Thiago Silva

Is it only Thiago silva that can solve our defensive problem.
Marquinhos will just do fine and check their stat marquinhos is just like TS.only thing Ts got over him is experience and he is faster thanTs.we should not always clamour for big name when marquinhos will bring almost the same thing as Ts and has time to develop to be better.if they don't switch attention away from silva am sure we will be in the same situation as last year. And we don't act fast and sign marquinhos or david luiz;am sure this psg will buy one of them and pair him with silva(which they will never sell)to replace alex.if chelsea is not willing to sell luiz then psg will buy marquinhos right in front of us and we will spend the whole of next year trying to convince marquinhos to force a transfer.
I'd love Marquinhos here . I honestly see him as Thiago Silvas replacement for Brazil. Tito has said that he only wants Silva. I'd be really upset if we don't push for Marquinhos. We should loan Bartra, play Marquinhos and Piqué and then bring bartra back for the future Marquinhos Bartra defensive line. Both need to gain body Mass though, they are too skinny. Varane was just as skinny until Mou got his hands on him and now he looks beast.


Senior Member

Suarez is very fast and he tried to outpace TS twice in the semi-final and couldn't.
Case babbling as always.. One exception doesnt change the rule that Silva is not pacy or agile..
And by the way any video of this? Just to check if what you are saying is true..

One of the fastest players in the Brazillian NT despite being a defender. I'd say only Lucas, Neymar, Alves and (possibly) Hulk are faster than him.
Yeah!! Lol! Who is left?
Fred, David Luiz, Paulinho and Oscar? Ok... (Mind: Gustavo and Marcelo are faster)
He is as fast as the slowest half of the team.. Convincing argument!!


New member
and he is faster than TS.

Look for the full Roma vs. Lazio derby (1-1) which was played like 3 months ago and watch it.

Almost every Lazio player were outpacing him, especially in the 2nd half.

@Birdy: I will try to look for one.

Oh and Gustavo is in no way, shape or form faster or more agile than TS. Marcelo is only faster in short distance.
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Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Silva is extremely quick, i've seen him for years. I don't remember anybody outpacing him, i watched it with my eyes. He is very quick, no two ways about it.


New member
Pique and Silva are NOTHING alike. Where do people get these ideas? Apart from being on the same planet, playing in the same position and having good passing skills, they have nothing else in common. They have a different body type, Silva is strong, quick and great in the air. Pique is neither of those things. Silva is more similar to Puyol or Ramos than to Pique.

did having ramos beside pique did it stop brazil from beating them.the answer is no;alves and alba staying back for most of the time and having a more mobile cm than xavi who can tackle,support the defense,track back would make our defense stronger .the main problem with our team is imbalance.a team should have 5 player whose primary job is defend and another 5 whose primary job is attack or 6:4 or 4:6.a team should have 5 or 4 players with goog aerial ability.a team should have 5 player capable of scoring ( 2 long ranger and 3 short ranger) and the sum should bring something a little bit different from those they are replacing.and there could be 2 players that can combine attacking and defending,long range shot and short range shot and we also need more goals from our mildfield,i am sure if we add xavi's,iniesta's and busquet's goals in all competition it might not be up to 10. I think if we can correct all these mistakes and not have a team full of short players, and make the ratio of attackers to defenders to be balanced no matter who we get be it marqinhos or luiz or even using bartra with pique our defence will be solid and if we do not correct this mistakes whoever we get be it TS or even if we can duplicate Ts and pair them with each other our defense will be weak and not let forget we have fielded a make shift defence in a cl final and our defense was not as weak as it is now.


New member
Case babbling as always.. One exception doesnt change the rule that Silva is not pacy or agile..
And by the way any video of this? Just to check if what you are saying is true..

Yeah!! Lol! Who is left?
Fred, David Luiz, Paulinho and Oscar? Ok... (Mind: Gustavo and Marcelo are faster)
He is as fast as the slowest half of the team.. Convincing argument!!

