Thiago Translantara


New member
Sure, it's rather silly and childish to gloat after an alleged bad game, but I still fail to grasp why people shouldn't be allowed to be angry and disappointed with Thiago. Most of us expected him to be Xavi's heir, and when it turned out he didn't have the same loyalty and love for our club (not disregarding the terrible handling by the board and coach, this is still what is ultimately boils down to), it's only natural to react with some degree of spite and loathing.

Sure, I know some of you would rather take the moral high ground, and look at this in all manners of rational ways, but that's the thing, this is football, it's not supposed to be rational or pragmatic. Fuck it, how can you even be a fan of a specific team, if you insist on being rational about it? This is all about emotions, and some of us see Thiago as a villain because he didn't turn out to be what we had hoped. No, it probably isn't entirely fair - or even remotely fair, perhaps - but it's nonetheless still a natural reaction when we're dealing with something as filled with emotions as it's the case with team based sports such as football.
Sure, it's rather silly and childish to gloat after an alleged bad game, but I still fail to grasp why people shouldn't be allowed to be angry and disappointed with Thiago. Most of us expected him to be Xavi's heir, and when it turned out he didn't have the same loyalty and love for our club (not disregarding the terrible handling by the board and coach, this is still what is ultimately boils down to), it's only natural to react with some degree of spite and loathing.

Sure, I know some of you would rather take the moral high road, and look at this in all manners of rational ways, but that's the thing, this is football, it's not supposed to be rational or pragmatic. Fuck it, how can you even be a fan of a specific team, if you insist on being rational about it? This is all about emotions, and some of us see Thiago as a villain because he didn't turn out to be what we had hoped. No, it probably isn't entirely fair - or even remotely fair, perhaps - but it's nonetheless still a natural reaction when we're dealing with something as filled with emotions as it's the case with team based sports such as football.

We United fans went through a kinda similar thing with Pogba last season. At first everyone was furious with him, but as I saw him becoming one of the most promising CMs in a long time, I couldn't hold it against him anymore. I doubt that he'd have that kind of freedom trying to develop at United. Same could apply to Thiago. He would play a game here and there if Xavi needs a rest, but for Bayern he will be one of their main players probably. Simply badly handled from both sides.


New member
Sure, it's rather silly and childish to gloat after an alleged bad game, but I still fail to grasp why people shouldn't be allowed to be angry and disappointed with Thiago. Most of us expected him to be Xavi's heir, and when it turned out he didn't have the same loyalty and love for our club (not disregarding the terrible handling by the board and coach, this is still what is ultimately boils down to), it's only natural to react with some degree of spite and loathing.

Maybe Thiago also saw himself as Xavi's heir..and when he understood that the coach doesn't see him like this and doesn't trust him enough to play him even after the league was won he only acted humanly and decided to leave. So I fail to grasp why you should be allowed to hate or even mock Thiago, but he isn't allowed to do what he feels is best for him.

Sure, I know some of you would rather take the moral high ground, and look at this in all manners of rational ways, but that's the thing, this is football, it's not supposed to be rational or pragmatic. Fuck it, how can you even be a fan of a specific team, if you insist on being rational about it? This is all about emotions, and some of us see Thiago as a villain because he didn't turn out to be what we had hoped. No, it probably isn't entirely fair - or even remotely fair, perhaps - but it's nonetheless still a natural reaction when we're dealing with something as filled with emotions as it's the case with team based sports such as football.

Sorry, but no one is taking the moral high ground here. You can love a person or a player and at the same time try to understand their emotions, their feellings or their needs and know when to let them go.
But I guess in sports is just like in the real life..there are some that after a break-up remain friends, others just don't want to see each other again(kind of what I feel about Thiago right now) and then there are those who laugh when they see that their ex is not doing so well. Though me not liking these last kind of persons it's not in any way's just how I feel.


Sure, it's rather silly and childish to gloat after an alleged bad game, but I still fail to grasp why people shouldn't be allowed to be angry and disappointed with Thiago. Most of us expected him to be Xavi's heir, and when it turned out he didn't have the same loyalty and love for our club (not disregarding the terrible handling by the board and coach, this is still what is ultimately boils down to), it's only natural to react with some degree of spite and loathing.

Sure, I know some of you would rather take the moral high ground, and look at this in all manners of rational ways, but that's the thing, this is football, it's not supposed to be rational or pragmatic. Fuck it, how can you even be a fan of a specific team, if you insist on being rational about it? This is all about emotions, and some of us see Thiago as a villain because he didn't turn out to be what we had hoped. No, it probably isn't entirely fair - or even remotely fair, perhaps - but it's nonetheless still a natural reaction when we're dealing with something as filled with emotions as it's the case with team based sports such as football.

