Summer Olympics Paris - 2024


Senior Member
If that is the model of society they are keen on having in France, go for it. This is democracy in the end. Didn't they vote for this recently?


Senior Member
If that is the model of society they are keen on having in France, go for it. This is democracy in the end. Didn't they vote for this recently?
In part yes, in part no. Every single Western party is just a lackey subsidiary of the same ruler class. You can't vote for "alternative". The best thing peoples could do would be to not go to election at all, en masse. Just ignore them as they are fake and gay just like this abominable demonstration of ruling class depravity.


Senior Member
If that is the model of society they are keen on having in France, go for it. This is democracy in the end. Didn't they vote for this recently?
Democracy means rule of the people, not "whoever we can dupe you into voting for can then do whatever they want".


Senior Member
Democracy is a scam.
Anyhow, another thing about the shitshow. Singing Imagine was also cringe. A song about no countries and no religion, in front of hundreds of countries and multiple different religions, in a competition meant to celebrate multi-national competition? A song from an English band, in France? It would be like if a song from Argentina was played at the opening of the Rio Olympics.


Well-known member
Singing Imagine was also cringe. A song about no countries and no religion, in front of hundreds of countries and multiple different religions, in a competition meant to celebrate multi-national competition?
Agree there. It's the height of gaslighting, when you think about it lol.
Stuff like the Olympics and the World Cup are built around nationalism - that's their very backbone and reason for existing.

The message they were trying to send is obviously one of countries coming together to tolerate and be friendly with one another. But even in sporting events that is a pipedream.


Well-known member
Are we team Spain or team Italy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Well-known member
By the way, US vs Canada played yesterday in long leggins in the evining. We need an urgent petition not to host beach volleyball matches in the evening, because it's too dangerous for the ladies to be outside when it's dark of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


Well-known member
Spain won 2-1 !
Although the Italian girl Valentina Gottardi is pretty hot. Hope to see more of her
Well done the Spanish girls.

I will google her later. I love all sorts of women physically (from a shallow perspective) but generally I like brunettes more than blondes. I like redheads too.

Edit: yeah Loki, she has a great body as you'd expect from an Olympian. Great bum.


Senior Member
Why did that lad think the chair was for him? Looked even more stupid than Alex Song. :lol:

BTW, hope Nathalie is ok.

One of the prominent names on Team Brazil in Paris, Nathalie Moellhausen raised concerns among fans and the coaching staff in her fencing debut at the Olympics, this Saturday. The 38-year-old athlete became ill during the third half of the fight and needed medical attention. The duel was paused for a few minutes so that it could be attended to. In February this year, she discovered a benign tumor in the coccyx region and has been having problems with chronic pain there.

Shortly after the incident, the fencer left the Grand Palais, the competition venue, and went to a hospital. She lives in Paris and has a private doctor in the city, who is already with her. Regardless of the result at the Olympics, she had already scheduled surgery for Monday, the 29th.

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