Thiago Translantara


New member
I understand your points, but still can't agree with you. It's not about moral high ground. He was mishandled by the club management and left. If there's anyone to be mad about, to me it'd be tito, zubi and rosell. I would only be mad at thiago if he had left to rm.



New member
He's young, and mazinho is his father... Xavi almost left Barça for Milan. Took his mother threatening divorce to make him stay. That's one of the reasons I'm not mad at Thiago. He made a career choice. I think he made the wrong one, but that's his problem now.

Yeah, I know the story about Xavi and his mother, but still, Thiago could just as well have taken this an an example for him, seeing how Xavi succeeded and went on to become a Barca legend.
Knowing his history, there's no doubt his damn father had more than a slight say in his son moving to Bayern, but that doesn't really dampen my disappointment.


Senior Member
To me it seems that he would have had much much more playing time than last season seeing that Xavi won't play that much this season. It's not like he is going to be a starter at Bayern. He has tougher competition there rather than what he would have had here. He left because Bayern is the new big thing in Europe. If Real Madrid were as good as Bayern is , it wouldn't have surprised me if he went there.


Improvin' Perfection!!
How on earth was Thiago 'mishandled' by the club?

Thats is just not true at all.
exactly... The club just didn't want to give in to the spoiled brat's 'all me' choices.

I just want people to consider one thing... He feels unwanted every other summer, and he did the same when Pep was still here. So I won't take him saying "Pep respects me" all of a sudden


New member
exactly... The club just didn't want to give in to the spoiled brat's 'all me' choices.

I just want people to consider one thing... He feels unwanted every other summer, and he did the same when Pep was still here. So I won't take him saying "Pep respects me" all of a sudden
ya exactly that's what also i dont like about him.
his father also almost black mailed us to promote him to first team when pep was here.
I think he just played 5% less games than contract so if he really want to stay he could have stayed.
I dont think using this attitude he will be goind to succeed.Additionally his father had bad influence on him.
I remember same thing about givonni dos santos and zahavi like he was not star but his agent made him and left.
I am not saying thiago is not talented but his attitude is problem.Although you cant rule out barca's wrong part also because tito didn't rotate enough.


Wild Man of Borneo
exactly... The club just didn't want to give in to the spoiled brat's 'all me' choices.

I just want people to consider one thing... He feels unwanted every other summer, and he did the same when Pep was still here. So I won't take him saying "Pep respects me" all of a sudden

So the club was right when they barely acknowledged his leaving and were hesitant to give him more playing time despite deserving it, but he's a "spoiled brat" for reciprocating the same attitude towards them... You can't say that the club didn't mishandle him AND he's spoiled at the same time, it's just looking at both sides of the story with different views. You're taking a proud and innocent view of the club yet a mercenary view of Thiago with little logic. I'm not saying Thiago is an angel for what he did, but you can't logically hate him for it using those reasons.


New member
So the club was right when they barely acknowledged his leaving and were hesitant to give him more playing time despite deserving it, but he's a "spoiled brat" for reciprocating the same attitude towards them... You can't say that the club didn't mishandle him AND he's spoiled at the same time, it's just looking at both sides of the story with different views. You're taking a proud and innocent view of the club yet a mercenary view of Thiago with little logic. I'm not saying Thiago is an angel for what he did, but you can't logically hate him for it using those reasons.
you remember he feeled every summer that he need first team then more playing time and he is star.....every summer
club is also at fault i know but he also need to understand he is young player so you cant get gurantee of minutes because he hasn't proved anything yet. manager dont garantee minutes but you earn it.
part of tito's fault also because he hasn't rotated squad but still its not justified how he left.


Wild Man of Borneo
you remember he feeled every summer that he need first team then more playing time and he is star.....every summer
club is also at fault i know but he also need to understand he is young player so you cant get gurantee of minutes because he hasn't proved anything yet. manager dont garantee minutes but you earn it.
part of tito's fault also because he hasn't rotated squad but still its not justified how he left.

