Sergio Busquets


Let me clarify my points a bit... This is how I see it (assuming it happened):

Is Busquets a racist?: Almost positive he is not. He just wanted to insult him, and how do you insult a black guy? By bringing race into it. It was a stupid choice but it doesn't make him into some nazi.

Should he be punished?: Yes. Even though it was a mistake in the heat of the moment we still have to show that we don't condone such insults. If Busquets had chosen to punch Marcelo in the face instead, "heat of the moment" would not be a valid excuse, it should be the same in this case. A club whose players publicly stand against this stuff and promote "respect" needs to be consistent. A ban and an apology would be sufficient - no need for hysterics that he should be sold or any other shit like that, that's ridiculous.

Well said.


Its not just "monkey", it is not a reference to playing style, attitude or being a bit cheeky or any of that. It is purely a slur in Spanish, it is deeply racist, it is saying because you are black you are a lesser specie than me. If that isn't racist, what is?


New member
It does not matter if his not 'racist' the fact he puts his hand to his mouth to try and hide his words suggest he was trying to insult Marcelo in a way which would cause a reaction.

If you aint black then i'm sorry you cant really question why the word Monkey should offend a black person so much. It may seem trivial to you or not a big insult but it is just as Monkey noises are. It's basically saying someone is no better than an animal and should be living in a jungle.

It amazes me how people can jump to the defence of Busquets even though they accept he could of said the insulting word to Marcelo.

If Busquets said that then he deserved a punch in the face from marcelo!!


Cardenal de Catalunya
Its not just "monkey", it is not a reference to playing style, attitude or being a bit cheeky or any of that. It is purely a slur in Spanish, it is deeply racist, it is saying because you are black you are a lesser specie than me. If that isn't racist, what is?

I've lived long enough in Spain to know what the meaning of "mono" is and you're definitely exaggerating it. First of all, you don't even KNOW if he said that. Show me one solid, sound and objective piece of evidence. It's all but mere implications and subjective interpretations of the issue. Nothing else but that.

You apparently missed my post completely, so I'd advise you read it properly. You need an INTENTION to be racist, and intention first needs to be proven to have been there. Nobody's racist by accident. I really hope you'd understand the difference between saying shit in the heat of the moment and intentionally indulging into racist conduct. A person cannot be racist by a simple chance and same cases should be treated equally. He either is a racist or he isn't. Keita, Abidal and Alves are all of darker ethnic origin and they never have had a problem with Sergi.

Let's put it this way - have you not said anything in the heat of the moment, which you never really meant while it being the first nasty thing you had on your mind?

However, I do agree with XMG that such conduct, even if said in the heat of the moment, should not be acceptable at all. Pep should definitely have a word with the kid and straighten him up a bit. I do get tired of his constant antiques of falling down instead of staying up and contributing to the larger scheme of play.
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I never lived in Catalonia, so maybe calling black people monkeys is more jovial there, but in the rest of Spain its a nasty insult, which there is no blurring the lines of, it means what it means.

And no one is saying he is clearly some neo nazi who holds beliefs of racial purity or any of that. But he has made a slur that is racist, in a very public situation, so yes, it is wrong, and yes, he should be made an example of.

The fact that he plays for Barcelona and it is against Real Madrid is no excuse for this apologist attitude.


New member
I've lived long enough in Spain to know what the meaning of "mono" is and you're definitely exaggerating it. First of all, you don't even KNOW if he said that. Show me one solid, sound and objective piece of evidence. It's all but mere implications and subjective interpretations of the issue. Nothing else but that.

You apparently missed my post completely, so I'd advise you read it properly. You need an INTENTION to be racist, and intention first needs to be proven to have been there. Nobody's racist by accident. I really hope you'd understand the difference between saying shit in the heat of the moment and intentionally indulging into racist conduct. A person cannot be racist by a simple chance and same cases should be treated equally. He either is a racist or he isn't. Keita, Abidal and Alves are all of darker ethnic origin and they never have had a problem with Sergi.

Let's put it this way - have you not said anything in the heat of the moment, which you never really meant while it being the first nasty thing you had on your mind?

Whether his racist or not it doesnt change the impact of the alleged insult. I remember when Ron Atkinson got caught on tv calling Desailly a is "a fucking lazy thick nigger"

Now afterwards many black friends of Atkinson came out and said he wasnt a racist etc but that was irrelevant and did not change the fact that what he said was not only offensive to Desailly but many other black people.

I dont buy the heat of the moment thing. I have argued with plenty of people but never once brought race into it. It baffles me that in 2011 people actually still use racial slurs. People who use such slurs know how offensive they are and use them for a reason. There is no excuse for it!!


Cardenal de Catalunya
I never lived in Catalonia, so maybe calling black people monkeys is more jovial there, but in the rest of Spain its a nasty insult, which there is no blurring the lines of, it means what it means.

And no one is saying he is clearly some neo nazi who holds beliefs of racial purity or any of that. But he has made a slur that is racist, in a very public situation, so yes, it is wrong, and yes, he should be made an example of.

The fact that he plays for Barcelona and it is against Real Madrid is no excuse for this apologist attitude.

Well, trust me that Catalunya is no different in that regard. But to be fair, this argument is moot unless I'll see some sound, valid an objective evidence of him having said that. The POINT is that I still haven't seen any of that and it's all mere speculations and shit-stirring by the Media. Neither Busquets nor Marcelo have come out saying this or that. Unfortunately, I believe in things said only after they have been simply proved one way or the other, and there has simply been a void of that so far.

Furthermore, I was responding merely to those who blamed Busquets for being A racist with highly generalizing the issue. But since, of the things mentioned above, I'm still highly doubtful of it all.

