Tito is the one who wants ThiagoSilva, not RosellRosell is coming up with his Brasilian invasion, well it was going to happen sooner or later
Hahaha ! Again this contemptous tone...
And you don't knwo wat you are talking about. At the moent, it's clear that PSG as little visibility compared to Barça. But Qatar benefits far from PSG than Barça. Our ex french president (namely Sarkozy, who is PSG fan) pushed for the Qatari investments in PSG. Qatari, aswell, got great tax laws from their investments in France and Paris as a result.
QSI it's also Bein Sport, a chain who earn the French Ligue 1 rights. So the stronger is PSG, the stronger it benefits from them.
Then, the argument like what the PSG owner doesn't want to make Barça angry, so he'll sell TS is the biggest bullshit i've ever heard. In that case, why did PSG outbid Barça last year when this latter was interested in ? As you said, Qatar isn't philanthropic, this is all business. They sponsored the best team of the decade, which give them great visibilty (and you are well paid for that). In the other hand, they earn a club and they want him to reach success.
Do you ever see businessmen who are willing to put their own business in jeopardy just to help their partners ?
Anyways, i don't see why keeping your own player would upset anybody. You are talking like if Barça has some rights over TS...
And to end, we are in an english forum, so no, i don't capisco.
Edit: i don't give credit to those self-named specialists but geopolitcal specialists are even saying that now PSG owner is the new Cheickh he will push even harder in the way of the soft-power and is willing to give PSG more visibility by hiring big players. But i rate this judgment at least as high at yours.
Alexis + 30 mill.. DO IT ZUBI!
WowAnd yes I'm an expert as QIA and Qatar Airways both are my clients! In fact, QIA sent me a gift last month, a Barcelona Jersey (not PSG) with all the players signature including Messi. Not much difference between QIA, Qatar Airways and Qatar Foundation. They all belong to the same government, heading by the same Emir, not sure why you still don't get this simple fact!
bro, you are the one who doesn't know anything. First the CEO who is running QIA and who is behind buying PSG is Sheikh Hamad, not Cheickh (like you said we are in English forum not french!). This Sheikh stepped down, meaning he was forced out, no longer the Prime Minester and he won't be holding any political power. The chairman of board is Sheikh Tamim who is now the Emir is never involved in business. It's always been the powerful Prime Minister. Get your facts right about your new lords!
And this might not be a good news for you as the main reason for the appointment of the young Emir is to focus more on domestic affairs rather than international which Qatar came under heat. And yes I'm an expert as QIA and Qatar Airways both are my clients! In fact, QIA sent me a gift last month, a Barcelona Jersey (not PSG) with all the players signature including Messi. Not much difference between QIA, Qatar Airways and Qatar Foundation. They all belong to the same government, heading by the same Emir, not sure why you still don't get this simple fact!
WowI suppose you're not joking here, so I'm curious which kind of job you do?
Great stuff, thx!i will post spoon photo with the Jersey, that was the Qatar Foundation logo Jersey. They wanted to send me another now with the new Qatar Airways logo Jersey, signed by the players. I said I'll wait until I get Neymar signature, maybe I should wait more and get TS signature too.
Can't name my firm, but it's global financial advisory (Investment bank).
as long as Messi plays Neymar will never be the best or center player, sorry to burst your bubble now
But of course Messi is the best. He will decline with age though
bro, you are the one who doesn't know anything. First the CEO who is running QIA and who is behind buying PSG is Sheikh Hamad, not Cheickh (like you said we are in English forum not french!). This Sheikh stepped down, meaning he was forced out, no longer the Prime Minester and he won't be holding any political power. The chairman of board is Sheikh Tamim who is now the Emir is never involved in business. It's always been the powerful Prime Minister. Get your facts right about your new lords!
And this might not be a good news for you as the main reason for the appointment of the young Emir is to focus more on domestic affairs rather than international which Qatar came under heat. And yes I'm an expert as QIA and Qatar Airways both are my clients! In fact, QIA sent me a gift last month, a Barcelona Jersey (not PSG) with all the players signature including Messi. Not much difference between QIA, Qatar Airways and Qatar Foundation. They all belong to the same government, heading by the same Emir, not sure why you still don't get this simple fact!