Summer Olympics Paris - 2024


Well-known member
And if their development is entirely female despite this?
But who will make those tests? Who will extract muscles and bone tissue to test she had no advantage?
Anyway males with such condition, Swyer syndrome, who look like women, do not have periods. That is a bit of an advantage but I don't think this girls are considered transsexuals anyway and probably many competed without us knowing.


Well-known member
How do u know CR7 would not have advantages?

maybe some elevated hormones more present in females lead to better ability to focus or better eyesight. I dunno. Surely someone would find a way to come up with arguments as to how is unfair. Just opening a can of worms.

As of now think best way to go about is what doctor puts on birth certificate and drug abuse.
If femeles had advantages in brains, muscles, bones we would have been a society runned by them. Female soldiers, female hunters, female workers, the big discoveries would have been made by females.
Anyway, any advantage they have would be absolutely dwarfed by the disadvantages. Brain size, muscles, bones in any sport.
Females are less agresive so they tend to do well in schools being more easy to educate and they educate the next generations. They are more easy to get brainwashed by ideologies, religions etc.
That's why Western EU, a femine society is absolutely on it's death bed at the hand of masculine societies, more agresive, thinking outside the box.
There is no competition between males and females, evolution made that clear.
Europe is dominated by Indo-European male liniages for a reason, because the males are the bodyguards and the warriors who get exterminated.
So there is no can to open if you have any clue about history, biology.
Equal rights have no link to Equality between females and males. Both the fascists, conservatives from Murica and the feminists are a bunch of low iq idiots debating nonsense.
Females should compete against females because they are made to do that at best. Males can compete with everyone because that is their job. If a female beats you, good for her and we should be proud, but she can't beat all males.
All people with disabilities should compete against male, no debate whatsoever. That would calm down the low iq neo-bolshevics from UK and US a bit.
We create a common chess federation, that's all. The rest is neo-bolshevics and neoliberalism populists fucking with the brains of NPC westerners conditioned to deny everything that contradicts the ideological education.
Anyway they are on the extinction path so this nonsense will probably end in the future.


Well-known member
I think the problem with equality is that men and women are so vastly different, that social equality in a civilised society cannot overcome biology or nature as human beings originally were.

Of course, in terms of people being treated as human beings and with respect, we want equality. That's the true meaning of it. Not women who are much worse at football (through no fault of their own) demanding to be paid as much as the superior men in that arena. That's not equality, that is box-ticking.


Well-known member
If you ask yourself:

Yes, she is. Bronze medal match between Turkey and Brazil starting now.



Well-known member
I would also say the gap between female track and field athletes, or female swimmers, and their male counterparts, is sizeable but not as vast as between male and female footballers for example.

But that makes sense as football has long been a sport defined by gender and which hasn't had women's football to a good level til recently, whereas those other sports have never really been seen as 'male' sports like football is.

Maybe women will be able to close the gap in football in future but I doubt it. It's easier to run or swim for women. In football there's also a vast skill gap as well as physical gap. You get techniques in swimming and athletics but I would say the women can 'replicate' that better than women can replicate men's ability in football.


Well-known member
I found this interesting. How many sports ladies could be at very similar level if they just had longer time to practise?


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