Thiago Translantara


I don't think we can impose any buy-back clauses if someone's paying his buyout clause to buy him. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

You are right :p

If he really didn't know about the clause, then someone like Zubi has more blame than Tito. I don't remember reading about this 18 mi before, and as Tito had too much on his plate(his disease), it's not far fetched he really didn't know. Of course this has nothing to do with him not trusting Thiago, or not giving him minutes. But you can't just put all the blame on Tito. If his buyout was 90mi, I doubt any team would be willing to pay.

Some journalist even asked him 1 month before the end of the season and he blatantly said he didn't care about the clauses of players. He just plays the players he feels deserve to play. There's nothing wrong with if that's his decision since he's the manager but if Thiago leaves, which will probably turn out to be a bad piece of business, he will be held accountable.. no one else.
Not saying I am against Tito or anything, not even that he is wrong in taking this decision. Just saying that he did knew.


Fireman Sam
If Thiago does leave... I would say good riddance, especially his agent. That son of a bitch has always been a pain-in-the-ass!! Yeah he is indeed a phenominal talent, it would be a shame to lose out on him. But with his father/agent aside him, his attitude would neven grow up to be that of a winner, what with his father earning him his playing-time through a clause in his contract instead of having him fight for the same.

If Thiago does decide to leave it would be a case of Adriano... A spoiled brat would never become a leader. It would be sad because not only does the club lose out on a great talent but also because one of our own youth products would be killing his own career ala Gio dos Santos

Forgive me, but how does going to United (hopefully) mean he's killing his career? One of the biggest clubs in the world, who clearly has a place for him in the side, regular top level football cannot be a bad thing.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Forgive me, but how does going to United (hopefully) mean he's killing his career? One of the biggest clubs in the world, who clearly has a place for him in the side, regular top level football cannot be a bad thing.
He would get used to being a spoiled brat... a player who earns his place by sheer hard work would always be a better player than the one who gets it as a gift. Besides, the tactical shift wouldn't really benefit him just like Fabregas. Yeah Fabregas does get phenomenal statistics but he has not turned out to be the mid field maestro ala Xavi he was predicted to be. That when Fabregas was playing under the loser Wenger which meant he got all the time in the world to improve his game!!

Thiago wouldn't have the same luxury at Utd... He would have to be an 'almost' instant-success!! If he couldn't wait for playing-time at his parent club which developed him to be the player that he is today, imagine his situation at Utd. He will have to endure the pressure of being the starting mid-fielder of a winning club!! Nuri Sahin strikes my mind
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Mike the Knife
I don't think it's the 'easy way out' for Thiago to bolt to United...The player has quality and deserves better minutes & treatment than he's gotten, pain in the ass for a father/agent or not...Some of us saw the writing on the wall when Cesc was pursued and fast forward 2 seasons later and his minutes have only decreased...Kid is ambitious, not sure why that should be rubbished

For me, this is on the club should he leave...all very preventable...However, I don't think starting for United or City will ever get him to dislodge anyone in the midfield rotation for Del Bosque ahead of WC14


New member
All this bickering about who's fault it'll be if he leaves... He's had minutes, and barring injury at the start of the season, his clause; whatever it is; wouldn't have been lowered or increased. If he leaves, it's his own choice. Everyone at Barca have already expressed there desire for him to stay at the club. If that's not enough to convince Thiago, then the only person's fault it'll be if he goes will be his own.


New member
Well if he leaves we should add a buyout clause for 30m to his contract so that we can return him home after two seasons.
The club has basically zero bargaining power. However, I read a post (can't find it now, damn), that stated that a the selling club can make the buying club pay the tax, so it could be 18m+ ... if it is a hostile bid. Or they can claim it back if it suits both parties.

Tito is not to blame, you can't give minutes to a player just to prevent a clause being activated. If Thiago was good enough he would have played more, he will be a great player but he is not one yet.
It wouldn't be charity. Thiago has earned the right to play more minutes. The team would not had suffered by his presence for the tail-end of the season.

