Thiago Translantara


Senior Member
funnily enough, he was being loyal to his current employers when that happened. he wants to come and play for us but he doesn't want to fuck over his current club in the process. this does show a lack of burning desire, true, but it also shows that he's not a mercenary who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, regardless of the club he plays for.

if he's this reluctant to fuck over Arsenal, I always wonder why people think he'd be happy to demand to leave Barcelona - his home club remember - if we ever hit upon hard times.

he is not being loyal to his club he just signed a contract when he thought arsenal where going somewhere and like the coward he is, his reluctant to come out a say i want to leave, just like he was a coward about leaving Barca at 16.

Why would he demand to leave barca if we should ever hit hard times?., Seriously Meta, you know better than to write that, he would demand to leave because he had left the club already when it was in hard times and his looking to leave his current club when they have fallen on hard times.

See a pattern. I Do.

I'm saying if Thiago was put in Cesc's situation, he would have walked away. he, right now, is in a much more comfortable situation and is still trying to bend the club over a barrel. if we were a mess this kid would have been long gone. people should think about that before they rip into Cesc for bailing.

now, neither T-Bone or Cesc is the model of loyalty, but it's clear Cesc has more love for this club than Thiago does.

Thiago was put in the same position with a lot better midfielders in front of him, but whether is was of love for the club or confidence in his abilities he stayed FACT,
While Cesc ran as fast as he could to leave what he thought was a sinking ship;FACT, an because he lacked confidence in his ability.

Cesc had shown the he has more love for the club by

1) bailing in our most difficult of times
2) signed a extended contract with arsenal
3) by not being man enough or has enough love for the club to ask to leave arsenal, Luka modric though in the mean time has told spurs he wants to leave
4) has a result of the above, putting the club in a position where it will have to say 45-50 millions euros to get a player back who the trained since he was like 10.

This is the club he loves, the club he wants to pay top dollar break the bank even to get him back, if he loved the club he would an in a transfer request and say its the less i could do for the love a truly love.

While Thiago doesn't love the club because he is at least man enough to say, i don't want to be a success at barca, i want to be a success at football, oleguer was a success at barca for gods sake, Puyol is a success at football.

This kid sure doesn't love the club when compared to cesc.

Cesc left because the club was a mess and he was asked to remain a canterano when there didn't seem much hope for canteranos to succeed.

if Thiago was truly loyal to Barcelona he'd welcome the Cesc talk, because the more brilliant players at the club the better. but if he has been unsettled by it then that shows, as his other statements do, where his loyalty really lies. he's concerned for himself and his career. and I'm sure it'll be a great one - he is a fantastic talent after all.

he was given the odd game here and there in 08/09 and 09/10, and then last season the club promoted him rather than sign a midfielder to add depth. he was given plenty of backing by Pep, as well as his contract guaranteeing his place as a first teamer in 11/12. the club has given him plenty of assurances as to his place in our future plans, and he still makes a point of clarifying that his loyalties lie with himself.

cesc left when the he thought the ship was sinking simple as, don't try and spend it any other way Meta.

why is it that if he truly loved the club he would welcome the arrival of cesc, when he has done his time at the club and just when he thinks rightly or wrongly, i happen to think rightly that its time for his hard work and patience to pay off, certain segments of the club seems obsessed with the return of their prodigal son.

he is simply doing something cesc has never had the spine to do in his entire footballing career, speak whats really on his mean, he is more of a man that cesc had every been and he 4 years his junior, i would rather to put the keys to the midfield in a Man that a coward thats for sure.

Because Xavi,Iniesta or Busquets Aint like that, Humble that are, but men they are as well

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep
Thiago really did sound like Ronaldo :lol:

His attitude towards his game, and now this, his personality definitely isn't Barca but his talent certainly is.


