Thiago Translantara


New member
Has it been mentioned that Thiago lost more than 400k followers on Twitter since he joined Bayern? :lol:

I know its not that big of a deal and not many exactly care; I just thought it was funny.

I'm not happy that he left but why's so everyone so butthurt all of a sudden? We knew for a fact he was going to leave anyway. :/
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Active member
Has it been mentioned that Thiago lost more than 400k followers on Twitter since he joined Bayern? :lol:

I know its not that big of a deal and not many exactly care; I just thought it was funny.

I'm not happy that he left but why's so everyone so butthurt all of a sudden? We knew for a fact he was going to leave anyway. :/

Don't worry. If he Preforms he'll gain 400k or more Bayern followers

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Has it been mentioned that Thiago lost more than 400k followers on Twitter since he joined Bayern? :lol:

I know its not that big of a deal and not many exactly care; I just thought it was funny.

I'm not happy that he left but why's so everyone so butthurt all of a sudden? We knew for a fact he was going to leave anyway. :/
Proud to say that I never followed him.... I just never trusted the guy for some reason (not as a player but as a person).
Glad to say that my "feeling" wasn't that far from the truth.


Culé de Celestial Empire


New member
That is not his real facebook page I don't think. I just checked the real one and last post was back in June. There are lots of fakes out there.

OOPS- at closer read I can see that it was a mock page- so sorry- now i see you knew it wasn't real page. I only read his original comment so didn't catch the joke at first.


Guest Was waren die Gründe für den Wechsel nach München?
Thiago: „Nun, zum einen die Historie dieses Klubs, der seit vielen Jahren zu den besten der Welt gehört. Dazu spielt die Mannschaft einen sehr schönen Fußball. Ich glaube auch, dass die Ankunft von Pep Guardiola noch einen zusätzlichen Schub geben wird.“

I try to translate it:

fcbayern: What were your reason for the transfer?
Thiago: First the history of the club which is one of the best clubs in the world for years now. Further, the team plays beautiful football. I think that the arrival of Pep will improve this even more.

------------- Stichpunkt Guardiola. Welche Rolle hat er bei dem Wechsel gespielt?
Thiago: „Wir kennen uns schon eine lange Zeit, er ist ein Trainer, der mir großes Vertrauen schenkt. Ich bin ein großer Fan von seiner Art, Fußball spielen zu lassen. Es gibt nur wenige Trainer auf der Welt, mit seinen Fähigkeiten. Er war sicherlich auch ein wichtiger Grund für mich, nach München zu wechseln.“

fcbayern: Which role did Pep play in this transfer?
Thiago: We know each other for a long time, he is a coach who trusts in me ( :tito: ). I'm a big fan of his style of football. There are only few coaches with his abilities. He was an important reason for me to join Bayern.

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