He is extremely pacy and agile. All of his strengths you are turning to weaknesses :icon_confused:


Active member
did having ramos beside pique did it stop brazil from beating them.the answer is no;alves and alba staying back for most of the time and having a more mobile cm than xavi who can tackle,support the defense,track back would make our defense stronger .the main problem with our team is imbalance.a team should have 5 player whose primary job is defend and another 5 whose primary job is attack or 6:4 or 4:6.a team should have 5 or 4 players with goog aerial ability.a team should have 5 player capable of scoring ( 2 long ranger and 3 short ranger) and the sum should bring something a little bit different from those they are replacing.and there could be 2 players that can combine attacking and defending,long range shot and short range shot and we also need more goals from our mildfield,i am sure if we add xavi's,iniesta's and busquet's goals in all competition it might not be up to 10. I think if we can correct all these mistakes and not have a team full of short players, and make the ratio of attackers to defenders to be balanced no matter who we get be it marqinhos or luiz or even using bartra with pique our defence will be solid and if we do not correct this mistakes whoever we get be it TS or even if we can duplicate Ts and pair them with each other our defense will be weak and not let forget we have fielded a make shift defence in a cl final and our defense was not as weak as it is now.
I tend to agree,our midfield is not by any way agressive or powerfull,I think Toure would be ideal now.I dont know...have barcelona used a box to box midfielder?I know all these about Xavi but the fact is only Busquets is who is defending which is his job actually but he is not powerfull.I would like to have a Sneijder type midfielder that has powerfull long range shot..but what we say.I always thought that one time this team may need vital changes to be so good again but it seems really hard to have all the ideal players to do it
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New member
Well because u're fast doesn't mean players can't out pace u.alves sometimes out pace ronaldo and player that are not as fast as alba sometimes out pace him and they out pacing him might be as a result of exhaustion. Throughout T.silva's career has he not be outpaced once and what i don't get is u all painting T.silva as a messiah to save our defence and u've forgotten that no matter how great a player seems to be he will always have his flaw and what i believe is that even if u bring a younger puyol to that defence it will still be average and not solid if we can put some minor tweaks into our formation like a defensive fullback, a more mobile cm than xavi and a better winger to replace alexis and pedro so that we can pin team more to their half


New member
Look for the full Roma vs. Lazio derby (1-1) which was played like 3 months ago and watch it.

Almost every Lazio player were outpacing him, especially in the 2nd half.

I wouldn't say Marquinhos is faster than TS. But you also can't judge him off one game. There have been many instances throughout the season where he has exhibited good pace.

Juan Shoe

New member
People who equate buying Marquinhos and Silva as having the same effect simply don't understand defending. There are a hundered Marquinhos' out there. Having potential and the skill set to be a truly great defender doesn't mean you are. Experience is generally a huge asset to have but more importantly, presence and leadership are essential. Pique suffers when Puyol isn't there because despite having a great skill set he is not a leader. I have seen that at every level of football and a team that doesn't have a defensive leader will always concede goals. To ask a 19 year old to run the Barca defence won't work and Pique isn't able to do it at present either. Marquinhos is definetly a player we should be looking at but not as the only replacement. We need a replacement of Puyol's skill but also his leadership. There are very few players that could do that and Silva is unquestionably top of that short list. Unfortunately that kind of quality costs money.


Wild Man of Borneo
People who equate buying Marquinhos and Silva as having the same effect simply don't understand defending. There are a hundered Marquinhos' out there. Having potential and the skill set to be a truly great defender doesn't mean you are. Experience is generally a huge asset to have but more importantly, presence and leadership are essential. Pique suffers when Puyol isn't there because despite having a great skill set he is not a leader. I have seen that at every level of football and a team that doesn't have a defensive leader will always concede goals. To ask a 19 year old to run the Barca defence won't work and Pique isn't able to do it at present either. Marquinhos is definetly a player we should be looking at but not as the only replacement. We need a replacement of Puyol's skill but also his leadership. There are very few players that could do that and Silva is unquestionably top of that short list. Unfortunately that kind of quality costs money.

People who act as if Silva is a magic wand that fixes everything simply don't understand defending. In counterattacking situations we've faced, there's probably nothing that Silva individually would've done differently than Pique/Puyol that would be of any real help. The only thing a better individual defender provides is better basic qualities such as physicality and positioning, something present but not yet equal in both Marquinhos and Silva. If we don't fix our system, Marquinhos and Silva would be equally useless. If we do fix our system, Silva would be better than Marquinhos but not by too much and definitely not in the long term. Buying defenders to fix our defense is 100% an on-paper solution considering our problem is systemic. Silva alone wouldn't solve our problems and would cost 40-50 million in the process. The output of both Marcos/Silva would be relatively similar in whatever situation we are in tactically. The only difference is that one is overpriced and short term while the other is young and will be key for a long time.


Wild Man of Borneo
Surely not,but if you have the right players and improve the tactics you can make better progress

Yes but people act like on an individual basis there is some massive gulp in class between Silva and Marquinhos and as if that really matters to our defense in a group setting. The smart money would go to the Marquinhos transfer, the desperate money to the Silva one.

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