Thiago Translantara


Active member
they are very nice couple, but that fucking sunny "romantic-like" picture is annoying
I mean, you are watching football (oficially) and who puts 2 huge dogs in photo if you want it to be romantic...
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Why is everyone bashing Thiago? What did he do to anger all of you?

The guy's a great player and is very talented. Dalitis how can you say he doesn't perform in big games? I remember him playing very well against RM and against Milan in the San Siro fixture. If you don't believe me than here's the proof:

I seriously have no clue why everyone is criticizing him though. Can someone fill me in?

Maybe he had one good game in the Supercup. When was the next one exactly?

La Furia

Legion of Doooom


and besides all that; Thiago was fucking badman against Villarreal in the Camp Nou, Milan in the San Siro and Santos in the CWC Final, which for his first 6 months in the first team is fucking good going. he was never going to waltz in and take over the midfield, so setting expectations that high was always gonna lead to disappointments. but frankly I'm delighted with how he's doing. he's showing that he can be solid as well as spectacular, that he can be a reliable member of the first team squad, which is a crucial step on his way to becoming a first team regular.

1) He was good v Villarreal in the 1st Jornada.

2) He was good in the SuperCup (I think, I was watching that particular game on a computer screen)

3) He was not great at the San Siro.

4) In the CWC he played as a winger, and did not do anything at all. Not that I blame him.

Now, to all the people in here who think that Thiago is the real deal, please tell me the games in which he excelled this season.

There is an automatic tendency on this forum, to consider each and every B player getting a chance here and there, as the next Xaviesta or something. Things are not that simple as most of you believe them to be. It is not just a matter of experience, and confidence and development that will magically come with time. A manager in football must be able to make radical decisions. Bojan for example, never lived up to his early promise. And the same thing will happen with many other players. The vast majority of our canteranos, will never, ever make it as Barca starters. Maybe Thiago will be one of the precious few exceptions, but until such evidence is provided, I won't be counting any chicken.

Manuel Traquete

New member
Thiago is a great player already, worthy of Barcelona.

That said, when he came into the scene, I didn't have the same feeling as with Busquets back in 2008/2009. As soon as I watched Busquets play with the first time, I knew he'd be one of the greatest midfielders of our time and one of the world's greatest for many years to come.

I didn't get that same feeling with Thiago, and still don't. I don't think he'll reach the same heights as Xavi, Iniesta or Busquets. But then again very few do. He will still be a great player for us.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Thiago is getting hated on for being a first team baller at the World's Finest Club at age 20, having a nice girlfriend and generally being badass all while remaining humble. You lot make no fucking sense... :(


Thiago is getting hated on for being a first team baller at the World's Finest Club at age 20, having a nice girlfriend and generally being badass all while remaining humble. You lot make no fucking sense... :(


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