Thiago Translantara


New member
I feel Thiago has stagnated since pre season.
I mean he's still playing well don't get me wrong but there's nothing exciting or sizzling about him.
He's not getting any worse but he's not getting any better either.


New member
How many of his games you watched before getting to this conclusion? Thiago is doing very good for his age and for the demands of our team. He is going through a learning process, just like Busi did in his first year. And if you think there is nothing exciting about him, go and watch Barca's game at San Siro.

catalan force

New member
I feel Thiago has stagnated since pre season.
I mean he's still playing well don't get me wrong but there's nothing exciting or sizzling about him.
He's not getting any worse but he's not getting any better either.
watch him against valencia..when he played in busi's place. stop the hate willl ya..? give him playing time and he will dazzle.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
Thiago's pre-season sizzle is gone because of Cesc. simple as.

not saying this in a "hater" way or a "critical" way ... just real talks. Cesc took his minutes.


New member
Cesc is starting most games anyway so it's not like he's taking Thiago's sub minutes. And Cesc has mostly played as a ... lol actually I can't even finish that sentence I have no idea where Cesc has mostly played as.He's played a bit of everything, CF,LW,CM,CAM :S


New member
Thiago's pre-season sizzle is gone because of Cesc. simple as.

not saying this in a "hater" way or a "critical" way ... just real talks. Cesc took his minutes.

Strange that all this dissapointment came exactly when Thiago is injured and everybody seemed to have forgotten about him, isn't it?

Minutes played by our midfielders this season:

Keita 1481
Iniesta 2018
Thiago 2229
Cesc 2555
Busi 2701
Xavi 2767


New member
Strange that all this dissapointment came exactly when Thiago is injured and everybody seemed to have forgotten about him, isn't it?

Minutes played by our midfielders this season:

Keita 1481
Iniesta 2018
Thiago 2229
Cesc 2555
Busi 2701
Xavi 2767

Well exactly, not saying he's invisible in games but he's not giving us anything to remember him for either


New member
The guy is 20 years old. First year in 1st squad. Oozes class, but it smart enough to know that he has to play simple to get minutes. Yes, he shines less than in pre-season, but he's getting himself quite a bit of experience (playing time) by keeping it simple. This will only help him the next years to 'start shining' again.

He is doing ... brilliant. Believe me.

I rather have him playing this way, than being egoistic and trying to show 'shiny' things to the world.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
Strange that all this dissapointment came exactly when Thiago is injured and everybody seemed to have forgotten about him, isn't it?

Minutes played by our midfielders this season:

Keita 1481
Iniesta 2018
Thiago 2229
Cesc 2555
Busi 2701
Xavi 2767

those are great numbers. and I'm not disappointed in him. What those numbers do not show, however, is the situation with which he has entered in to the games. I'm not going to complain about his role, because Cesc has been played out of position all year. but I do think that he would have been better served building on his pre-season momentum by filling in for Xavi or filling in for Iniesta or filling in for Sergio and knowing that he is the #4 midfielder on the team (no pun intended). I think Cesc's arrival tempered that and pushed him to the "fringe" minutes and situations.

and I'm not blaming Cesc or hating on Cesc. But this is a great example to build the Neymar vs Tello/Pedro/Cuenca debate. Here is a Cantera product (Thiago) pushed to the fringes and whose development has been stunted because of a high priced arrival. Did we need Cesc? nope. not based on the way Pep has played him. would Thiago's development have grown if he had been given key minutes with Iniesta/Xavi out? yes.

again, I'm not hating on Cesc. I just wish that Thiago was given another year to grow before the decision to import Cesc was made. Just like I want Tello and Cuenca to grow for another year, Pedro to be allowed to return to form, and MaraVilla to be allowed to return from injury before making the decision to buy another high-priced import.


those are great numbers. and I'm not disappointed in him. What those numbers do not show, however, is the situation with which he has entered in to the games. I'm not going to complain about his role, because Cesc has been played out of position all year. but I do think that he would have been better served building on his pre-season momentum by filling in for Xavi or filling in for Iniesta or filling in for Sergio and knowing that he is the #4 midfielder on the team (no pun intended). I think Cesc's arrival tempered that and pushed him to the "fringe" minutes and situations.