I understand your points, but still can't agree with you. It's not about moral high ground. He was mishandled by the club management and left. If there's anyone to be mad about, to me it'd be tito, zubi and rosell. I would only be mad at thiago if he had left to rm.


Wild Man of Borneo
Bad game against MC?? From my perspective, watching the first half he is miles above most of Bayern players at positioning himself to safely receive the ball as well as seeing the options. He receives the ball with room to move/turn/pass- the other Bayern players let themselves be more closely marked.

Observation: the player who looks the most out of place in Pep's Bayern is Muller. He has never had a great touch, and I can't see him anywhere but as a #9. Not good enough for Pep's midfield. On the other hand, I expect Robben to excel this year under Pep's tactics. A more controlled passing game suits him.

Disagree. I feel like Muller will end up being Pep's attacking version of Busquets, underrated yet extremely intelligent and calculated during a game tactically. Right now the system is very odd for all of the Bayern players who lack the flair and close technical skill to keep up. That's why guys like Thiago, Ribery, Robben, Shaqiri etc. are looking much better than Kroos, Schweinsteiger, Muller, etc. They'll catch up soon and start adapting to the new play while bringing their own qualities into the game, making them perform better and more coherently. Even Busquets took a little while to adjust to the unbelievably slick technical side of the game.

Muller's main attribute is off the ball movement and game intelligence, even if he can't score in a situation he's a player who knows the value of creating chaos in the box and having tricky movement. He'll disrupt defenses and help Bayern greatly in a more indirect way than on the ball players like Ribery or Robben show. In the future he and Gotze could have a great partnership floating between RW and False 9.


Nepali Cule
well i will always be on top of the world everytime he fails. I just cant root him anymore(tbh i havent ever rated him as much as this forum does so i want to be proved right;))


Calma, calma
Muller's crossing is outstanding, same with Lahm. The cross to Mandzukic will (again) be Bayern's most significant attacking weapon. In terms of build up, a long ball to Mandzukic (whose hold up play is great) seems to always lead to Bayern's best attacking moments. Let's see if Gotze can change that. Can't wait for him to return from injury


Active member
Muller's crossing is outstanding, same with Lahm. The cross to Mandzukic will (again) be Bayern's most significant attacking weapon. In terms of build up, a long ball to Mandzukic (whose hold up play is great) seems to always lead to Bayern's best attacking moments. Let's see if Gotze can change that. Can't wait for him to return from injury
Hes already back in training but one part of it,in some days he participate in full training.I see him having big role in build up in attacks,as we saw in Real-Borussia in the Bernabeu they were tottaly different without him,not the same movement upfront,only Reus could bring it well forward.
Sure, it's rather silly and childish to gloat after an alleged bad game, but I still fail to grasp why people shouldn't be allowed to be angry and disappointed with Thiago. Most of us expected him to be Xavi's heir, and when it turned out he didn't have the same loyalty and love for our club (not disregarding the terrible handling by the board and coach, this is still what is ultimately boils down to), it's only natural to react with some degree of spite and loathing.

Thiago should not be the one getting the hate. People are hating on and blaming the wrong people here.

As Flavia said, Tito, Zubi and Rosell are the ones to be pissed at. They're the ones who made him leave, after all.
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Senior Member
Thiago should not be the one getting the hate. People are hating on and blaming the wrong people here.

As Flavia said, Tito, Zubi and Rosell are the ones to be pissed at. They're the ones who made him leave, after all.

No they didnt 'make him leave' he got a lot of minutes last season and probably didnt deserve anymore than he got.

He wanted first team football now and decided to go.

No one force him out the door.


New member
I understand your points, but still can't agree with you. It's not about moral high ground. He was mishandled by the club management and left. If there's anyone to be mad about, to me it'd be tito, zubi and rosell. I would only be mad at thiago if he had left to rm.

I see what you're saying, but had he only had the patience of Iniesta and Xavi, we wouldn't even be having this discussion now. To me, this is clearly a short sighted choice by him, where we values WC14 higher than a very plausible life time career with Barcelona. Hence my disappointment with him.


World Champion
It just dawned to me what a punchable smugface Thiago has. Weird. Never noticed that before in a Barca jersey.


I see what you're saying, but had he only had the patience of Iniesta and Xavi, we wouldn't even be having this discussion now. To me, this is clearly a short sighted choice by him, where we values WC14 higher than a very plausible life time career with Barcelona. Hence my disappointment with him.

He's young, and mazinho is his father... Xavi almost left Barça for Milan. Took his mother threatening divorce to make him stay. That's one of the reasons I'm not mad at Thiago. He made a career choice. I think he made the wrong one, but that's his problem now.

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