New member
The whole Cesc-is-not-loyal argument makes no sense to me.
Didn't Piques do the same thing? The only difference is that Pique was able to get back earlier then Cesc was.
They both left when Barca was in the shit hole, the only difference is that one is already here, and the other is trying to get back;
if you're going to bash Cesc, then bash Pique.
You should bash neither.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Xavi, Puyol & Valdés were all negotiating contracts.

Xavi, Puyol & Valdés had won multiple leagues and european cups.

Xavi, Puyol & Valdes had proven their loyalty through years of service.

none of the above apply to Thiago.


Only Laporta convinced Puyol to stay at Barcelona. He admitted he was looking elsewhere because he wanted to win. Still, this is football and your career is very short. This whole loyalty shit is nothing but a fantasy for all keyboard warriors. Yes every football fan would feel sad when a player of high caliber leaves their club but I hate it when people ride the high horse and assume that they would do things differently. Everyone goes to where they can make the most of things, look for an opportunity to make a name for themselves.

Can I hate Mata for ditching Madrid? No. Am I upset that he left? I wish he had stayed but alas, he did what is best for him. Look at him now, he is succeeding, whereas had he stayed, he would have not gone anywhere. Some take the risk, and of those, some succeed and some don't. We laugh at those who don't (like Ed with Owen). Some cases are different than others, some are more shocking than others but this is life, and you never know what goes through a player's life.

The whole quote isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, the kid will be more than happy to succeed at Barca, in fact he wishes its with Barcelona. However, what he is saying is that in the grand scheme of things, he is a football player and if need be, he will not stagnate his development for so called loyalty that doesn't exist. People now a days don't even support their country or are loyal to their own country, you expect they are loyal to a football club? Let us not get into lack of loyalty at a personal level.

So you are right, it is sad what he said, but c'est la vie.

he is not being loyal to his club he just signed a contract when he thought arsenal where going somewhere and like the coward he is, his reluctant to come out a say i want to leave, just like he was a coward about leaving Barca at 16.

Why would he demand to leave barca if we should ever hit hard times?., Seriously Meta, you know better than to write that, he would demand to leave because he had left the club already when it was in hard times and his looking to leave his current club when they have fallen on hard times.

See a pattern. I Do.

Thiago was put in the same position with a lot better midfielders in front of him, but whether is was of love for the club or confidence in his abilities he stayed FACT,
While Cesc ran as fast as he could to leave what he thought was a sinking ship;FACT, an because he lacked confidence in his ability.

Cesc had shown the he has more love for the club by

1) bailing in our most difficult of times
2) signed a extended contract with arsenal
3) by not being man enough or has enough love for the club to ask to leave arsenal, Luka modric though in the mean time has told spurs he wants to leave
4) has a result of the above, putting the club in a position where it will have to say 45-50 millions euros to get a player back who the trained since he was like 10.

This is the club he loves, the club he wants to pay top dollar break the bank even to get him back, if he loved the club he would an in a transfer request and say its the less i could do for the love a truly love.

While Thiago doesn't love the club because he is at least man enough to say, i don't want to be a success at barca, i want to be a success at football, oleguer was a success at barca for gods sake, Puyol is a success at football.

This kid sure doesn't love the club when compared to cesc.

cesc left when the he thought the ship was sinking simple as, don't try and spend it any other way Meta.

why is it that if he truly loved the club he would welcome the arrival of cesc, when he has done his time at the club and just when he thinks rightly or wrongly, i happen to think rightly that its time for his hard work and patience to pay off, certain segments of the club seems obsessed with the return of their prodigal son.

he is simply doing something cesc has never had the spine to do in his entire footballing career, speak whats really on his mean, he is more of a man that cesc had every been and he 4 years his junior, i would rather to put the keys to the midfield in a Man that a coward thats for sure.

Because Xavi,Iniesta or Busquets Aint like that, Humble that are, but men they are as well

Exactly who are you and what have you done with your life to judge Cesc?


