To be honest I think we will find a way around this. Anyone who knows the law knows its very elastic especially if you have the right lawyers.
Or a shedload of money... The hope that I cling on to is that Chelsea had their ban overturned in 2010.
To be honest I think we will find a way around this. Anyone who knows the law knows its very elastic especially if you have the right lawyers.
So that whole appealing and signing players while waiting till they make a decision thing is true or...?
I haven't exactly read the last 20-25 pages.
barcastuff @barcastuff 38s
Barcelona sports director Andoni Zubizarreta (52) will on Wednesday resign due to the transfer ban imposed by Fifa. [catalunya radio]
barcastuff @barcastuff 47s
Barcelona have rejected the offer of sports director Andoni Zubizarreta (52) to resign after Fifa's transfer ban. [catalunya radio
It baffles me that even now the socis still don't bother to have any kind of reaction whatsoever. Simply don't care?
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If all the ones yappin bout the socis not caring had have put there money were there mouth is an became members themselves we might not have been in this situation
Wenger is a pedophile...I think everyone knows it already...He's been breaking the law since I remember taking EVERY promising youngster, even from Barca's schoolI don't see anything wrng with what he's saying.
Yes of course, us socis who pay into the club don't care. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I just pay my yearly membership then that's it for a year. None of this bothers me, couldn't care less.
Exactly mate. Yes socis made a mistake voting Rosell in, fair enough. But in any elections, people or parties win and it becomes apparent in history it was a mistake. What gets me with these posts however is that socis are bearing the brunt of the blame. Socis are members of the club who put their money where their mouth is and make an emotional and financial commitment to the club. It's easy to come on to a faceless internet message board and attack this and blame that, but us socis have made a commitment, a life long one, and back the club practically year upon year. Yes, the elections were a mistake, I'm sure a lot realise that now but to attack people who have made a practical commitment to the club from people who just mouth off on a message board, nah, I can't understand that and it irritates me