Thiago Translantara


Pep's brother is I believe.

Well, it was his father 2 or 3 years ago because I remember he said something like "Thiago next season will be in the first team" (which when Thiago just like 19 or 20 years old) when he asked about Thiago future. Around when Cesc coming if my memory serve me right :lol:

That means we will lose Rafinha soon too?

I don't know :lol:
But he seems isn't give club a push like he did for Thiago to Rafinha, maybe he clearly think Thiago has a better talent than Rafinha.


High Definition Member
I sometimes wonder.. Are you even a Barca fan? You seem to be a Cesc fanboy and nothing else. :/

Of course I'm a Barca fan. I just defend Cesc against his doubters and point out why they're wrong. I'm also not for keeping Thiago if his attitude is bad. Otherwise he is a perfect player for us in the future.


High Definition Member
Rafinha will probably never be good enough to play for us anyway...Also Thiago should have played ahead of Cesc, not Xavi. Xavi still got game, whereas Cesc was a shadow of his first half of the season self.

It makes sense to play Thiago ahead of Xavi. Firstly because he is the one who'll replace Xavi and also because Xavi was injured. Fabregas only looked poor because he was played out of position, early in the season when he was in midfield he gave crucial goals/assists and great performances. Without him our record best ever start wouldn't have been possible.


Monster Masch
Well, it was his father 2 or 3 years ago because I remember he said something like "Thiago next season will be in the first team" (which when Thiago just like 19 or 20 years old) when he asked about Thiago future. Around when Cesc coming if my memory serve me right.
How did you deduce from that, that his dad is his agent?Of course he's going to know about Thiago's future, he provided the little spermies to make him.


Players come and go, but losing Thiago for only 18m is really unacceptable. Yes, He could be patient, but he probably isn't. He's not a youngster anymore, and he fell short 1000 minutes this season, and maybe he feels Tito doesn't value him. There's also his dad, who surely is playing a big part on this. Xavi almost went away to italy when he was young, his mother didn't let him, when his father wanted this to happen. This time there's no one pressuring for Thiago to stay, but to go.


New member
The board doesn't put it, the player's agent does. They put that in there to ensure either plenty of playing time, or an easy exit.
A player doesn't write his own contact. MGMT were stupid enough too buckle to Thiago's agent and father and not even be savvy enough to realise this would happen if they didn't wise up.

If he really leaves, he's dead to me. I don't care about him anymore.
If he leaves for ManU, I wouldn't want him back either.

Whatever happens with Thiago, it's clear that he and his father are the masters of his destiny.
Expect to see Mazinho to be "picking" the Man Utd team next season.

That means we will lose Rafinha soon too?
Unfortunately we can't chose our parents. Unless the kid has his head screwed on correctly, I expect him to suffer the same fate.

I wouldn't say that Thiago is going ruin his career by going to ManU, but he has a far better chance of fulfilling his potential with us. To make a misguided decision to change club on the off-chance that you can improve your world cup hopes, is just naïve. :shakeshead:


How did you deduce from that, that his dad is his agent?Of course he's going to know about Thiago's future, he provided the little spermies to make him.

Because that time (here I think) i read a quote about like this

"Thiago father and agent when asked about Thiago future "He will be on the first team next season" "

Father and agent I took it he is Thiago agent too which I googled a min ago and it seems right :D


New member
The whole "Thiago is leaving to have a better chance of making the world cup team" is most likely an invention of the tabloids. At the very least, it's speculation.


New member
A player doesn't write his own contact. MGMT were stupid enough too buckle to Thiago's agent and father and not even be savvy enough to realise this would happen if they didn't wise up.

Where did I say that the player writes his own contract? The contract is created by the club and the player's agent. It's a negotiation. The agent will always try to get the highest possible wages, lowest possible buyout clause, etc., while the club will do the opposite, and they'll compromise and eventually reach an agreement. Don't for a second think that they weren't aware what could happen with this 18M clause. Contract negotiations are not a half-an-hour thing. They go on for weeks or months and the contracts are dealt with in detail. The club was obviously OK with this 18 M clause. Nobody forced them to sign it.


New member
The club was obviously OK with this 18 M clause. Nobody forced them to sign it.
That's what I am implying. The club had no obligation to write the 18m release clause in to his contract. The players representatives asked for it and mgmt. foolishly buckled to their pressure, thus creating this whole messy scenario.

You don't put something that significant into a contract and not realize you could be leaving yourselves vulnerable. But I suppose when you have a bunch of retarded chimps running your club, these things happen. :facepalm:

Mr Hulot

New member
It makes sense to play Thiago ahead of Xavi. Firstly because he is the one who'll replace Xavi and also because Xavi was injured. Fabregas only looked poor because he was played out of position, early in the season when he was in midfield he gave crucial goals/assists and great performances. Without him our record best ever start wouldn't have been possible.

First of all, I never doubted Cesc's importance in the first half of the season and this is clearly stated in my post. Secondly, probably you don't remember very well, because Cesc played out of position only after Messi's injury. He was awful when playing as CM as well. He seemed extremely slow, not only in his feet, but in his thought processing as well, his first touch reminded me Arbeloa and it doesn't make a difference if he played as a CM or as a false 9 for these attributes.
We all know here that Cesc can be an amazing player, but he was playing extremely poor, while Thiago was collecting :worthy: left and right. It was an unfair treatment towards Thiago and there were many of us to note it back then.
Everyone that has been a part of a football team, knows that managers have favorite players or some players that get preferential treatment. I am only speculating now, but it is not impossible to think that Thiago maybe felt this way, as he clearly outperformed Cesc, he still could not play his minutes.
And I will say it again, because your Cesc love make you think illogically, Cesc was in better form for the first part of the season and he rightly played. Imagine now, if Thiago played instead of him despite his first half of the season form. I guess Cesc wouldn't be happy either.


New member
How? When the manager is not keen on playing him in useless games even when we have won the title then what do you expect?

Because last year Pep played him in 50 games almost and this year he was injured for 10 weeks so I'm sure he would of got almost the same amount of playing time anyway. If he decides to leave because he has the out clause I lay some blame on him for not being patient and wanting to leave a team where Messi named his son after him :neymar: All jokes aside I love Thiago but will consider him another Cesc if he decides to leave.


Senior Member
its not really a matter of the amount of games he played, so those saying he has played over whatever amount of games his missing the point, Italy more a matter of the amount of trust the manager seems to have in him and given tito's comments to the media and that he couldn't even get in the starting xi when the league was won, tells him it seems that the coach doesn't trust him and no matter how crap certain players are he will not get a look in, i am sure if it were pep are some other manager who showed they had faith in him he would stay even if he plays games.

but when your coach says things like i wasn't aware of the clause and i am glad i didn't because i pick players on merit then you see cesc shitting up the place yet is still getting starts, while you the loyal subject who have been trying down offers to leave since you were 17, waiting on your time and your getting the shitting end if the stick of course your going to consider your options

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