Thiago Translantara



It's the ROC sign...

He does it because he's in the Illuminati too.


Staff member
ofc it is..but thiago dont meant it that way

I don't think most of those guys know it's original meaning. Jay Z doing it, or Madonna into Kabala...
Power of the symbolism and it's influence on human brain is underestimated though. But that's another subject.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I don't even think Illuminati exists, or that it has ever been an evil organisation.

The freemasons, however, DID adopt the eye symbol enclosed by a pyramid, but it was by no means their creation. It is more often used to symbol religious thoughts.


Staff member
Illuminati existed, it's a proven fact. I do believe they exist now as well. As to the purpose of their existence...
As long as there are humans there will be men/women joining together in groups/organizations in order to achieve their goals. Sometimes on their path they step over others and sometimes their goals aren't so noble. And men are greedy. And when you have greed you also have the need to do things in secret. It's in our nature.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
So.... did you take the red pill?

Anyway, I strongly believe in human lazyness and the inability to co-operate, and feel safe in the knowledge (or belief) that there's nothing of the sort to worry about.

Good night :)


I don't think most of those guys know it's original meaning. Jay Z doing it, or Madonna into Kabala...
Power of the symbolism and it's influence on human brain is underestimated though. But that's another subject.

I agree but I think people like Madonna and Jay Z know what this kind of symbolism means however people like Thaigo who can not benefit the Illuminati at allandhe more than likely just thinks it looks cool.

And the Illuminati does exist,there is too much evidence on the internet to prove it,I have studied it for a couple of years.

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep
Of course they exist but you do realize he's not even doing the sign for the Eye of Providence??

The hand signal should resemble a pyramid with the eye on top,

Jay-Z knows what he's doing, Thiago obviously doesn't...I don't think he was trying to copy Jay-Z either...

Probably some inside joke kinda thing, whoever made that video really needs a girlfriend...

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