Thiago Translantara



Did not sound like it at all from what Pep said. He will rather play the B- eleven against weaker teams, meaning that Kirchoff will get his chance in CB and Shaqiri etc. I can see Pep playing Thiago as a starter and pissing off the fans and maybe even players but doing his thing.

He had a game plan and he will act according to it.

why would pep piss off the fans by playing thiago if thiago really is as good as some ppl here claim?


We only need one CB who's on a good level with world class potential or who's already world class.

no we dont. pique seriously need competition and puyol can not in any circumstances be trusted with his extensive injury history.


Wild Man of Borneo
Why do people wish him well. I couldn't care less what happens to him now, he's no longer associated with us.

That's like if a parent were to curse their child the moment they turned 18 and left home. Not being at the club anymore doesn't mean they're automatically the enemy, people who are hating Thiago and Pep for that reason have little sense.


New member
why would pep piss off the fans by playing thiago if thiago really is as good as some ppl here claim?

Because the players of last season's treble-winning team are saints and have a right, in the fans' eyes, to be starters - from what it looks like, Pep is prepared to rattle around and mess up last season's hierarchy and set-up so I can see 1) fans not being happy about Thiago coming at all and 2) fans being pissed off when a favourite is benched for a newcomer.


High Definition Member
That's like if a parent were to curse their child the moment they turned 18 and left home. Not being at the club anymore doesn't mean they're automatically the enemy, people who are hating Thiago and Pep for that reason have little sense.

Read the second part and you'll get my point.


New member
I didn't know that Thiago was one of the demanding and important players of the Barca-game... Hm, must have missed something then...

Yeah, Thiago is actually a pretty average player. Very limited. I don't see any future ahead of him.


Senior Member
Did not sound like it at all from what Pep said. He will rather play the B- eleven against weaker teams, meaning that Kirchoff will get his chance in CB and Shaqiri etc. I can see Pep playing Thiago as a starter and pissing off the fans and maybe even players but doing his thing.

He had a game plan and he will act according to it.
fans will fuck pep if he plays him and doesn't play the likes of bastien, Muller, Ribery, Robben, Gotze, Kroos, javi martinez


New member
-So...he's "ambitious" enough to demand a starting place at Barca..

-But not ambitious enough to carry the burden of walking into the midfield of the best club in england where he'll undoubtedly be central to everything and pretty much worshipped.

-Instead, he went to a club where he'll be a bit part player just like he was at Barca. Only he's just a muppet that jumps ship at the first sign of "trouble", to where "the grass is greener on the other side".

"Ambitious" coward seems to describe him very well, good riddance.


New member
Yeah, Thiago is actually a pretty average player. Very limited. I don't see any future ahead of him.

Well, you compared yourself to an Arsenal-fan which would imply that for Barca, Iniesta, Messi or Xavi or Alba left - neither of them did, but instead a promising talent. I don't see the comparison with Arsenal at all.


New member
no we dont. pique seriously need competition and puyol can not in any circumstances be trusted with his extensive injury history.

Yes we do. In Ie we have a talented CB in Barça B, covers up the first CB. Then we need another one from outside, who will hopefully be Marquinhos or Silva.


Active member
damn I am so angry and sad and I don´t even know what to think, I now feel you Arsenal fans damn it just damn fucking it :(


So, I would like to share my point of view.

First of all, I don't understand why some of you hate him so much and even insult him like ''burn in hell''. Maybe it's a joke, ok, it's a bit difficult to notice jokes through the internet but IMO it's not fair to treat him like this. I understand his decision. He is 22 years old and wants to play a lot more. Maybe there are several reasons, why he chose Bayern over Barca or Manu. To be honst, I have to admit that Bayern are currently (!) the best team in the world and every player wants to be part in such a team, with Pep as a coach. Pep gave Thiago the opportunity to compete on the highest level and Tito used him not as much as Pep did. We, as fans don't know all the reasons why Thiago left but what it is, I wish him the best for his future and that he becomes an even more great player in Bayern and of course in Spain.

Of course it hurts to lose such an diamond but I think that we can replace him well. I always considered Song as a really good player and IMO now is the time to give him more playing time. He adds a lot in defence and is a consistent player with a great ball control. He and Busquets could be a hell of a team. Further, Sergio and maybe new players like Oliver Torres (next season maybe) could improve our midfield well. I'm convinced that there are many many great midfielders in La Masia.

For some it might be hard to cope with losing Thiago (for me it is) but everyone of us knows Barca. As a fan, as a supporter and as a football fan, I'm sure that we won't lose quality because of Thiago leaving and further I don't see this club's future in danger. La Masia brought us players like Iniesta, Xavi and Busquets and they will bring us more of such players, just trust in our academy.

To cope with this transfer at the moment will be harder but as I said, we have Song, Busquets, Cesc, Xavi, Iniesta and Sergio Roberto. I believe in the managment that they know what they do. Even if I made jokes of Tito and even if some of you might react to this posts with making jokes of Tito, but he took over a club which won nothing the past season and lead this club to a glorious 100 points season. For some of you, it might be irrelevant but as Pep said, it shows that Tito is qualified for this job. Health problems are indeed a serious problem but we don't know how it will be in the coming month.

So to sum up this long text, I think that the loss of Thiago is bad, he would have been our future boss in the midfield but I'm sure that players like Roberto, Song and La Masia products can handle these high expectations well. We have to believe in our managment and see what comes in the future.

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