Relegation for what? There is no proof we paid any refs to gain favors. The guy we paid is an extortionist.
The club probably got duped by this guy initially, and then paid him to not expose the whole thing.
Like a long con.
Lol. Negreira guy approached the club.
I doubt it, if it happened like they alleged, that it all started in either 2001 or even the 90s and didn't end until 2018 when Bartomeu put a stop to the payments, I'd think the club knew what they were doing.
Ref making barely six figures cannot extort a billion dollar club. It's like a deli trying to extort the mafia cartel lmao, your analogy's inverted.
If there is any form of coercion or any lies from Negreira then it's not a bribe. I think it is based on what I have read online. I feel confident the club will sort it out. As said, Barca always felt that Madrid are getting better treatment in Spain, so easy for them to get baited into this type of scenario.
The club was approached by a conman with lies probably about being disadvantaged vs Madrid if they don't contribute and blah, blah, and bought it initially. Then the Negreira dude sensed he had good leverage to extort money from the club for years and years, knowing how this looks for the club if it got exposed.
With the way Gaspart run the club anything is possible. I wouldn't be surprised if he started paying the sum in exchange for rare Pokemon cards.