New member
why is xavi,pique,pedro,villa all talking like we want cesc back home.??? how would thiago feel when all such is going in the press...his own team mates speaking openly for cesc and not thinking how his arrival would affect thiago's growth.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
why is xavi,pique,pedro,villa all talking like we want cesc back home.??? how would thiago feel when all such is going in the press...his own team mates speaking openly for cesc and not thinking how his arrival would affect thiago's growth.

Thing is Thiago shouldn't feel insecure about his position because he is so young and still hasn't earned jack shit besides acknowledgment about his talent. And this is not about his feelings, this is about him securing his future with a high risk comment about a possible move away from the most successful club in recent history.


Improvin' Perfection!!
funnily enough, he was being loyal to his current employers when that happened. he wants to come and play for us but he doesn't want to fuck over his current club in the process. this does show a lack of burning desire, true, but it also shows that he's not a mercenary who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, regardless of the club he plays for.

if he's this reluctant to fuck over Arsenal, I always wonder why people think he'd be happy to demand to leave Barcelona - his home club remember - if we ever hit upon hard times.
He signed on renewal in 2006, when Arsenal were CL finalists. 5 years + an option to extend by a further 3 years
In 2008, remember that is when his favorite player Guardiola returned to Barcelona, he signed a renewal again making his agreement till 2015 on his contract. Now this new renewal not only increased his wages, but compensated the amount for the previous two years.

Not exactly the Totti - esque loyalty there my friend. Once he realised he won't win there, he publicly confirmed he's looking else where!!

If he was so loyal to Barcelona and Arsenal... He would have sweetly refused to sign that extension(which means he would be contracted to Arsenal only till 2011)
But he signed because he was offered a fat pay check... I don't blame him, every footballer does that. We ourselves are paying huge amounts for our home grown players so they don't get their heads turned. But then he comes out every other day to claim his dream, to play for Barca! Now that such a huge disrespect to his present employers!!
We didn't tolerate Yaya & Ibra and shipped them asses off. Now Arsene is being a pussy about it and is not doing it with Fabregas! And the player can't do jack shit about it, him being a captain there and because he so willingly signed on that contract.
He can't fuck Arsenal. I only said he was not loyal to BArcelona... not that he is a criminal and would fuck every body else around him if it means a benefit for him.
the youth in question is clearly interested in himself ahead of the team.
What do you care about it so much!? His attitude doesn't reflect on the pitch anyway! He's a mid fielder and he looks for his team mates all the time to make a pass instead of going solo out dribbling!! That's all is expected of the mid fielders
that's not what I think at all.

if you don't understand what I say, ask for clarification, don't just assume.

I'm saying if Thiago was put in Cesc's situation, he would have walked away. he, right now, is in a much more comfortable situation and is still trying to bend the club over a barrel. if we were a mess this kid would have been long gone. people should think about that before they rip into Cesc for bailing.

now, neither T-Bone or Cesc is the model of loyalty, but it's clear Cesc has more love for this club than Thiago does.

That thing in bold... Tha's not the case is what I tried to explain by that post
Cesc left because the club was a mess and he was asked to remain a canterano when there didn't seem much hope for canteranos to succeed.

if Thiago was truly loyal to Barcelona he'd welcome the Cesc talk, because the more brilliant players at the club the better. but if he has been unsettled by it then that shows, as his other statements do, where his loyalty really lies. he's concerned for himself and his career. and I'm sure it'll be a great one - he is a fantastic talent after all.

he was given the odd game here and there in 08/09 and 09/10, and then last season the club promoted him rather than sign a midfielder to add depth. he was given plenty of backing by Pep, as well as his contract guaranteeing his place as a first teamer in 11/12. the club has given him plenty of assurances as to his place in our future plans, and he still makes a point of clarifying that his loyalties lie with himself.
If that is the only reason he left, one can understand. But I remember a quote where he mentioned he didn't feel important. I'll definitely present the article/video some time.
Let's leave why he left here. He didn't make any effort to return when his hero returned. Only when we started winning left & right has he started putting those pitiable expressions on his face and said he wants to return. THAT'S the reason I don't trust him.

