Thiago Translantara



Because the players of last season's treble-winning team are saints and have a right, in the fans' eyes, to be starters - from what it looks like, Pep is prepared to rattle around and mess up last season's hierarchy and set-up so I can see 1) fans not being happy about Thiago coming at all and 2) fans being pissed off when a favourite is benched for a newcomer.

if thiago is as good as ppl here claim he is, then only retarded fans of bayern will complain when thiago the superman plays.


New member
fans will fuck pep if he plays him and doesn't play the likes of bastien, Muller, Ribery, Robben, Gotze, Kroos, javi martinez

That's what I'm saying ;)

The way I see it, Ribery has his place because he is on the left wing but Schweinsteiger, who is injured anyways, might have to fight with Thiago for his place - Martinez will be put in CB if Pep's comments is to be believed which means that either Dante or Boateng will end up benched.


Senior Member
Has he got an escape clause inserted, just in case pep's fired. :p

Despite preparing for his inevitable departure since weeks, i'd be lying if i said it didn't hurt.

So, GoodBye Thiago. Hope you don't miss Xavi and Puyol's mentorship/support on and off-pitch when things are looking down, and that Bayern fans are forgiving to your blunders.

(some bayern fans believe he is schweiny's long-term replacement, not knowing they've by default got Mazinho in the Thiago deal, who'll most likely be engineering his exit in 2-3 years time, and then we can all laugh at Bayern. :VdB:)


New member
if thiago is as good as ppl here claim he is, then only retarded fans of bayern will complain when thiago the superman plays.

They will object to him because he is replacing one of their beloveds.

Imagine a young coming-upper from Bayern transferring to Barca and immediately taking the place of Iniesta or Xavi beside never having proven himself on a consistent basis... Would you be happy about it in the beginning? ;)


New member
Well, you compared yourself to an Arsenal-fan which would imply that for Barca, Iniesta, Messi or Xavi or Alba left - neither of them did, but instead a promising talent. I don't see the comparison with Arsenal at all.

We're losing one of the BEST prospects in the world. A real prospect, not some overhyped YouTube primadonna. The specifics do not interest me, tbh.


High Definition Member
Still don't get why people wish him well etc. he didn't contribute anything to the club. It's not like David villa leaving where he helped us win leagues and champions leagues and we are happily wishing him on his way.


New member
We're losing one of the BEST prospects in the world. A real prospect, not some overhyped YouTube primadonna. The specifics do not interest me, tbh.

When you make such an incorrect comparison, you should be interested, as you are wrong.


The Messiah
That's like if a parent were to curse their child the moment they turned 18 and left home. Not being at the club anymore doesn't mean they're automatically the enemy, people who are hating Thiago and Pep for that reason have little sense.

Except you were paying your child millions a year.


New member
Did not sound like it at all from what Pep said. He will rather play the B- eleven against weaker teams, meaning that Kirchoff will get his chance in CB and Shaqiri etc. I can see Pep playing Thiago as a starter and pissing off the fans and maybe even players but doing his thing.

He had a game plan and he will act according to it.

It's a pathetic excuse, if everything went perfect for him, he'd get between 40-50 games at Bayern.
Last season he got 36 games here, EVEN after missing 10 plus games, I'm not buying that.


Active member
Still don't get why people wish him well etc. he didn't contribute anything to the club. It's not like David villa leaving where he helped us win leagues and champions leagues and we are happily wishing him on his way.
He never had the chance to do it did he?He wasnt given the chance even when it was a pretty bad season from Xavi knowing his standards.He felt that they dont trust him..and its the right time for him try to get a starting spot.Whats wrong really?


New member
It's a pathetic excuse, if everything went perfect for him, he'd get between 40-50 games at Bayern.
Last season he got 36 games here, EVEN after missing 10 plus games, I'm not buying that.

You apparently did not understand my post it seems.


Senior Member
That's what I'm saying ;)

The way I see it, Ribery has his place because he is on the left wing but Schweinsteiger, who is injured anyways, might have to fight with Thiago for his place - Martinez will be put in CB if Pep's comments is to be believed which means that either Dante or Boateng will end up benched.
are you fucking kidding me??IMO Bastian is the best player of Bayern and the soul of their midfield...If pep benches him for Thiago they will ask for serious troubles..

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