Are you comparing Barca with a company?
Yes, among other things, football nowadays is a business. But football is not just about career and money. And particularly not with Barca. If you don't understand this, then you must be new to this.
Football is about career and money and particularly with Barca, the club that pays 210M euros per year in salaries(the most from all football clubs) but can't afford to keep Abidal for 2M euros after they promised him a new contract and spent a year talking about values and 'mes que un club'..the same club that changed Unicef with Qatar Airways for money and said that Barca has the same values as QA. The club that had 2 of it's captains blackmailling it for money and that pays 40M euros to the father of a player so they can attract him to Barca. But if you preffer believing that we would still retain Messi or Iniesta or buy Cesc if we would pay them as much as BVB pays their players(68M euros per year), not that you're new to this, but I envy your trust in people.
Who was it that brought another German genius, who is most probably better than Thiago, even before he stepped his foot in there at Bayern?
How come Pep is the one that appreciates him all of a sudden!?
Don't want to burst your bubble here, but Rummenige himself said that Thiago was Pep's 'only request' that they could furfill(Neymar being the other one). Gotze had more to do with the fact that Bayern couldn't stand to see Germany's most promising player at Dortmund than with Pep wanting him.
It's a stupid move on Thiago's part to go to Bayern... That glory hunting batsard couldn't look past them being the best team now. If he couldn't force his place into a team that were shattered 7-0 by that very team, how would he be able to gain it there!?
And then that batsard he has the audacity to blame it all on Tito!!
If you are right, I don't understand why you're spending so much of your energy insulting someone that you know is going to fail. All you have to do is wait and watch him do it. I'm sure it will be more satisfying and rewarding for you than calling him bastard on a forum.
The fact that the club agreed for that stupid clause means that they believed in him... They did always reiterate that he was the future of the team, that they were having huge expectations on him and stuff like that.
They also said that they got 25M euros for someone that wasn't even a starter or that Abidal will have a new contract after he plays one game or that they never made a deal with the Boixos Nois.
Even his NT manager announced that he would prefer him to stay with Barca! If Tito really fcuked him up so bad, why would VDB even bother to make that statement!?
Can't believe you are even asking this question

. Del Bosque didn't even knew that Bayern existed until this year..last year he even preffered to call Javi Garcia or some player from Atletico who's name I forgot instead of Javi Martinez.
I agree that they could have played him in the last two or three matches to reach the threshold... But has it ever occured to you that they probably didn't do it wantedly in order to test his commitment to the club? I will surely not blame them for feeling the need to test him as the kid posed all those tantrums every now and then!!
So they did that on purpose, to test the loyalty of someone in which, according to you, they believed. Makes sense.
I will tell you why I said it's a good riddance... He would surely feel "unappreciated" every other summer anyway. At least we only had to sell a half baked cookie, in future it would have been a hell of a lot more ready one, and it would have been too damn tough to get on with the incident of losing it!! we still have a fully baked cookie in Cesc for when Xavi's knee problems will reappear in January.
So yeah, the hate is justifiable... The club had the best interests for the kid. First of all he made a blunder and then on top of that he blamed the club that they didn't care for him which is totally atrocious
A club that has the best interest at heart for this bastard wouldn't have lied about his clause in the first place and wouldn't have played him like this:
01/06 2013 Barcelona H- Malaga La Liga W 4-1 On 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26/05 2013 Barcelona A- Espanyol La Liga W 0-2 Started 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19/05 2013 Barcelona H- Valladolid La Liga W 2-1 On 63 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
12/05 2013 Barcelona A- Atletico La Liga W 1-2 Unused Substitute
05/05 2013 Barcelona H- Betis La Liga W 4-2 On 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
after the league was won and he need it to play just another game for 60' so that clause would go back to 90M euros. So you can call him glory hunting bastard or whatever you like, but what you can't do is say that the club had his best interest at heart or that is atrocious for him to believe that they didn't care about him. If it would have been true, the club would have protected it's asset, but instead they chose to give 20M euros for reaching 100pts in the league and then boasting about selling a reserve for 25M euros.
So if you want to see it like a soap-opera where Thiago is the villain and the club is the good girl that was cheated, you're free to do it..but the truth is that after watching this movie, the only ones that should feel cheated are the fans who have been lied and manipulated from the beginning. The club is happy with the money that will finally help them buy the CB that they wanted(that is unless other mean clubs don't want to sell) and Thiago is finding out that there can be worse places for him than Barcelona.