He's proven that he can definitely handle more time, and with Xavi aging and not being able to play nearly as much it was a pretty downright obvious thing to tell Thiago that he would get more chances. Don't say he hasn't earned it because that's got no basis (he did earn that much), there is little reason not to give him more games. Start him completely over Xavi? No, he had to do prove more to earn that kind of right. However considering Xavi is 34 and one of the main problems of last season was overplaying and lack of rotation, it's like Tito went out of his way to make sure that Thiago plays less.

He's young, and he's eager. He wasn't asking to have seniority over Xavi or start every single game of the season, I don't know where that spoiled brat bs is coming from? All he wanted was a guarantee that the club/management had his back and that he would be guaranteed more game time the next season. In usual circumstances, that would be the natural and instinctive thing to do even without his asking it. However in an act of blind stubbornness they completely neglected his unsettled behavior and even went against the best interests of the club itself by denying the promise that Thiago was considered important and would play more. Not only did they lose an academy gem, but they went out of their way to voluntarily do something stupid to make him leave when the team would've been in better shape if Thiago was taking on a bigger role.
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Improvin' Perfection!!
@ DonAndres

It was Tito's first season, he was not well and wasn't even here half the time... So I understand if he thought he couldn't take a risk and avoided rotation.

And regarding Tito's talk to Thiago... A manager should never guarantee the playing time to a player, especially if it's a damn youngster. Besides, he almost played his 'minimum number of minutes a season' even though he was out injured for a long period of time!!

And I call him a spoiled brat because he feels the need to improve his contract every two summers and he feels he is not appreciated every summer too... I mean that's the behaviour of a spoiled brat you accept it or not!!


Wild Man of Borneo
@ DonAndres

It was Tito's first season, he was not well and wasn't even here half the time... So I understand if he thought he couldn't take a risk and avoided rotation.

And regarding Tito's talk to Thiago... A manager should never guarantee the playing time to a player, especially if it's a damn youngster. Besides, he almost played his 'minimum number of minutes a season' even though he was out injured for a long period of time!!

And I call him a spoiled brat because he feels the need to improve his contract every two summers and he feels he is not appreciated every summer too... I mean that's the behaviour of a spoiled brat you accept it or not!!

Forget the first season thing, that's not what I was talking about. It's that they refused to rotate in the coming season as well, now what excuse is there for that?

Oh please it's a natural guarantee that he should play more. What reason is there not to play him more? He's not a scrub, you guys act like he scores 2-3 own goals every game. Alexis was in a starting position when he was in a downright shit run of form, Mascherano was a starter when he has scored 5 own goals in the season and made many errors, why is it so hard to guarantee Thiago some more playing time when his biggest flaw is occasionally making an error and getting dispossessed in front of the defense? Tito definitely should've guaranteed him more time, it was in the best interests of the club and the player to do that, so why not? I mean if Messi asks to be guaranteed to play false 9, are you gonna say no out of complete stubbornness?

Wanting appreciation is a characteristic of every player, even Xavi nearly left because of that if it weren't for his mother. Why is it apples and oranges for this situation? If he got the simple "Yeah Thiago, I'm counting on you" from Tito, there would be no problem. I mean Tata Martino has said that he's counting on guys like JDS, Bartra, and Dongou ffs, why couldn't Thiago be shown a little significance from Tito when he's easily a more proven and trustworthy youngster than the others. It's not good management, there is no two ways about that.
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New member
Alexis was in a starting position when he was in a downright shit run of form, Mascherano was a starter when he has scored 5 own goals in the season and made many errors, why is it so hard to guarantee Thiago some more playing time when his biggest flaw is occasionally making an error and getting dispossessed in front of the defense? Tito definitely should've guaranteed him more time, it was in the best interests of the club and the player to do that, so why not?

Alexis was competing with Villa, Pedro and Tello. Masch was competing with Pique and Puyol. Thiago was competing with Xavi, Iniesta and Cesc. When you have much tougher competition, obviously it will be harder for you to get minutes. And no he should not have been guaranteed more time, the club is bigger than any player(well, maybe you could make an exception in the case of Messi) and it's certainly bigger than some youngster that is still proving himself.

In fact you could reasonably argue he got more minutes than he deserved seeing as in the second half of the season he got a similar number of appearances to Iniesta.

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