However, IF such thing has been said, it changes the whole issue and it will highly interesting how UEFA will react towards it. What I do know, is that IF (still an if) he said that, Pep will not look long to grease his bum over it. The Club does not itself stand behind such values, and given such words have been expressed I expect FC Barcelona to take action accordingly.

Whether his racist or not it doesnt change the impact of the alleged insult. I remember when Ron Atkinson got caught on tv calling Desailly a is "a fucking lazy thick nigger"

Now afterwards many black friends of Atkinson came out and said he wasnt a racist etc but that was irrelevant and did not change the fact that what he said was not only offensive to Desailly but many other black people.

I dont buy the heat of the moment thing. I have argued with plenty of people but never once brought race into it. It baffles me that in 2011 people actually still use racial slurs. People who use such slurs know how offensive they are and use them for a reason. There is no excuse for it!!

Valid point there, but as I've already told Serge, there's simply no proof of such allegations. And please, stop making inductive arguments - that's called false logics. The fact that you conduct yourself in an utmost respectable manner (so there actually are saints out there) when having a proper argument during which you have utter tension between your counterpart, does not mean other's still do not do it.

You see, I don't talke about racism in general, but throwing words at each other when you're just utterly pissed off. Words like monkey and ape, as much as they are a huge part of racial slur, still are employed not necessarily because they're racial in their meaning but because they're easy to use to hurt somebody without really thinking. Stop seeing it all as such a black 'n white issue without its gray zones.

When people throw Jew slurs at me, I pay high attention to the context and manner in which they're being said foremost. Then make my own assumptions from that. And this still boils down to the fact that this is all mere speculation on whether such things have even been said.
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sensivitive topic..what wonders me is, did marcelo talk anything about this issue yet?
btw plip give me your money!


Bomb Dropper
this whole situation is so UGLY.

but that's what Mourinho does. he drags everybody down to his level.

the cunt.

This thread is officially as annoying as Ibra's.

It sincerely does my head in, how on bloody earth people can go on ranting about something there's no VALID or SOUND proof of. Subjective interpretation after another, without a single piece of evidence. You see, it would be completely fine if some of you would understand that things do happen in the heat of the moment (questionable whether it ever happened) and people talk shit just to piss the other one off.

That's the unfortunate side of human nature for you. Especially when we're talking about boys in their early 20s. And don't start pulling that "they're seasoned professionals" crap - they're still boys in their early 20s with a point to prove.

Moreover, calling people racist for a single outburst (still remains questionable, see supra) is just sheer stupidity. No offense to those who do it, but unfortunately snipe remarks do not make you a racist. There has to be a clear, deliberate intention backed by some sort of hatred towards the other race / ethnicity to make it racist.

Racism is a term, which has fully lost its meaning due to it being applied loosely these days, or it also might that there is a common misconception among people what racism really is. Apartheid - that's what racism is. The segregation during the early part of the 20th Century in the US - that's racism for you. Denying people of their rights based on their ethnicity or race - that's racism. Calling person a monkey with a clear intent to show his or her hatred towards his or her origin - that's racism.

Seriously, think before you post. If you're into posting something utterly nonsensical - then just don't post. End of. And please, do get a grip. I'm tired of reading the same repetitive shit.

Busquets 100% is not a racist. given Pep's obsession with character, there's no chance he promotes a player who has such ugly views.

he may well have used racist language, however. I can't tell, some Spanish-speaking friends can't tell, and UEFA can't tell either.


Cardenal de Catalunya
I know, mate.

Just trying to point out the fact that nobody knows anything for certainty. And it just really annoys me when people make rash evaluations without first considering what is known of it.


Well I don't see how you can take such a stance, there is video footage of him doing it. Not only doing it, but trying to hide himself doing it - and failing. Are you honestly saying you think he is saying anything other than mono?


Mr. Japes
This thread is officially as annoying as Ibra's.

It sincerely does my head in, how on bloody earth people can go on ranting about something there's no VALID or SOUND proof of. Subjective interpretation after another, without a single piece of evidence. You see, it would be completely fine if some of you would understand that things do happen in the heat of the moment (questionable whether it ever happened) and people talk shit just to piss the other one off.

That's the unfortunate side of human nature for you. Especially when we're talking about boys in their early 20s. And don't start pulling that "they're seasoned professionals" crap - they're still boys in their early 20s with a point to prove.

Moreover, calling people racist for a single outburst (still remains questionable, see supra) is just sheer stupidity. No offense to those who do it, but unfortunately snipe remarks do not make you a racist. There has to be a clear, deliberate intention backed by some sort of hatred towards the other race / ethnicity to make it racist.

Racism is a term, which has fully lost its meaning due to it being applied loosely these days, or it also might that there is a common misconception among people what racism really is. Apartheid - that's what racism is. The segregation during the early part of the 20th Century in the US - that's racism for you. Denying people of their rights based on their ethnicity or race - that's racism. Calling person a monkey with a clear intent to show his or her hatred towards his or her origin - that's racism.

Seriously, think before you post. If you're into posting something utterly nonsensical - then just don't post. End of. And please, do get a grip. I'm tired of reading the same repetitive shit.

So what you're saying is that Spain should reinstate capital punishment just for Sergi?


Bomb Dropper
Well I don't see how you can take such a stance, there is video footage of him doing it. Not only doing it, but trying to hide himself doing it - and failing. Are you honestly saying you think he is saying anything other than mono?

mono without the article means cute. coulda been a bit of Tyson-esque "you got a pretty mouth, I'm gonna make you my bitch" banter.

coulda been "pollo" (i.e. chicken)

coulda been anything, man. that's the point.


Cardenal de Catalunya
So what you're saying is that Spain should reinstate capital punishment just for Sergi?

Great interpretive skills right there, monsieur.

What I'm saying is that there's absolutely no valid or sound proof Busquets ever said such nonsense.

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