Thierry Henry


Mike the Knife
I don't know, maybe since being branded a cheat he has lost his compsure a bit. Seems its the curse of the gillette trio. All left to be exposed is Federer.:evil:

Except Federer is Suisse...Won't find him in the middle of controversy :thumbsup2:


New member
Henry had one moment where he skipped by two players with ease that he looked like highberry Henry, but then he kinda slid and wanked a shot wide

can imgine if Henry at his peak zlatan at his peak and messi of now were all playing? I bet messi feels a bit like he is playign with 2 old men ;)

yeah he thought he was at highbury and then he looked up and saw that the goal is still far from
highbury pitch is way smaller than camp nou.
i was really surprised to see him dribbling past players again.
hopefully ibra watched and learn from the old man
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Anxiously waiting for the next match
arsene is talking about already being in contact with thierry since the draw Henry you better watch what you are saying to him.... i dont trust at all


New member
hopefully pep contacts cesc.
remember what cesc said, all he needed was a phone call from his idol pep.
what better way to exploit cesc


That's why Thierry should be playing on the left and Ibra in the middle

I've been saying to my Cules friends since the start of the season that Henry is best served through the middle. He doesn't have the stamina, pace or strength to play on the flanks and you can see how easily he is tired after just one burst. If he is deployed through the middle, he doesn't have to run as much with the ball and can concentrate on linking up play, providing intelligent movement(something you've lacked in the CF role since Eto'o's departure) and a constant occupier of the CB's. As opposed to Ibra who likes to drop off, therefore not occupying the CB's as much which allows them more time to think and defend.


Henry doing magical things:


Henry flying around:


Henry on drugs:


All on drugs?



Staff member
Nice pics Titi.. Probably his last season here. Did you guys notice how much happier he looks in Barca than in Arsenal? So much more smiles...
Hope he turns up his form for the last few months and leaves on a high.


Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
I'm sad for him. He didn't want a draw with Arsenal. But he is a profesional, he will play well.


Arsenal respect him alot, I doubt the WC incident will affect his standing with the fans, maybe the irish arsenal fans will think different.

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