and I'm not blaming Cesc or hating on Cesc. But this is a great example to build the Neymar vs Tello/Pedro/Cuenca debate. Here is a Cantera product (Thiago) pushed to the fringes and whose development has been stunted because of a high priced arrival. Did we need Cesc? nope. not based on the way Pep has played him. would Thiago's development have grown if he had been given key minutes with Iniesta/Xavi out? yes.

again, I'm not hating on Cesc. I just wish that Thiago was given another year to grow before the decision to import Cesc was made. Just like I want Tello and Cuenca to grow for another year, Pedro to be allowed to return to form, and MaraVilla to be allowed to return from injury before making the decision to buy another high-priced import.

wise words


Barçapocalypse NOW!
You expect a 20 year old to become a super star in 6 months? Seriously, the fact Messi did, does not mean everyone else can... Give him some time, or go support Madrid, there they have no patience for youth products and are ready to buy whoever is next big thing...


Thiago's pre-season sizzle is gone because of Cesc. simple as.

not saying this in a "hater" way or a "critical" way ... just real talks. Cesc took his minutes.

Because he is a superior player. Just ask anyone who has even the slightest idea of football and is not member of this forum.

Look, our academy is lovely and great and all that, but the vast majority of the players it produces will never be anywhere near good enough. Xavi, Inesta, Messi, Cesc, Pique, Puyol et al are just a small minority (make that absolutely tiny) of canteranos that were good enough to make it.

I would like to see Thiago start more Liga games, now that it is over, but I really can't see him being a starter for Barca.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
Because he is a superior player. Just ask anyone who has even the slightest idea of football and is not member of this forum.

Look, our academy is lovely and great and all that, but the vast majority of the players it produces will never be anywhere near good enough. Xavi, Inesta, Messi, Cesc, Pique, Puyol et al are just a small minority (make that absolutely tiny) of canteranos that were good enough to make it.

I would like to see Thiago start more Liga games, now that it is over, but I really can't see him being a starter for Barca.

trolling aside, I don't believe Thiago is a better player than Cesc. So in that Cesc took his minutes because Cesc is a better player, I agree. Like I said in my previous two posts, I'm not here to diss Cesc.


my issue is this notion that player "X" is young/unproven/injured/not as cool as player "Y", so rather than letting these players develop lets go spend a few million Euros on this player "Y" and bring him in and player "X" will either adapt or he can piss off. The notion that some people in here want to get rid of Pedro for Neymar annoys me than all of the bullshit put together in this forum and that's part of the reason why I'm so anti-Cesc or anti-Neymar. Obviously we don't know that Thiago will turn out to be as good as Cesc, but if he never gets the chance what the hell is point of developing him? so that he can watch another person come in and take his minutes and then bounce to Arsenal? Thiago could have been given this year to figure himself out. No one is saying he had to become Cesc, but he could have become Thiago. He would have had the minutes. He would have had the opportunity. At the end of the year, we would know if Cesc is required or not. if Cesc was not required, we could have waited for 2 or 3 more years and then gotten him for dirt cheap because, really, where else was Cesc going to go? He was always coming to Barça. by then Thiago is whatever Thiago can be, Iniesta is just 30 and Xavi is ready to be rotated out. what was 2 or 3 more years? or if we have to buy him in July, what was 1 more year? Now we have 3 players with similar roles Iniesta, Thiago, and Cesc and we can't play them all at the same time when the team really required another CB.

I dunno ... I'm just a firm believe in fiscal responsibility and letting players develop before splurging cash. maybe I'll be eating my words in the QFs and SFs and Finals (fingers crossed) of the CL. maybe I'll be sad because I was right.

anyway I'm done w/ this Cesc or Neymar conversations. I've typed what I had to type. The football gods protect Barça.


barça amor d mi alma
Irv, great post. But Cesc will eventually move into Xavi's place. Considering Iniesta plays at his place, you need to add Injury on the table. Think 2 or 3 years would have been too much. And in football everyone is killing someones else's minutes. SAme thing happened with Bojan for so many seasons.

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