How on the fuking earth I'm on that list? You're making fun of me, right? I'm ugliest muthafuker in this board. I don't even want to show up my face. I make even a camel's butt look pretty.
You're sarcastic, aren't ya?
No, i wasn't sarcastic. And this is not a beauty contest. That would be vain and i'm not.

I really don't know why you think you're ugly 'cause you're not. From that pic you'd posted, one with your football team, you looked nice. OR may be i mistook you to be someone else in the pic

Anyway, i think you're witty, humourous (probs the most funny on the boards), and you did make some serious contribution to the forum when i made this poll. And those avatars you'd made for all of us is indicative of your creativity and sense of humour. I loved it.
You're there for good reason, not because i wanted make fun of you. Now stop crying and enjoy the privilege of being featured on my poll. Not all make it. I'm very choosy and 've very high standards.

You've also recieved the same no. of votes as Raed. So you really can't be ugly.
Mina, Zanela, Gio and definitely Justin(why the fuck is he not included!?)
Staying loyal to your roots, V. I love my fellow countrymen. :beer2:
But you can only vote one.
Great choice, P :thumbsup2:
I 've a lot of respect for Joel.
He comes across good natured, honest, polite, smart, respectful and has the looks to go with it.
So I take it you think I'm either an uggo or have an unfitting name.
Thanks Petra
You've the most fancied & popular female member complimenting you. So that should say something.
And if i may add, you and my sis P 'll make an awesome pair.