Thiago Translantara


Senior Member
Didn't Zubi or someone say something about the number 11 belonging to Thiago during Neymar's press conference? Or something like that.

Nah, if that happens, I hope Tito leaves. Looks like we'll be giving him another shot next season, but I can see him getting sacked if he doesn't improve.

I don't know, but it shouldn't be that hard to keep him if they want. I mean you sit with him and say: we coun't on you now and in the future, Xavi is 33, do the math


New member
Thiago won't play at the 2014 WC either way. Even if he's called up (which is highly unlikely), he won't get a second of playing time.


Like everyone else here, I hope he doesn't leave. Our future really does does bleak without him, in terms of the midfield. Roberto is decent but Thiago is best of generation material. Tito/Zubi/Rossell really need to persuade him to stay and guarantee minutes (which he deserves).

Here the video of the interview with Andy May (the smile, pat on the back one asked about United)

Interesting. When I read the tweet I thought it was a "yep, I'll see you in Manchester" kind of pat on the back. But watching the video it looks like a "naughty question there mate!" kind of pat..


New member
It is incompetent of Tito to not even know this shiet, basically he is forcing Thiago out with his suck ass way of overplaying Xavi in meaningless matches.

It's not Tito's fault; how should he know what's in Thiago's contract?

The people that made the contract should have made it known to Tito, however. Do these ppl talk to each other?


New member

Tito would not be there when the contract was negotiated, he would ONLY know of a 'play me so many times, or my buy-out is reduced' if he was told of it.

I'm going on the hope that Tito isn't an idiot, and is if he knew about the clause, but wanted rid of Thiago, he WOULD STILL have given him the minutes necessary to keep his buy-out high.

If he knew of the clause but wanted to keep Thiago, then HE WOULD HAVE GIVEN HIM THE MINUTES!

Somebody somewhere at the club has dropped the ball that's for sure. If we want to keep him, give him the minutes; if we want rid of him, give him the minutes so the transfer fee is maximised.


New member
If he goes to Utd he ain't gonna make the Spain squad. Maybe at City under Pellegrini, maybe at Bayern under Pep(although he'd again have too much competition) or maybe at Real Madrid. But any of those would require an adjustment. I think the most likely thing is that he'll stay, but we'll just have to wait to see how it plays out.


Senior Member
Thiago is definitely one of my favourite players here but if I was in his shoes, i'd take up the offer at man united. he's at a stage in his career where he's no longer a "youth player" and should be equal in the rotation schedule. but, senseless Tito does this and places wingbacks as centerbacks and calls it masterstrokes. I support Thiago in whatever decision he makes. United will be a force in england with this eager and talented player.

#outito, *gives tito the finger*


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
he's at a stage in his career where he's no longer a "youth player" and should be equal in the rotation schedule.


He's 22 and for the last two seasons has gotten more playing time than either of Xavi or Iniesta at the same age. He should be rotated more, yes, but there's no way he should be equal in the rotation schedule, especially given how he didn't play all that well a good portion of the season.

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