Thiago Translantara

I'm afraid we won't have a good enough to beat Bayern in C.L of we face them. If somehow Chelsea and Bayern meet, I'm hoping Mourinho can eliminate them. Only Mou could pull this. For the first time ever, I could find myself cheering for Mou.


Culé de Celestial Empire

A typical Barca(esque) pass. Not trying to take away the awesomeness of this pass, but this kind of pass is not uncommon here. Bayern? Not so much.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I'm afraid we won't have a good enough to beat Bayern in C.L of we face them. If somehow Chelsea and Bayern meet, I'm hoping Mourinho can eliminate them. Only Mou could pull this. For the first time ever, I could find myself cheering for Mou.

Same here. I have a feeling that it will be Real Madrid and Bayern facing off in the final, and for the first time in my life I'd be rooting for Real Madrid. Madrid is very capable of beating Bayern.


Flair Trait
Really hard for me to see him play for another club, brings tears to my eyes, he was like my 3rd favorite player after Iniesta and Messi at this club, wish him the best and who knows maybe he'll come back one day :cry:


Wild Man of Borneo
:lol: He had a great game, goes to show that players don't automatically flop the moment they make a move that people don't approve of. More playing time or not, he definitely feels better working under Pep than working under Tito.


New member
:lol: He had a great game, goes to show that players don't automatically flop the moment they make a move that people don't approve of. More playing time or not, he definitely feels better working under Pep than working under Tito.

yes he didn't felt comfortable with tito, and the club knew tito wasn't continuing. Had the club told him that tito isn't continuing before he left, he might have stayed ?

ANyways, the gif, Thats the exactly pass i talked about how he will be used. Sitting deep, almost with the defense line and giving those long killer passes.

Die Bayern

New member
Ah people have posted the gif file way before I even could! :p I was really impressed with him. First game with the team and it looked like he's been here for a few months already. I don't mean to be disrespectful to you guys, please do not shoot me!

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