Seydou Keita


What has Keita ever done to you? That was unnecessary :(


He has done nothing to me at all. He is a utility player approaching his sell-by-date.

What I am arguing with, is with a bunch of a inane comments of the type: "Keita > Cesc"

And I am saying, just ask any football club on this dusty planet: "Take a pick between Cesc and Keita"


Keita had the audacity to score a crucial goal for FC Barcelona and prove that he is still an important part of this team. Dalitis takes this as a personal insult.

How about scoring in the Bernabeu, in Mourinho's face.

Does that count as "crucial" for you?


Professor Balthazar
Just try and sell Keita to a football club. See how much you'll get.

Pfft, just cause' you're spoiled when supporting Barcelona you can't even imagine how good of a player Keita actually is. He would walk right in to any team, you name it - Man U, City, Inter, Milan, Madrid, Chelski and so on. Cesc is half the player Keita is so far...


how about you stop comparing cesc to anything that has ever walked on earth - it does him no good.

I don't think that either Cesc or Pep give a flying fuck about what is being said on this forum. By any one of us.

And how about this forum starts giving credit where that is due.

Cesc is our 2nd most productive played for the entire season up to now, and all I hear from 90% of this forum, is: "Cesc is shit"

Keita scored one (1) goal, in a rather insignificant game, and he is all of a sudden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than Cesc.

It is ridiculous to the utmost extreme.


Pfft, just cause' you're spoiled when supporting Barcelona you can't even imagine how good of a player Keita actually is. He would walk right in to any team, you name it - Man U, City, Inter, Milan, Madrid, Chelski and so on. Cesc is half the player Keita is so far...

Try another sport, son.


Cesc scored a poacher's goal like a pussy against Real Madrid tbf. This is how it's done like a boss:

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


Just try and sell Keita to a football club. See how much you'll get.

we all know that.....


is priceless


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