1. lets wait to see if he does leave.
I read in todays Metro (Is this considered a Rag?), that Thiago said he wants to leave Barca, but no quotes were attributed to him.
So until I see a direct quote of Thiago saying he wants to leave, I refuse to believe it.

Does anyone know when, and who put the release clause in his contract?

Obviously someone at the club, knew about the intricacies of Thiago's contract, and someone wasn't doing their job properly by allowing a scenario where one of our hottest prospects can walk for peanuts, or we wouldn't be in this mess now.:banghead:


Active member
Why would it be Thiago's fault? He's doing this to make himself happy and to advance his career. People can say all they want about him staying and all that gushy stuff, but in the end if their is no end result for Thiago then he will leave as simple as that. I just don't want another potential Cesc drama in a few years.

Management is to blame and as much as I would love Thiago to stay, I guess I betteer start watching Man United next season. good thing NBC sports got the contract rights :thiago:


New member
Isco won the "Golden Boy" award instead of Thiago. Imo this is a joke Isco is more show but Thiago carried the whole game and defined the style. Although he could have scored 4 goals in the finale but gave the one to Isco. With two goals he would have never won this.


Wild Man of Borneo
Isco won the "Golden Boy" award instead of Thiago. Imo this is a joke Isco is more show but Thiago carried the whole game and defined the style. Although he could have scored 4 goals in the finale but gave the one to Isco. With two goals he would have never won this.

They had equally good tournaments. Thiago showed up more in the final, but Isco was more consistent throughout the games and had a heavy influence in the attacking play.


Improvin' Perfection!!
For me, this is on the club should he leave...all very preventable...

The player has quality and deserves better minutes & treatment than he's gotten, pain in the ass for a father/agent or not...Some of us saw the writing on the wall when Cesc was pursued and fast forward 2 seasons later and his minutes have only decreased...Kid is ambitious, not sure why that should be rubbished
Well that is true indeed... The club indeed fucked up the situation of Thiago by signing Fabregas. I was one of the members who did estimate Thiago losing his minutes with the arrival of Cesc.

BUT... Thiago is a professional and should deal his current situation as a professional, shouldn't he? Him going to, say, Utd wouldn't guarantee his playing time either, may be for the first few months yeah but then he would have to be really good to get regular playing-time. And then there's always the problem of getting used to the new system too!! If their older players start the season well then Thiago will again be in the same position, only with an additional pressure of getting used to the new system!!

In my opinion he would be better off fighting for his place against Cesc, because in our system he is already a better player than Cesc and would soon get his due playing-time.


Wild Man of Borneo
He is handling this more professionally than others might. He hasn't harmed the club by saying anything publicly and he has been more focused on the tournament rather than this saga. A lot of this is a product of the press really, can't blame it all on him.


Best midfielder around

Bottom left.

Whether De Gea is trolling or being serious, I love him for it.
I really hope he's not serious, but why would he write "See you in Manchester" just for trolling?


Improvin' Perfection!!
He is handling this more professionally than others might. He hasn't harmed the club by saying anything publicly and he has been more focused on the tournament rather than this saga. A lot of this is a product of the press really, can't blame it all on him.
It would be an unprofessional move on his part if he decides to leave... coz it would be like him taking up an easy move for shorter gains which 'could' fuck him up in future.


New member
I do believe he has a bigger chance playing at WC by staying here than going to Manchester. Look at Mata and Silva for example.

That ball pic though... :(


Wild Man of Borneo
It would be an unprofessional move on his part if he decides to leave... coz it would be like him taking up an easy move for shorter gains which 'could' fuck him up in future.

United is not that bad of a club and being a creative and dominant midfielder, he'll be a central figure for them and a leader. That being said I'd really prefer him to stay because if not, I wasted 100 euros on a Thiago kit for this season :lol:

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