred towards the other race / ethnicity to make it racist.

Racism is a term, which has fully lost its meaning due to it being applied loosely these days, or it also might that there is a common misconception among people what racism really is. Apartheid - that's what racism is. The segregation during the early part of the 20th Century in the US - that's racism for you. Denying people of their rights based on their ethnicity or race - that's racism. Calling person a monkey with a clear intent to show his or her hatred towards his or her origin - that's racism.

Seriously, think before you post. If you're into posting something utterly nonsensical - then just don't post. End of. And please, do get a grip. I'm tired of reading the same repetitive shit.

Said it all. :worthy:

Unfortunately, this kind of misconduct happens all the time on the pitch. Wasn't it reported that Arbeloa insulted Keita in same manner which caused fight, an it's confirmed that Madrid supporters had racist chants aimed at Alves?

If Busquets really said it (not certain, but fairly probable), it's distasteful, but to call him a racist and join the Madrid media witchunt is extremely stupid. We're talking about not so educated kid from barrio in the middle of ill tempered, nervous match. It's bad, but not something you wouldn't expect and it happens all the time, not only on racial basis.

And it's really interesting how a supposed insult stirred so much journalist hysteria bordering on witch hunt, while dozen aggresive, health threatening tackles from Madrid players are forgotten.


Notorious Demagogue
And even if he said Mono, it is not racism.

He would need to say "All blacks are monkeys"

He just (if this is true) called Marcelo a monkey, which could well be a insult because of his stomping on Pedro and fake diving.

Why is saying monkey racist? Why is this racist when you say it to a black person and not to a white? No, you need more for it to be racism. Else you are discriminating aswell.

Edit: Just read that Gnegneri said the same.


New member
Let me clarify my points a bit... This is how I see it (assuming it happened):

Is Busquets a racist?: Almost positive he is not. He just wanted to insult him, and how do you insult a black guy? By bringing race into it. It was a stupid choice but it doesn't make him into some nazi.

Should he be punished?: Yes. Even though it was a mistake in the heat of the moment we still have to show that we don't condone such insults. If Busquets had chosen to punch Marcelo in the face instead, "heat of the moment" would not be a valid excuse, it should be the same in this case. A club whose players publicly stand against this stuff and promote "respect" needs to be consistent. A ban and an apology would be sufficient - no need for hysterics that he should be sold or any other shit like that, that's ridiculous.

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