Thiago Translantara


Active member
yes you can compare them, what is up with you people always saying you can't compare x player to x player because he's more advanced or plays a little different role? what's next? you can't compare players because one is shorter than the other and one has a bigger dick?


True, but you compared Thiago to other midfielders at his age. Technically Gotze is a midfielder in his early 20s.


yes you can compare them, what is up with you people always saying you can't compare x player to x player because he's more advanced or plays a little different role? what's next? you can't compare players because one is shorter than the other and one has a bigger dick?

Comparing a DM and a AM for example is pointless cuz those players' game is governed by a different set of skills.


New member
I don't get the obsession with saying x player is better than y player. The three outstanding young players in midfield are Wilshere, Thiago and Gotze. But its difficult to compare them - different leagues, different roles in the team, different levels of experience etc.


New member
yes you can compare them, what is up with you people always saying you can't compare x player to x player because he's more advanced or plays a little different role? what's next? you can't compare players because one is shorter than the other and one has a bigger dick?

no you can't. They have completely different tasks. This has nothing to do if they're more advanced or not (I didn't even state that.), have a different style, etc. Like mitkoa said, comparing a DM to an AM is pointless.

I don't get the obsession with saying x player is better than y player. The three outstanding young players in midfield are Wilshere, Thiago and Gotze. But its difficult to compare them - different leagues, different roles in the team, different levels of experience etc.

this should end our discussion, ty


Thiago > Gotze any day. If Thiago played for Dortmund he would be running the show. Thiago is only a sub b.c of xavi and Iniesta but he has proven to be amazing when starting
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Thiago > Gotze any day. If Thiago played for Dortmund he would be running the show. Thiago is only a sub b.c of xavi and Iniesta but he has proved to be amazing when starting

I agree with you, probably for the 1st time ever ;) +1


:lol: :lol: :lol:

You guys, overrated =/= good player

Nobody is doubting Thiago's talent, but the FACT that he's hyped up to be the next best thing since sliced bread on here is...:lol:


New member
he's no Cesc :lol:

Cesc was starting every champions league game including a final at the age of 18. He was practically carrying an entire club on his shoulders at the age when Thiago was in Barca B.

Still, it could be much more to do with opportunity than actual comparison in skill level. Whose to say Thiago couldn't do the same if he had the same chance?


New member
What kind of question is this? He's hyped up. Fact. Showing up for almost a year :lol:

I'll say it again, overrated =/= good.

Please show us some posts where he is so hyped by the majority of the posters that you came to the conclusion that he is overrated.
And am I to understand that he is good, although he isn't showing it? Now who's overrating who?


He is our most complete midfielder and I believe he could be better than remains to be seen if he will a better CM than an AM.

Thiago will be (Xavi+Iniesta)^2 in some years, I can't wait :D

Real talk?

Thiago can play against all those teams and embarrass them.

United's midfield? :lol: he'd have his best game yet.

Valencia would be really tough but he can do it with the 1st teamers.

Milan? He'd make them look silly a few times.

Santos? Yup.

Madrid? Already has.

With that said, he does need to clean up some bits of his game and it will all come with experience.

If Xavi is not available then it should be his role.

Cesc fan boys only drag him into mud by underrating Thiago. Do you really need to belittle a 20 yo's talent to show how good Cesc is? if he, at 24 and after 8 years of first team experience, still can't outshine a 20 yo with one year experience even in his fanboys' eyes then, he doesn't deserve to be in the team. And if he is good enough it will show, in presence of the biggest talents around, thiago included. Have some respect for your love,Cesc, and for the most talented young midfielder in Europe.

This guy should be starting over Cesc any day. He's simply amazing. Today he showed great character. It was as if he was 27-30 years old carrying the team to try and win the game. In a couple years no need to worry about Xavi's replacement. we have him here. I love this guy

Thiago in 10 years > Cesc in 10 years. End of debate.

Some recent examples. I can go find a lot more for you back in the summer when he had a few good games against some random mexican teams and everybody started claiming he was some sort of god but I much rather spend my time playing ME3 honey :wave:
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