Thiago Translantara


Active member
Well its a hell of a midfield.The best for him is to fight hard for his place rather than just walk in the line up without trying :p,If not talks with will start
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A Barca fan wishing a non-Barca player, better yet, a former Barca player who ditched us to join one of our strongest rivals and competitors well is beyond me. Of course, unless you are a Spain fan.

Because I am a fan of Thiago and I understand his situation. It sort of hurts to look at him, but I know he did it for a good reason. We shall see though.

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Culé de Celestial Empire



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Suits him,but its kinda strange thought seeing him somewhere else cause before all this we all thought he wont leave anytime soon.Well never say never
Thiago on leaving

"I thought about it for a while, I thought about it a lot . I analyzed my last season with Barcelona . As soon as the European was over, Pep called me and I made my decision.
Thiago "

Thiago has recognized that the first contacts came as soon as last season was over.
Pep contacted him but Thiago told him to wait until the European was over. After the European he called him and he accepted.



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So it was a backdoor deal. He never had intentions of going to United he was just using the club to shield his real transfer to Bayern

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Wild Man of Borneo
He clearly was very keen on leaving, it was just a matter of where. Pep's call just happened to be the deciding factor.

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