Hatem Ben Arfa
New member
Well you will have to research that for yourself, nobody's going to take hours to explain it you.

you mean you won't provide me with a simple explanation let alone what you call proof that makes you believe these conspiracies?
It will take hours to explain it to me? Really? But I thought you did all the research? Surely you can explain it to me in a couple of paragraphs or maybe even less.
When someone asks you what physics is, you don't quote them a whole book. You give them a summary of the theories and proofs involved.
Here is the thread i created specifically for conspiracy talk: http://www.barcaforum.com/showthread.php/8142-Conspiracy-Theories-(Illuminati-NWO-amp-anything-else)
I will sincerely welcome a debate and the opportunity to be educated on matters I am supposedly ignroant to when it comes to people commiting conspiracies.
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