Jeffren said, a while ago, that had we signed Robinho he'd have surely left. We didn't and he is still here. He keeps saying he won't leave, but once we sign a Rossi/Sanchez he'd surely leave. So are we going to say he wasn't loyal!?
I won't for sure. He's been a first team member for 2 seasons, he got his chances and he couldn't make it(His injuries might be the reason that's another issue.)
Even if we did sign Robinho and he left because of that, I wouldn't have said he didn't show loyalty

Now there's only one way Thiago is going to leave this summer... That is if we sign Fabregas. And I'd totally understand his decision. After being in the first team for the entire first half of the season if the signing of Afellay, who's more or less been only used as an attacker, meant Thiago was no longer needed in the first team... He has every reason to believe he won't get chances if Fabregas is signed.
siding with the player ahead of the club? good lord it's Eto'o and Yaya all over again.

I really wonder with some of you people.

I for myself felt Yaya was not treated properly, from an outsider perspective. So I was on Yaya's side. But I didn't go support Manchester City because Yaya plays there! I still & always will support Barcelona.
CLub is always first, but that doesn't mean you don't question things at all. Didn't you question the decision to sell the shirt!? Didn't you question the shady partnership deals with 'Traffic'!?

Having said all that... I really believe that statement is just a carefully planned move in the power-game. He is making sure the club clarifies his position before thinking about signing Cesc. Last time his agent/father tried to involve Pep just put his sorry ass where it ought to be. It's plaayer's turn now. I hope Pep assures him he is really in his plans, which is all the kid wants right now. A feeling that he is being valued!!

I believe Thiago did show his loyalty. When he received the offer from Chelsea at 17, we were not winning. We were in a bad slump and he could have as well taken that offer. As long as he doesn't leave I'd believe he has been loyal, that is unless he leaves even before we signed Fabregas.
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Thiago: "I want to rectify yesterday's statements, I didn't choose the right words." [rac1]
Thiago: "Barça is my home, here I grew up, here I want to triumph. That's my dream. I didn't want to upset the fans." [rac1]

I hope so. those were not the most intelligent choice of words anyway.
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Active member
barca = football
so I dont judge thiago, he said it right after all

Thiago: "Barça is my home, here I grew up, here I want to triumph. That's my dream. I didn't want to upset the fans." [rac1]


Improvin' Perfection!!
Good boy Thiago


Thiago: "Of course it's not pleasant to hear you might be sold, but I don't have any bad words for the club." [rac1]

:lol: He is making himself clear without hurting anyone. Politically correct statement :D

Gives me more evidence that yesterday's statement is really a carefully planned one :p
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Mike the Knife
Thiago: "I want to rectify yesterday's statements, I didn't choose the right words." [rac1]

I knew something was going to be needed from Thiago in response to yesterday's comments...Problem will remain though, I am certain...I love the player & his talent etc. and there's such an awesome atmosphere, it seems, within the clubhouse which makes me wonder whether he represents a potential headache for Pep going forward


Improvin' Perfection!!
I knew something was going to be needed from Thiago in response to yesterday's comments...Problem will remain though, I am certain...I love the player & his talent etc. and there's such an awesome atmosphere, it seems, within the clubhouse which makes me wonder whether he represents a potential headache for Pep going forward

Don't worry about that. Like the first teamers behave like a family, so do the B team players. Remember Thiago's celebration when he scored is first goal? He dedicated that to JDS. A self-centered one doesn't do that


Bomb Dropper
Thiago: "I want to rectify yesterday's statements, I didn't choose the right words." [rac1]
Thiago: "Barça is my home, here I grew up, here I want to triumph. That's my dream. I didn't want to upset the fans." [rac1]

I hope so. those were not the most intelligent choice of words anyway.

atta boy T-Bone.


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